By: Jo Ann Montgomery

Believe it or not, I wrote this entire fic while playing Rummykube with my folks. I got the idea from reading about D^Knight's 2 Muses and the ex-Muse.


*~Cursor~* -- Cursor-Speak

The Magic Caverns Cafe was normally open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. But tonight, it was closed for a special meeting. Dractina stood on the stage, reading a piece of paper in her hands.

MEMO from The Imagination Collegium
TO: Muse Dractina
FROM: Calliope

It has come to my attention that your Writer, Jo Ann Montgomery, writes fanfics for many fandoms, far more than your average Writer.

So I have decided to try something new: The creation of Sub-Muses.

The Sub-Muses are Muses-in-Training, unassigned Muses, and even fictives, or clones of fictives, assigned to the same Writer to oversee the different fandoms he or she writes.

This is only an experiment. Should the Sub-Muses Program work out well, other Muses will be assigned Sub-Muses of their own.

Please assign the Sub-Muses I send to you to their proper Fic Areas and keep a running report on their progress.

Thank you.

Calliope, Queen of the Muses

Dractina looked over her group of Sub-Muses. They came from all kinds of fandoms, from comic book to cartoons to live-action. From Saturday Morning to Prime Time. Whatever struck Jo Ann's fancy.

"Well, let's get down to business. I am Dractina, Queen of the Draculean Vampires and Jo Ann's Muse. I don't mind MiSTings of Jo's fics, but flame her, and you'll feel my wrath." She gave a warning smile.

"Now, let's get to your assignments:"

"Crow T. Robot," she nodded toward a gold robot with a beak and a webbed head-crest, "you are in charge of inspiring her MiSTings, whatever she MiSTs."

"Righty O!" Crow replied.

"Sailor Rini, you are to inspire Anime fics."

"Okay!" Sailor Rini looked like Sailor Moon, but with pink hair.

"Cursor..." A small, sparkling ball of blue light answered the call. "You are to inspire Automan and TRON fics."


"Yes, both."


"Throttle, you are to inspire Biker Mice from Mars fics."

"Whatever," the metalic-gold furred Martian Mouse responded.

"Drak." This Drak was the one from Jo Ann's Buffy Role-Playing Game. He was older than his fanfic counter-part, usually wearing his motercycle racing outfit or his black armor. By his side was a red-gripped katana sword that could slay any undead, no matter what could normally kill it.

"You are to inspire Buffy and Angel fics."

"Right!" Drak saluted.

"Amaza, you are to inspire Bugaloos fics."

"You got it!" Amaza was Courage's twin sister, and looked like a female Courage.

"Megagirl." This was to a small, pink and white girl robot with blond pigtails. "You will inspire Captain N: The Game Master fics."

"You bet!" Megagirl spoke up.

"Jon Gage, you will inspire her Emergency! fics."

"Sure," the clone of John Gage smiled lopsidedly.

"Mighty Isis is to inspire Shazam! Isis, and Hero High fics."

"Of course," the cartoon heroine replied.

"The 'Girl'..." Everyone looked around, but saw no one that the vague discription would fit.

"Here," said a girl in a corner. Everyone looked at her. She was blond, with blue eyes and fair skin --which changed to red hair and green eyes, then, black hair, brown eyes, and brown skin. Her physical appearence shifted through the many different racial features of the world.

"You will inspire Jo's Kids from C.A.P.E.R. fics. But I suggest you have a fixed appearence when you appear to Jo Ann. At least, whenever you first appear to her. And warn her that you can do that."

"Of course," the "Girl" nodded.

"Peter Pixie, you will inspire her Peter Pan and fairy fics."

"Naturally," Peter smiled. He looked like Walt Disney's Peter Pan, but pixie-sized, and with insect-like pixie wings.

"Sport Billie," she spoke to a girl in a red shirt, blue pants, and white sneakers. Her black hair was tied up in twin ponytails with big, red bows. She was Sport Billy's twin sister, and, like Amaza, looked like a female version of her twin.


"You will inspire her Sport Billy fics."


"Lotus, you will inspire her ReBoot fics."

"What a random idea!" the chaotic virus smiled. She looked like an Anime character, but had metalic red skin and golden hair. She was Hexadecimal's cousin, but was a benign virus.

"Mega Man X," you will inspire her Mega Man and Mega Man X fics."

"Yes," the Maverick Hunter replied simply.

"And Wonder Girl will inspire her Wonder Woman fanfics."

"Hola!" the teenaged Amazon replied. She was the Silver Age Wonder Woman when the Amazing Amazon was a teenager. She wore her hair in a ponytail, and a gold circlet around her head. The top of her outfit was red, with gold trim, and held up by two gold pins. A gold eagle was emblazeoned on the front. Her shorts were blue, with white stars. A pair of iron bracelets, a golden rope, and a pair of tall, red sandals completed her costume.

