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•••Cane News••
I apologize for not updating the site in a while however I've been pretty busy and things have been pretty chaotic recently. First of all we have acquired a few new members who are active in wgtour among others including: WitheredCane, BuGgyCane, Pr0Cane and there may be a few unaccounted for still. For now withered and pr0 will be added since they've been around most often to my knowledge. Also few members have left including SpinCane and NewbieCane. With the changes in the members, maybe we can now focus on actually playing the game and having fun instead of sitting around the channel and abusing b.net and fighting about silly clan stuff and trading. I hope many of you are beginning to realize just as I have that b.net ladder is pointless and start playing wgtour...where the real competition is.
That's about it for now...also please contact me if you're missing any of your medals etc. or if I haven't updated anything specific that you asked me to...if I have forgotten that is.
DoomCane and GhostCane have signed up for the wgtour and will represent Cane in the 1v1 and 2v2 ladder. If more Cane's sign up we can create an entire team and play other clans. You can register for the wgtour only once at www.wgtour.com under broodwar. I encourage you to do so. The games are played in the European realm...read more about it on their website, it's all explained there.

SPiNCaNe becomes our highest rated player, passing ghost for the top spot! =D
ChiLLiDCane has changed his Cane name to SPiNCaNE.
Lots of news to report...

IVIasterCane has returned to Cane after a very long absence and has been accepted back in the Clan. l3boyCane has also returned after a 2 month absence due to his personal life.

l(nightCane, VexCane, and EliteCane have been removed from the clan due to no change in their record and because we haven't heard from them since they were recruited.

D)s-Virusy has been accepted into Cane as ChillidCane. He has hung with us for a while and will be a great addition to Cane especially with his activity in ladder.

NewbieCane's aquaintance known as Slaughter (a player of many akas) has been accepted as a member as well but we are awaiting his notice of commitment to Cane.

Also, we held our first FFA tourny since the commencement of the 1v1 tourney (which is sort of on hold at the moment). DoomCane ended up victorious.
With new fame come new foes...our channel has been spammed numerous times today...but thanks to ChiLLiDCane's bot, we can avoid those 24/7. The reason for the spamming is because some idiots are mad they got jipped from an account and are accusing our members of doing so.

Cane seems to be bigger than ever and our channel has become sort of chaotic with the addition of a few members that are quite popular on b.net and attract quite a crowd. But this is a good sign, we can attract more people this way including some potential members or traders.

(0)zorCane is leaving us today for his vacation to Europe...he'll be away for 2 months. Hope you have a good trip zor!

GhostCane reaches 2000 in ladder...way to advertise the clan =D

I'm a bit late in reporting that Drug, C(r)azy, and Ghost are finally unmuted so their chatting privelages have been restored.

Also some of you requested that we change the clan channel to: "Clan Cane" instead of Clan CaneClan. The reason for creating that channel was because the account "Cane" was taken...but now since we have it, I don't see a reason why we shouldn't change to a simpler channel. However, we have given the account to Newbie...so in order to change the channel, he'll have to be generous enough to allow InSaNe, (0)zor, and myself use the account for channel operation when needed, but only Newbie will be able to use the account in games.
DrugCoCane, GhostCane and in effect, C(r)azyC(a)ne have been muted by blizzard for complicated reasons. We'll have to correspond with them by making games and using the game chat until their problems are resolved.
CrackaCane has set up a few games for us against clan scvz, the following is written in the forum but in case you people are too lazy to check it out...
"Sup all its CracKa. I'm just writin to let everyone know that sometime this coming Sat. there will be some meleeing between clan ScvZ and Cane. Since I am a fellow friend of clan ScvZ a member asked me about what our clan does...Since we are mainly a melee clan some of their better members want to play us this weekend. All I know is that there will be a 3v3 played and anything else we feel like. All Cane members (are) welcome so lets show them what were all about CracKa out.

P.S. Contact Scv_warlord, Scv_9wolf9, myself, or visit their channel for details. Clan Scvz-fb
I'm happy to say that there has been lots of active members recently. Check the ranks page for latest promotions...I tried to fullfil all those that have been requested. Besides that there's no further news.
We have a new bot in the channel thanks to (0)zorCane...it is much more advanced than the last one.
Also (0)zorCane has added Wu-TaMp0N as an allie of the clan.
It's been almost a month since this website was last updated and much has gone on since then:

VexCane has been removed from the clan and two new members, DarkCane and EliteCane, have been added...but since they haven't been very active recently, they will be given a temporary status for the time being.

