Dormar and Syrelea are ambassadors from the Council of Wyrms.  Dormar is a Red Dragon in human form and Syrelea is a Gold Dragon in human guise.  They wander Waterdeep and Skullport acting on their own agendas, often thwarting one another's plans.  They have had little direct interaction with the Explorer's Guild, but their presence is always felt.  Little is known about why the Council felt that it needed representatives in Waterdeep, but everyone is quite sure that their intentions will become clear very soon.
Dormar Skyslayer, Red Dragon
Syrelea Fireborn, Gold Dragon
The Master of Keys is a Beguiler freed by the party while exploring a Netherese City site.  Held in Captivity for more than 10,000 years, Master of Keys had little else to do but study arcane lore.  He is now an invaluable resource to the party, often able to provide obscure information and learning to mix a really good martini.
Basic Stats:  Beguiler; Neuter Gender; LN; 13 Sage/ 2 Loremaster
Marduke is a wandering Chordri.  Chordri are planar travellers who seek only new knowledge and experience.  Although generally neutral in alignment, Marduke seems to have taken a liking to or at least amusement at the party.  He is known to appear when called upon and even provide information from time to time.  At this point, Marduke has mainfested at least four different magical abilities and spoken more than a dozen languages fluently.  Why and how he chose to remain with this party is anyone's guess. 
Basic Stats: Chordri; Male; LN; 10 Outsider/ 10 Horizon Walker
Stats are unknown.
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Serlina Brightlance is the Head Librarian of the City of Waterdeep.  She controls the flow of knowledge and information through the city, as well as keeps the secrets of Waterdeep tightly locked away.  Recently, Serlina was killed and her body possessed by a malign extraplanar entity.  A group from the Explorer's Guild managed to destroy the creature and one odd little goblin recalled Serlina's spirt back into her body.  Serlina is once again the Head Mistress of the great tome repository.  She is not above going out on a limb to get important information, even if that means resorting to the black markets of Skullport.  Serlina is fearless in her pursuits and does whatever it takes to attain her goals.  Currently, Serlina has been traveling between the library at Suzail and Waterdeep.  It is rumored that she has struck up a pact between the two instutions and has been fleshing out the details with the Cormyran Government.
Basic Stats:  High Elf; Female; LN; 10 Wizard/5 Loremaster/1 Archmage
The Wanderer is an extraplanar creature of great power and immense knowledge.  Formerly a General in the Blood War, The Wanderer got bored with using his power to simply strike down foes and then move on to the next battle.  One day, he simply packed his bags, gathered his loyal retainers, and left.  No one on either side knew what to do.  Technically, The Wanderer is a deserter from his ranks, but due to his power and prestige no bounty has ever been placed on his head.  It is unknown where he lives or what he does with most of his time, but he has taken a liking to a small group of adventurers in Waterdeep.  He seems to pop up and assist them from time to time for no apparent reason and with no goal of his own that anyone can figure out.  Perhaps The Wanderer enjoys the idea of using his powers to assist others for a change, or perhaps he just likes pissing off the powers in Faerun.  Regardless, the Wander seems to show no signs of leaving Faerun any time soon.
Basic Stats:  Demon; Male; LN?; 27 Outsider/8 Horizon Walker/Archmage 5
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