
Check out the slightly new look to the site here. Tell me if you like it or not or if it's okay but needs to be changed a little. If I don't get any response, I'll just leave the site the way it is. Personally, I think it's very dull. Also I'm planning to boot all the members that haven't been active for the past few months and reduce the clan's size until we get active replacements.
Not much in the news lately besides that we have new enemies (look under enemies), two new members (Crazy_Cane and Davrrek[Cane]) and CoochieCane has returned, but he's hooked on a different game.
(0)zorCane will be away for two months. He'll be back August 8th from his vacation in Europe.
I'm sorry to report that CoeCane has decided to leave the clan. All evidence of him being in the clan will remain on the site and he'll still be considered a member in case he ever gets a chance to get on and play with us. Also we have a new member: IamCane.
The ranking system has been improved. There are two new ranks: Corporal (replacing Sergeant), and Major. The rank of Sergeant has been moved up with new requirements. Also requirements have been changed for Admiral, General, and Captain. I felt that we needed a few more ranks to create more opportunites for members.
It looks like a bot has been introduced to the clan which will give us more control over our channel which will have to be moved. Look at the forum posting by (0)zorCane to choose a new channel name. Once we agree on a channel, I'll post the new name so no one will be left out. Also I added a few new rules concerning tournaments and I've modified the "tournament" page with respect to the change to make that page more useful.
Today is the deadline for those who have temporarily left Cane or have not been on in a while to notify me that they wish to stay in Cane. Only SlayerCane and FuriousCane have not contacted me...therefore, they will be removed from the Clan. It's also worth mentioning that today, exactly eight months ago, Cane was created :)
Well, I'm glad to say that things have been getting back to normal. The only people I didn't hear from yet are DrugCoCane and SlayerCane. I hope they're still with us. Anyway, we are pretty active again and things are looking good. We got a new recruit today: BiggDaddyCane and a few hopefuls. In other news, I will be gone until Sunday night. I'll be away in Canada, and I don't know if I'll be on much during that week before Friday. It'll depend on how busy I am with school. Also, (0)zorCane is leaving for three days to South Carolina. During my absence, BattleCane (as Co-Leader) will take over the clan since CoeCane hasn't been on in a while.
It is on this unfitting day, April fools day, that I announce that this clan is falling appart (No joke). This is entirely my fault for it seems that I have been the one keeping this clan together, but with my approximate two month absence, evidently many loyal members have decided to hop on the bandwagon of desertion. BattleCane, CrackaCane, CoochieCane, DrugCoCane, and MurderCane among others have joined clan D)B (Demonic Brood) or have not been very active recently. I don't blame them because I haven't been online in a while, and battle informs me that they mean to be in both clans. So I have decided to start restructuring a little bit to keep this clan alive. Since BattleCane is our most active player, I will promote him to the new rank of Co-Leader (see Rules* for details). So there will be someone in charge online more often. Finally, I am going to have to start recruiting more people, until I find enough to replace those who have left. So I'm giving those who have not been on in a while or those who left for D)B an ultimatum. If the following people don't notify me that they wish to remain in this clan within the next week (deadline: 04/08/02), they will be removed from the clan: SlayerCane, DrugCoCane, FuriousCane, CoochieCane, MurderCane, and CrackaCane. In related news, (0)zorCane has requested the addition of a few new ranks including that of Colonel, and Major. These ranks will be added in the near future as the plan to recruit and expand goes well.
It seems that CoeCane has arranged for us a battle with clan {TUC}. So far the agreement is that there will be a tournament in March however the exact time, type of tournament, and what players are going to be involved is still a bit ambiguous and yet to be decided upon.
The site is all updated now...however some tournament replays don't work so they won't be available.
New Members Recruited: CracKaCane, SlayerCane, and HunterCane. Also, CracKaCane wins 01-12-02 tournament and is promoted to Officer.
CoochieCane is leaving the clan. He'll be away at school for six months. Updates on the site will be slow for the next few weeks; I'm going to be really busy in school due to final exams. I'll try my best to keep the site updated, but don't expect any big changes during the next few weeks.
