KiSS Room
Jo Ann Montgomery

Started: 06/23/2000 Updated: 03/23/2001

KiSS -- Kisekae Set System-- is paper dolls for your computer. The system can also be used for making jigsaw puzzles and other things, but the dolls are the most popular, and that's where the system gets it's name. It comes from the Japanese term kisekae ningyou, meaning to play dress-up with dolls.

It's easy, fun, and FREE!!!.

UPDATE: Due to financial difficulties, Otaku World no longer offers free downloads, except for the players and other software needed to use the games. There is now a new subscribtion service in effect. If you're lucky, you might be able to get the new KiSS dolls for free.

It was fun while it lasted...

You will need two pieces of software to play with KiSS Dolls:

  1. A program that unzips compressed files, such as WinZip.
  2. A KiSS Veiwer. For Windows 95/98, I suggest PlayFKiSS, which you can get at The Big KISS Page at Otaku World! Anime and Manga.

FKiSS stands for French KiSS, which means there are special effects, like movement or sound. FKiSS is supported by most veiwers. FKiSS2 and FKiSS 3 are even more advanced than FKiSS, but are not supported by most veiwers.

CKiSS, or Cherry KiSS, are 24 bit color enhanced dolls. Not all viewers support CKiSS.

Enhanced Palette allows dolls to use multiple 256-color palettes. VERY experimental. Upload with caution.

Some of my favorites (All from Otaku World!):

  1. 10scouts. All ten of the Sailor Scouts from Sailor Moon. Choose Seprate or Together when you want to play. Rated PG-13 for underwear that can be unfixed and removed. (Make sure your kids don't know about the "Unfix" feature.)
  2. cleodoll. Cleopatra. A nice little Egyptian doll. Rated PG for non-removeable underwear and the arms covering her breasts
  3. dblmoon. Choose between Sailor Moon (Serena/Usagi) or Sailor Chibi/Mini Moon (Rini). Rated G for non-removeable underwear.
  4. dot. Dot Matrix from ReBoot. Rated PG for non-sexual nudity. (Meaning, she's nude, but it's non-offensive nudity.)
  5. jem. Jem/Jerrica. Press the "Jem" logo to change back and fourth between Jem and Jerrica. Rated PG for non-sexual nudity.
  6. megamana. Mega Man and Protoman as drawn by Mandi Paugh, the author of the Mega Man book series. (See The Mega Man Room for a link to her site.) There are buttons which control the helmets, so you can put the helmets on and take them off as much as you like. Rated G for non-removeable underwear.
  7. neferkis. Neferteti. Simular to the Cleodoll. Choose between regualar or teachtoy. Teachtoy has little pieces of information when you click on certain pieces, like the sarcophagus, the crook and flair secpters, or the littl dolls. Rated PG, for the same reasons as the Cleodoll.
  8. scoutmkr. Scout Maker. Change hairstyle, hair color, bow color, skirt color, shoe style and shoe color, and make your own Sailor Scout. Rated G, for no nudity at all. Nothing is removeable.
  9. she-ra1. She-Ra from the Masters of the Universe. Can be made into Glimmer, Adora, Angelica, Frosta, Catra, Scorpia, or Mix and Match. Rated PG for non-removeable underwear.

There are lots of KiSS dolls, just at The Big KISS Page. They are arranged like this: Original Title: [A-F] [G-M] [N-R] [S-Z] [index], English Title: [A-F] [G-M] [N-R] [S-Z] [index], [Miscellaneous], [Original Character], Artists: [A-F] [G-M] [N-R] [S-Z] [index], [Filename], [FKiSS], [CKiSS], [Enhanced Palette], [Adult], [Editor's Choice], [Weekly Top 20], [Popularity], [Time], and [Newest].

Original Title: Most of these are of Japanese Anime and Manga. The orgianal title is the one by which they are known in Japan, i.e., Rockman (Mega Man) or Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (Sailor Moon).

English Title: Refers to the English title of the Japanese titles.

Miscellaneous: Special dolls that don't fit anywhere else, such a seasonal dolls. Literature, TV, Movies, Video Games, Toys, Historical, Mythology, Furries, Real People, Photographic KiSS, Classic Paper Dolls, Various, Obscure Non-Japanese Stuff, and Miscellaneous.

Original Character: Artist-created characters. May or may not be based on an established fictional universe.

Artists: Search by your favorite artist.

Filename: Search by filename.

FKiSS: Search the French KiSS files only.

CKiSS: Search the Cherry KiSS files only.

Enhanced Palette: Search the Enhanced Palette files only.

Adult: Search the Adult files. WARNING! The dolls in the Adult section are NOT suitible for children. Under 18? Stay OUT of this section.

Editor's Choice: Editor's picks. Marked with a little sailor top with paper doll tabs.

Weekly Top 20: The top 20 KiSS dolls at the site.

Popularity: The most popular dolls at the site.

Time: Doll files arranged in the order in which they appeared at The Big KiSS Page.

Newest: The newest dolls on The Big KiSS Page, added in the last 14 days.

Want to make your own KiSS dolls? You'll need a little more software. The Big KiSS Page also has a section on Tutorials and KiSS-Making Tools. For Windows 95 users, I recomend Klavdij Voncina's KiSS Cel Workshop v2.0, available at The Big KiSS Page.

Will I make KiSS dolls myself? I'm going to try! ^_^


Otaku World! Anime and Manga: For the Anime fan.The Big KISS Page at Otaku World!
The KISS Doll Webring: More KiSS Doll sites.
Zorro's FKISS Doll Tutorial: KiSS Doll making in plain English.

Please keep in mind that a lot of the KiSS dolls may have removeable underwear, whether or not they are Adult. Best thing to do is to temporarily download a questionable doll, and see if the underwear is removable by unfixing it. There is a Fix Value on each piece, 0 meaning "unfixed". Another number means the number of times you have to click on it to remove that piece of clothing. A Fix Value of 10 means you have to click on the piece of clothing 10 times before you can remove it. If you have a fix number up in the 100's or even 1000's, right-click with your mouse, and a menu will pop up. One of the options is "Unfix". Click it. You will return to the doll. Now, click the clothing and you will either be able to remove it, OR you move the doll, instead, often without the doll's hair. Some dolls will even TELL you that you can't remove their underwear. Dream (Morpheus of the Endless from DC Comics Vertigo series. Also called, "Sandman"), will tell you (in a "dream speech ballon") that, "Those don't come off, so you can stop pulling." Parents are advised to check all the dolls their children want to download, to make sure the doll meets the parents' standards.

KiSS Artists and fans have visited this room since 06/23/2000.

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