Sport Billy Room
Sport Anime

Oringally Started on 10/04/99
ReStarted on 09/17/04 Updated on --/--/--

After watching an old tape I have, I decided to recreate my old Sport Billy Page. Hopefully, I'll start writing fanfics about him soon.

In 1980, on NBC --the same year Drak Pack aired on CBS-- Filmation, the same company that owned He-Man, She-Ra, Bravestarr, Ghostbusters, and other shows, aired a show called Sport Billy. It was about a boy from the planet Olympus, his friend, Lilly, and Lilly's dog, Willy, coming to Earth to protect it --and good sportsmanship-- from Vanda, the witch-queen of Vandalucia. Along the way, morals were learned and new friends were made. Each episode ended with Billy, Lilly and Willy singing a song that coincided with the episode's lesson.

The known voices are:
Sport BillyLane Scheimer
Sport LillyJoyce Bullifant
WillyFrank Welker
Sporticus XIFrank Welker
Queen PandusaJoyce Bullifant
Sport Computer
Queen VandaJoyce Bullifant
SnipeDon Messick

If anyone knows of any more voices, please tell me.

The planet Olympus is on the other side of the sun, presumably in the same orbit as Earth. the two planets will never meet, as they revolve around the sun at the same rate. There is no danger of the two planets crashing into one another. Although the Olympians are aware of things happening on Earth, only a few Earthlings know about Olympus. Olympus does have one Earth-born reseident: Beth, who competed on Olympus and framed Lilly for cheating. Beth has since reformed, now living with President Sporticus XI, and his wife, Queen Pandusa, learning from them the correct way to win at sports.

President Sporticus loves sports and fitness. He's always seen with a pair of hand weights, exercizing his arms every moment he can. The government of the planet --which was never really gone into, much-- seems to be based on sports and sports rules. "Sport" seems to be a coveted title on Olympus. My guess is that when one achives this status, he/she is considered the best on the planet.

Trouble starts when Vanda, the Witch-Queen of the barren planet, Vandalucia, sends her agents to Earth, with the mission to wreck sports and good sportsmanship. At her side is her assiastant/flunky, Snipe.

Sporticus, ever watchfull of sports on Earth, notices this, and consults the planet's computer. The computer advises that a champion be sent to Earth to battle Vanda and her henchmen. The choise is made: A young boy named Sport Billy. Billy is about 12 years old, and has black hair. He dresses in a red, long-sleeved, collored shirt, jeans, and sneakers.

Along with Billy, his best friend, Sport Lilly, is choosen for the mission. Lilly is about the same age as Billy (12), and has blond hair, tied in "dog ears" with red bows. She wears a lightblue outfit in the same style as Billy's, and sneakers. Her dog, Willy, is also added to the team.

Sporticus then gives Billy an Omni-Sack, which is a sports bag filled with shrunken sports equipment that enlarge to full size when Billy takes it out of the sack. The sack, itself, is shrunken to fit in Billy's pocket. The capacity of the Omni-Sack is infinate. There are few --in any-- weapons in the Omni-Sack, for Olympians are non-violent, for the most part. The closest thing to a weapon seen, so far, is a special bow and arrows. (Beth got a variation of the Omni-Sack from Vanda: The Nega-Sack. The Nega-Sack was a counter-weapon to use against Billy, but Billy turned the sack's dirty tricks against Vanda.)

Billy, Lilly, and Willy also gets a Time Ship (also called, the Sport Ship), that can travel through space and time. It looked like a giant alarm clock, and even has a wind-up key on the side. It's fairly big (takes about two car spaces in a parking lot), and serves as a moble home/headquarters for the team.

Sport Billy Stuff:

Sport Billy Openning Themes
Fanfics: Fan Fiction about Sport Billy and his adventures.

Sport Billy Links:
Jim's Sport Billy Page
Sport Billy Theme in French

More stuff to come!

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