My Bugaloos Avatar:

Jo Ann Montgomery/Seiko

Seiko (Vampire Princess Miyu)

This is Seiko, my avatar for the Bugaloos fanfics. This means that, whenever I write about Seiko, I'm writing about me. I'm making up a person and her history to play me in the Bugaloos fanfics. Yes, I know that it's really Vampire Princess Miyu, but I like the way she looks, so I'm using her as an avatar. The only difference is, Seiko has jet black hair.

The name comes from the Sailor Moon RPG and Resourse Book from Guardians of Order. I am not Japanese, nor do I speak Japanese. But since I wanted an Anime-like character, I wanted to give her a Japanese-sounding name.

Here is her history:

Name: Seiko (meaning, "Star Child". Sei = star ko= child)
Hair: Jet Black
Eyes: Onyx (my way of saying that her eyes are so dark, they look black)

Seiko comes from a family of Japanese ninja. Like all children of her family, she was taught the art of ninjitsu. Although small and very delicate-looking, Seiko is no weak little girl. As with any ninja, Seiko's past remains a mystery.

Seiko ended up in Tranquiltiy Forest when a boat that was carrying her to America got caught in a storm at sea. When the storm was over, she was cast away in Rock City, from there, making her way into Tranquility Forest. There, she met the Bugaloos. Believing she was fated to be there, Seiko asked if she may live with them. They agreed, and began setting up her own little pad, near Courage's tree.

Seiko was quite smitten with Courage, and he, with her. Courage and the others learned quickly that Seiko was no timid girl. Once, when on an outing, they met up with Benita Bizarre, her nephew, Melvin, and her flunkies, Funky Rat, Tweeter, and Woolfer. Melvin --a clone of Courage-- tried to "come onto" Seiko. All he got for his trouble was a flip that landed him flat on his back. (Which must have hurt his wings terribly...)

The Bugaloos learned that Seiko knew ninjitsu, a kind of martial arts, although she did not tell them she was a ninja. I.Q. found that out while using his new computer skills. I.Q. has not told the others, because knowing ninjtsu is not enough proof that she was a ninja. He plans to confront her with the information, soon, when they are alone. In the meantime, he tries not to act like he is suspecious.

Seiko is training Courage in the martial arts. She has invited the others to join them, but they have declined, saying that they are non-violent. She tells them that martial arts are for defensive use only, but they still will not join in the lessons. Courage eagerly learns.

When not teaching martial arts to Courage, or otherwise fighting, Seiko enjoys entertaining the Bugaloos with traditional Japanese music and customs. They enjoy the tea ceramony, and have a Japanese tea party occationally. The inside of Seiko's own pad is built and decorated like a small, Japanese house. There are Japanese paintings and caligraphy poems on the walls. Her bed is a small mat, and there is a low table surrounded by pillows. Seiko enjoys teaching the Bugaloos Japanese customs. They, in turn, enjoy her music. She plays a bamboo flute and sings. The Bugaloos hope to include Seiko in the band someday, for the flute music is very beautiful. Peter Platter hopes Seiko will cut an album with the Bugaloos. He will definately play it if she does.

Melvin conciders himself Courage's rival for Seiko's affection. He tries to win her over with gifts of flowers, pretty poems, and other trinkets. Seiko is flattered, but she only has eyes for Courage. She politely, but firmly, rebuffs Melvin's advances, shyly hiding behind her Japanese fan of red paper. Courage often takes Seiko out to the movies, to diner, to concerts, and other dates.

Benita is just as jealous of Seiko's flute playing and singing as she is jealous of the Bugaloos. Her plots often involve capturing the girl. But Seiko's ninja skills are more than enough to outwit Benita and her henchmen. Melvin has come close to capturing her, but luckily, she saw it coming and turned the tables on him --gently, of course. Funky Rat has tried to use the old World War II alliance excuse to get her to join, but she reminds him that Japan is no longer an enemy to the world. Woolfer and Tweeter can not even get near enough to Seiko to capture her.

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