Jo Ann

Started on: 09/13/2002 *~*~* Updated on: 03/14/2005

Do you like online quizes? They're fun! I especially like the ones that ask what kind of character you are.

This page is for the results of these quizes. Most of them have links to the pages they're from. Just move your mouse over the pictures or text. These are all direct links. None have been uploaded to my editor.

Amazons Page: You should be able to find a link to a quiz about which Greek goddess you are. The Amazons Page is in the Wonder Woman Room.

Which Sailor Scout are you?

You're not going to believe this next one!

Who's Your DBZ Guy?
Who's Your DBZ Guy?

happy joey
Happy Joey ~ You are a happy, optomistic person!
You tend to be slightly hyper though. Take a
breather now and then...

Which of Joey Wheeler's Emotional States Are You? (with pix)
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You are kurama! you are illtelligent and kind, very
popular and always think B4 you act:)

Who are you in Yu Yu Hakusho?
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Is it me, or is does this match his ego:
Your guy is Peter Pan. He's a bit immature, but
he's still a sweetie.

Your Ideal Disney Guy
brought to you by Quizilla Peter Pan
You are Peter Pan; You don't ever want to grow up, and you want every
day to be a new adventure.

Which Peter Pan Character Are You?
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peter pan
Peter Pan You're quirky and independent

Which Peter Pan no Boken character are you?
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Kougra! You are a... Kougra!
Roar!!! Kougras were discovered in the deep forests of Neopia's Mystery Island. You adore exotic fruits, and you have a really nasty habit of pouncing on unsuspecting passers-by, especially your friends, but they forgive you because deep down, you can be as sweet as a Kacheek. Coconut bowling is your favourite game, and your magnificent paws make for formidable Battledome-weapons!!!
Take the "What Neopet are YOU?"-quiz here!

discover what candy you are @ stvlive.com

Find your Role-Playing Stereotype at mutedfaith.com. [Angel.]

With this one, you get TWO choices...
What Video Game Character Are You? I am Kung Fu Master.I am Kung Fu Master.

I like to be in control of myself. I dislike crowds, especially crowds containing people trying to kill me. Even though I always win, I prefer to avoid fights if possible. What Video Game Character Are You?

What Video Game Character Are You? I am a Gauntlet Adventurer.I am a Gauntlet Adventurer.

I strive to improve my living conditions by hoarding gold, food, and sometimes keys and potions. I love adventure, fighting, and particularly winning - especially when there's a prize at stake. I occasionally get lost inside buildings and can't find the exit. I need food badly. What Video Game Character Are You?

Which HP Kid Are You?

Which PPG are you?

You are the most universal mythical beast ever. Sightings of the unicorn have been reported from all over the world, even in these modern times. Unicorns are pure and incurruptible. In China, unicorns symbolised gentleness, good will, and wisdom. Christianity links the unicorn with Christ. It is said that unicorns would only allow virgin girls to see them, let alone touch them. They were easily lured into fatal ambushes by a virgin with some potchers waiting for the unicorn in nearby bushes. A unicorn's horn was a highly prised possesion, which was reputed to have great healing capabilities. With the touch of its horn, a unicorn could bring back a person who had been dead for several hours. But when disattached from the unicorn's body, the magic was suggnificantly reduced and could only protect against poison. The unicorn had the body of a horse, a unique spirling horn, and a lion's tail. They were pure white in color. Congradulations, you are a rarity amoung mythical beasts. There aren't enough of people like you in the world.
What mythical beast best represents you? Take the quiz!

Your magical style is Faery.
What type of Magic do you work?. Take the Magical Style Quiz by Paradox

What Egyptian Deity are you? go to:the quiz!
Ye be a Pirate!! Congratulations. You cheat, you
swear, you don't give a damn about these things
called rules, and you're greedier than most
people think possible. despite all that, you
follow the Code without hesitation and can
cunning escape from any situation. you're an
excellent fighter; even when you're drunk you
can hold up your own. your home is the sea,
and your mortal enemy is the ninja..

Are you a Pirate or a Ninja?
brought to you by Quizilla
They're dancin'!
Yellow Submarine - you aren't exactly real, but you
have awesome colors, and you are just plain

What Beatles movie are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Quizilla! Quizes.
I made my OWN quiz!
Which Version of Peter Pan Are You?
Which Liberty's Kids Kid Are You?
Which Cheetah Girl Are You?. This really came from an issue of Disney Adventures Magazine. I just translated it into a Quizzila! Quiz.

eMode.com: A big quiz page. But you have to create an account.

Muted Faith.
Paradox Discovered.
Quizilla!: Take --and even make your own-- quizes here!

I hope to have a lot of quiz stuff on this page, so come back often.

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