Seplechur is one of the formost experts on the construction of golems in all the realms.  Her work has graced castles and even the giant iron golems of Waterdeep's harbor are her creation.  Few know her by name and even fewer know her by sight, yet many have witnessed the power of her creations or seem them in action.  It is possible that Seplechur is over 5000 years old, as her appearances on the coast date back that far.  In truth, no one knows if  "Seplechur" is a name or a title.
To further confound researchers,  ancient records speak of an order of Golem Makers from the Netherese Days of Faerun called "The Purveyors of Life" who had a leader named Seplechur.  If this is the same person, it would place her age at several millenia.  Whether or not this individual is the original Seplechur or something else, she has appeared many times in Waterdeep and Skullport recently.  No one knows what her plans or goal are, but everyone seems to step out of her way as she passes by.
Basic Stats:  Human(?); female, LN; No other information is known
A work in Progress!
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