We have our first clan allies thanks to GhostCane. They are called "Gun" clan led by GuN-GhOsT.

SleepeeCane has changed his name to BlazerCane.

Other than that...there haven't been many active players.
Two new members added to the clan: VexCane and l(nightCane.
The 1vs1 tournament has begun and lots of games have been played already. Make sure to post every game in the forum and save replays. If there is a dispute but no replay to back it up...the game won't count. Check the Tournament page to keep up to date with the standings.

We have a new member: SLeePeeCane. He has been added to the site and will be given an initial rank of Private.
The 1vs1 Tourny will begin as soon as we have at least 10 players...don't forget to sign up or declare your participation to a leader.

We have a new trial member (SleepeeCane) who will be considered as a Recruit for the time being.
The following are the victors of the past three tournaments held over this past week: InsaneCane, CrackaCane, and DoomCane.

I've decided to include a new rank to the ranking system,which will be updated in rules shortly. This will be the rank of "Recruit". This will be a trial rank for new recruits. This means that all new recruits will be automatically given this rank until they will be accepted in the clan. I've implemented this because we've had many people who wanted to join but disappear the next week or so.

GhostCane is the first Cane member to get 1000 wins!!! He will be awarded a medal for this achievement.

Since the 2v2 tournament has turned out to be such a disappointment and some of you are getting sick of the ffa tournaments, I've decided to start the second Cane 1v1 Tournament. Those who want to participate shall sign up in the forum and the rules and system of the tourny will also be specified there.

AlienCane has changed his name to EvilCane...so there won't be any confusion.

Finally, I added a new poll to the site. It's a little shitty, but it's the best I can do before I figure out how to make my own...or maybe I'll keep a hosted poll since it's hard to find time to play around with that stuff. Hope you enjoy it. Also, medals and ranks will be awarded as soon as possible. I have everything noted...I hope you don't think I forgot about anything.
LiQuidCane is the newest member of Cane. There are a few more that may be added shortly, but they will have to stick around a while longer. C(r)azyC(a)ne and GhostCane or whoever has been recruiting like crazy...should take it easy and first inform us about introducing anyone to the clan.
It pains me to acknowledge that CoochieCane has left us again for the navy for at least another 5 months. He will be missed. Also yesterday we held two tournaments with GhostCane being victorious in the first and NewbieCane in the second. Also for the record I did not mention an earlier tournament victory by C(r)azyC(a)ne.
Yesterday DrugCoCane won a 7ffa Cane tournament and will be awarded with a medal. Speaking of medals, there are a few of you that may be missing one or more that I either forgot to post or was not notified of. I will check through every name and make sure everyone has what they deserve. Also about the new ranking system, you can check the rules and read about the new requirements. These are still prone to changes as they will be reviewed.
Many changes have been made to the site recently as you've noticed and most of it is still under construction. There will also be quite a few changes in the ranks because (0)zorCane and I (DoomCane) have found that there are too many people with high ranks, and the lower ranks have no meaning because they are too easy to achieve. So in order to make things more interesting, and allow for more opportunities to earn a medal, we've decided to intensify the requirements for each rank and add a few ranks including Colonel and maybe others. Don't worry, no one will lose any medals. The only difference will be your rank title.

Also, here's a screenshot I found at StarCraft-2.com. I guess this is what a tank would look like in a 3-D engine if blizzard were to release starcraft-2.
SC2 tank
I am currently in the process of updating all the pages. At this stage, the site is about 10% complete. Please be patient about some of the updates including the ranks, medals, members, profiles, etc. Also you may notice that some of the links don't work yet and that there are quite a few errors. I hope everything will be done in about a week and everything should work fine. Besides the new site, we also have quite a few members. I've lost track of them all, but as long as they return to the channel and when I get the members stuff on the site completed, I'll be able to add them.
See old news here.

Last updated: 05/23/03
Copyright 2003 © Cane
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