The Magic Caverns Cafe
Jo Ann Montgomery
Draka/Drak/Vamprina/Joni Harker & other, assorted characters...

Started: ??/??/???? Updated: 04/01/2001

DRAKA: Well, it seems that sister Vamprina has started her own business: A cafe along the lines of the Subreality Cafe.

DRAK: Hey, Vamprina!

VAMPRINA: Yes, Drak?

DRAK: What's this "cafe" of yours all about?

VAMPRINA: Well, it's a special place where, basically, fanfic characters come when they are not starring in fanfics. The Subreality Cafe is such a place, and there are others.

DRAKA: Just the characters, Vamprina? What about the Writers?

VAMPRINA: Oh, they'll be welcome, too. I know that they are not normally welcome in most of these places, because of the great power they weild there, but to be fair, without the writers, we wouldn't exist.

DRAKA: That's certainly true. So, tell us about this cafe of yours.

VAMPRINA: Okay. It's called The Magic Caverns Cafe, after my favorite spot at the Drak Pack HQ. In appearence, it looks like whatever kind of building the person seeing wants it to look like: Everything from a cave to the Taj Mahal to a Space Colony. The insides are the same, too, as well as the staff. Where one person sees the Cantena in Star Wars and aliens, someone else sees the Pyramids of Egypt and Egyptian servents. Just whatever you can imagine.

DRAK: What kind of food and drinks are going to be served there?

VAMPRINA: Mostly non-alcholic drinks. Even if what the person sees is Joe's Bar and Grill, the closest anyone's going to get to a beer is a root beer. Food is any kind of food the patron can imagine.

DRAKA: Why no alchol...not that I drink alchol...

VAMPRINA: As Jo Ann has stated, as much as she could, her site is pretty much a Kids Safe Site. So, nothing a minor can't have.

DRAKA: Oh. Okay.

DRAK: Can anyone besides those on the site come in?

VAMPRINA: Of course. There does exist a Fanfic Library for fanfics with characters not with their own room on this site.

DRAKA: That's true.

VAMPRINA: As for the staff...

DRAK: Staff?

VAMPRINA: Of course! All cafes need a staff. Of course, these are part-time positions. If they are in a fic, then they are obviously not here. Now, the staff are as follows:


Frankie, from Drak Pack

Matrix, from ReBoot

Modo, from Biker Mice from Mars

Kento of Hardrock, from Ronin Warriors

Mega Man, from Mega Man

Bugs, from Kids from C.A.P.E.R.


Joy, from The Bugaloos

Dot, from ReBoot

Brock, from Pokemon

Marcos, from Emergency!

Mina, from Ronin Warriors

Doomsday, from Kids from C.A.P.E.R.

VAMPRINA: Of course, we may get guest cooks, like Sailor Jupiter, from Sailor Moon, and others. And anyone can designate themselves as bouncers, if the need arrises, and they can do the job.

DRAK: Ahh...

VAMPRINA: There is also entertainment. We have several bands lined up to play for us:

The Bands:

The Bugaloos:

Kids from C.A.P.E.R.

The Heros of Hero High:

Anti-Matter, from the Wonder Woman episode, "Amazon Hot Wax":

Guest performers may include: Dot Matrix (ReBoot);,Rick Springfield (mainly from Mission: Magic!), and maybe even Christopher Chance (Human Target) will make an appearence.

The Fics:

04/01/2001Jo AnnSub-Muses

Sub-Muses: The ever-growing list of my Sub-Muses.

Other Places in Subreality to go:

Subreality Cafe: The place to go for Subreality Rules.

DRAKA: Sounds good, sis. I look forward to meeting other fictives here in The Magic Caverns Cafe.

VAMPRINA: Thanks, sis! ^_^

Patrons have entered The Magic Caverns Cafe since 02/09/2000.

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