Biker Mice from Mars Room
Jo Ann/Starblade

Started on: 06/16/2005 *~*~* Updated on 05/09/2006

You open a door, and immediantly, you see that you are in a motorcyle garage. Working on the motorcycles there is one human female, and several large, humanoid mice. With antenas. (The mice, not the human...) At least five male mice and two female mice are there. They turn toward you when you enter.

"Hi," says a white-fured female mouse, who is the first to speak. "Welcome to the Last Chance Garage. Actually, our friend, Charley Davidson, owns the place; we just hang out here." She cocks her thumb back at the human female, who just smiles and continues working on the motorcycle she's repairing...or modifying. With this group, you never can tell...

"My name is Starblade, by-the-way," she continues. "I used to be an Earth girl, until I got ahold of a mystical Martian gemstone that held the soul of a great Martian heroine. Now, her soul is in me, and she sometimes gives me advice.

Sometimes... a voice from out of Starblade says.

"That would be her..." Starblade tells you. "Her name is also 'Starblade'. You don't want to cross her. When she takes over my body, things happen."

"As I am an Earth girl by birth, I do not know Martian ways. The Biker Mice serve as my teachers. Throttle has become my guy..." ::blushes::

I know this page is a little lacking --Jo actually had a page to the Biker Mice a year or so back, but took it down for some reason. Well, it's back. Sorta. No Bike Mice info (the links below can provide that...), but some other stuff.

Martian Mouse Generation: Want to create a Mouse character, but don't know where to start? Here's something that might help.

(Note: I'm reworking the Starblade character a little bitty bit. Just a little...)

Furcadia Images of the guys. For more on Furcadia, go here: Furcadia Room. These are as close as I can get to the Biker Mice in Furcadia:
Starblade in FurcadiaThrottle in FurcadiaModo in FurcadiaVinnie in Furcadia

More detailed discriptions could be added in the Character Discription box.

Throttle SpriteModo SpriteVinnie Sprite
Biker Mice From Mars Sprites by Toonqueen. Click on one of them to go to her sprites page.
Throttle SpriteAnimated Throttle SpriteStoker Sprite Modo Sprite Animated Modo Sprite
Biker Mice Sprites from Virago. Click on one of them to go to her page.

Biker Mice Links:
Biker Mice from Mars Blog: My new BLOG!
Unofficial Biker Mice from Mars Fan Club
from Mars: A Biker Mice Webpage
Alternative Biker Mice Site
Red Planet. A Biker Mice from Mars eZboard. Discontinued. Go to the other link marked "Red Planet". I'll keep this one for awhile, until I'm sure the other one is closed.
Red Planet. The NEW Biker Mice from Mars messageboard. Go here first.
Biker Mice from Mars CD: Hear the music from the Biker Mice from Mars CD, as MP3s.
Shadow Rider's Biker Mice Pages.

More shall come...Until then...


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