CoeCane is finally victorious in the second 12-30-01 tournament earning his first long awaited tournament medal.
Two more tournaments have been held over the past two days with both DoomCane and CoochieCane coming out on top. We can safely call this week "Tournament Week" because there have been so many. Also, our channel has become quite popular. Lots of people join it that most of us don't know. So please limit the number of people you invite to the channel to only those you know or regularly game with.
MurderCane wins 12-27-01 tournament and FantomCane wins 12-28-01 tournament.
New member recruited: IVIasterCane
BattleCane becomes the first Cane member to reach the goal of 100 wins!
The second clan tournament was held today with DoomCane coming out victorious. Replay available.
CarnageCane has left the clan temporarily.
ViperCane and CobraCane have been booted out of Cane and all evidence of them existing in the clan will eventually be earased. The reasons for their leave is explained in the forum. Also we may have new enemies: Clan TC. But I don't know much about them besides that they really suck. Due to the situation, the second tournament will be earased from the record.
New members recruited: BroodCane and FuriousCane
There is new rule about recruiting due to the number of new members that were simultaniously recruited...look under "Rules" to learn about it.
Three new members recruited: ViperCane, CobraCane, and DrugCoCane. This clan is finally expanding and getting much better. In other news...CLAN_LESS (formerly pimpwita_cane) challenges DoomCane and CoochieCane only to get his ass kicked in two games (1 game replay available).
New member recruited: CoochieCane.
pimpwita_cane is booted out of Cane and all evidence of him existing in the clan will eventually be earased.
Special rank of "recruiter" given to BattleCane and taken away from FantomCane. Also MurderCane is our new General after meeting the requirements for the rank.
The rank of Admiral is added to the ranking system...look in "Rules" to learn how to achieve the rank. Also, the ways to achieve some ranks have been changed, however it will have no effect on the current ranks of any members.
The first clan tournament was held today with (0)zorCane coming out as the champion.
Sorry for the lack of updates on the site. I have been very busy lately. I should start adding things and updating the site more this coming weekend and thanksgiving weekend. So be patient about updates in replays or screenshots or anything else.
We have two new members in the clan; BattleCane and MurderCane.
Awards are now available. Members will now be able to earn medals.
I'm in the process of figuring a system of awards to indicate which players are good with which races or something like that. Members will be awarded with medals and will have medals by their names to indicate the awards they have earned displaying the amount of skill the player has (i.e. medal for mastering the zerg race).
I am making a new section that will feature interesting screen shots of games or screen shots of stats of good games. So make screen shots of games and send them to me and I'll put them on the site. Also I added an "instant news." Anything important or recent will be featured on it. It is located on the main page.
Replays are finally up. Games played will be available to download. I will try to put up games of significance like tournaments or examples of strategies. But mostly any good or interesting games that have been played will be available to download. So send in any good games that you've played...I'll put 'em on there.
We have new allies; clan "WoC". The Wizards of Craft.
(0)zorCane is promoted to the rank of Captain.
fantomcane is given the special rank of Cane clan's official recruiter. He accepts the responsibilty of recruiting new members.
I added a forum to the website so members or visitors can post anything they want on the site...that's if I approve of it of course. Whatever you put on there will be displayed for everyone to read and respond to. You have to get an account from the forum host to use it. It only takes a few minutes to do that. I hope this will make the site a little more interesting.
fantomcane is promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. He has successfully beaten 3 comps by himself which is the requirement to achieve the rank.
I'm in the process of adding links to the site. These might include links to an allies website, starcraft links, or other websites of interest.
fantomcane requests addition to enemies list. The name of the enemy is zodiax. Reason for enemy status: bs'd fantomcane.
New site posted.
New Cane site created. I finally decided to redo the site and make it look more professional since the old one looked like crap. You can visit it here and see it yourself. I got rid of the ugly frames and changed a few other things. However I kept most of the stuff that was on the old site. I'm pleased the way it's looking so far but I don't have much to put on's sort of empty right now. The only thing we need now is a few more members.
Cane Clan is created by CoeCane and DoomCane.
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