"All right, then. That takes care of all the Sub-Muse assignments. Are there any questions?"

"What about Crossover fics?" Lotus asked. "Jo's very fond of writing them. Who will inspire her Crossovers?"

"Crossovers will be inspired by two or more Sub-Muses working together."

"That's allowed?" Amaza asked.


"What about her other fics? The ones that she doesn't have fic libraries for?" Sailor Rini asked.

"I'll handle inspiration for those, Dractina replied. "You just worry about your own fic areas. Any more questions?" When none came, she continued, "Good. I suggest you all look over your worksheets of Unfinished Fics and fandoms she has yet to write for, and plan how you will inspire her to write. Give yourself a couple of days to prepare before you begin inspiring. And you will report to me each week. We will meet once a week in the Drak Pack Headquarters for reports and discussions about her current state of fanfic writing. One other thing: Required reading for allSub-Muses is Flamed! on her website, The Drak Pack Headquarters."

"'Flamed!'?" Throttle asked. "Somebody flamed her?"

"I'm afraid so. But retaliation was swift, by two MiSTings and her friends on the ReBoot LiST. It's required reading because you'll need to be alert to the hazards of fic writing. Luckily, there has been no other outbreaks of flaming. But that don't mean there never will be. You need to be prepared for it, if it happens again."

"Will other Muses get Sub-Muses?" Wonder Girl asked.

"That's for Calliope to deside. If the program work well with Jo, other Muses may be assigned Sub-Muses, provided their Writers write for more than one fandom. You are dismissed to attend to your duties. REMEMBER: MEET ME AT THE DRAK PACK HEADQUARTERS NEXT WEEK FOR OUR FIRST REGULAR MEETING!" She had to yell the last, as the Sub-Muses left the Cafe like a bunch of school-children just let out of class.

I hope Calliope knows what she's doing...

The End

Subreality belongs to Kiellie. Calliope belongs to Subreality.

Dractina is my Muse.

Drak --the Biker-- is my character for a Buffy Role-Playing Game, and is based upon the chracter of Drak, Jr. from the Drak Pack.

Crow is from Mystery Science Theater 3000, owned by Best Brains.

Sailor Rini is based upon Sailor Moon and her future daughter, Rini.

Cursor is from the Automan T.V. show, created by Glen Larson.

Throttle is from Biker Mice from Mars. Only the Throttle Sub-Muse's fur is metalic gold. Throttle's fur is gold-tan on the show.

Amaza was created by me in the Barbie Fashion Designer CD-ROM.

Megagirl is from Captain N: The Game Master, owned by Nintendo

Mega Man Characters are owned by Capcom. This includes Mega Man X.

Jon Gage is based on Randolph Mantooth's character from Emergency! John Gage. The lopsided grin is Gage's trademark expression. Emergency! was created by Jack Webb.

Mighty Isis is a Filmation character that has appeared in two live-action shows, two cartoons, and in DC Comics. The version here is from the Filmation cartoon, "Freedom Force".

The "Girl" is a standard character from The Kids from C.A.P.E.R. that varied from each episode. The "Girl" was the one that always came in to ask for their help. The Sub-Muse's ability to shift her physical features reflects the fact that "The Girl" was different in each episode.

Peter Pixie is Walt Disney's Peter Pan in pixie form. Peter Pan was created by Sir James M. Barrie, and is owned by the London Children's Hospital.

Sport Billie is based upon Sport Billy, another Filmation cartoon.

Lotus is my own character.

Wonder Girl is from DC Comic Silver-Age Wonder Woman.

The Sub-Muse Concept is mine. Sub-Muses are meant to be a Muse's helpers only, and not meant to step on the Muse Rules. The concept is for free use.

Drak Pack Headquarters is my site, dedicated to the 1980 Hanna-Barbara cartoon, Drak Pack, and to many of my favorite T.V. shows, comics, etc.

The Magic Caverns Cafe is my little piece of Subreality. If you use it, remember that it is a "Kid Safe" establishment --no alchaol, drugs, or tobacco products. Dractina is teh vampiress that sired Count Dracula. She is a vampire queen, and is very motherly. She is amused by MiSTs, but will attack all flames and flamers, especially if directed towards me.

I apologize for mentioning "Flamed!" again, but I thought it to be important to the fic. (Note: "Flamed!" is no longer on my site. A new URL means leaving behind old issues. If you still want to read it, e-mail me, and I will send you a copy. Warning: Contains very strong language.)

I think that's everything...

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