Jo Ann

Started: ??/??/???? Updated: 03/18/2002

Disclaimer: Subreality belongs to Kiellie. The Sub-Muse Concept is mine. Sub-Muses are meant to be a Muse's helpers only, and not meant to step on the Muse Rules. The concept is for free use. The Magic Caverns Cafe is my little piece of Subreality. If you use it, remember that it is a "Kid Safe" establishment --no alchaol, drugs, or tobacco products. Dractina is the vampiress that sired Count Dracula. She is a vampire queen, and is very motherly. She is amused by MiSTs, but will attack all flames and flamers, especially if directed towards me.

Here is my ever-growing list of Sub-Muses. These are not to be confused with my fictives. Most of these are fictives that have been assigned Muse duties. Refer to my fic, Sub-Muses for more information.

MuseFic Area of InflunceOther Notes
DractinaDrak Pack and overallHead of the Sub-Muses of Drak Pack Headquarters
Crow T. RobotMiSTingsClone of real Crow T. Robot
Sailor RiniAnime Rini as a grown Sailor Scout
CursorAutoman/TRONAutoman's ball of light sidekick
ThrottleBiker Mice from MarsClone of Throttle with metalic-gold fur
DrakBuffy/AngelRPG Drak. Biker Clothes/Armor & katana sword.
Amaza BugaloosCourage's twin sister. Think female Courage
Megagirl Captain N: The Game MasterPink and white female robot. Blond.
Mega Man XMega Man/Mega Man XMega Man X from Mega Man cartoon
Jon GageEmergency!Clone of "John" Gage
Mighty IsisShazam/Isis/Hero HighAnimated version of Filmation character.
The "Girl"Kids From C.A.P.E.R.No real name. Physically changes, but same girl.
Peter PixiePeter Pan/Fairy FicsWalt Disney's Peter Pan, but as a winged pixie
Rob SimmonsMighty OrbotsOrbots Commander with gold collar and sleeves.
Sport BillieSport BillyBilly's twin sister, Billie. Think female Sport Billy.
LotusReBootAnime-like Chaotic Virus. Hex's cousin.
Wonder GirlWonder WomanSilver-Age Wonder Woman when she was a teenager.
Turbo Max SteelMax SteelMax Steel with his Turbo mode permenantly on.
XenaXena, the Warrior PrincessXena in white leather armor /w gold metal trim

Crossovers are inspired by two or more Muses of different Fic Areas. Example: For my Bugaloos/ReBoot Crossover, Amaza and Lotus would work together. For an Automan/Anime Crossover, Cursor and Sailor Rini would work together, etc. Fanfics that do not fall under any of the above Fic Areas of Influnce are inspired by Dractina, the Head Muse of the Drak Pack Headquarters.

Muses of Ancient Greese. (A reminder...)

  1. Calliope (the muse of epic poetry, represented by a parchment roll or tablet)
  2. Clio (the muse of history, represented by a partially opened scroll)
  3. Erato (the muse of love poetry, represented by a small lyre)
  4. Euterpe (the muse of music & lyric poetry, represented by a double flute)
  5. Melpomene (the muse of tragedy, represented by a tragic mask)
  6. Polyhymnia (the muse of hymns & sacred music, represented by a veiled figure)
  7. Terpsichore (the muse of dance, represented by a lyre)
  8. Thalia (the muse of comedy, represented by a comic mask)
  9. Urania (the muse of astronomy, represented by a rod and a globe)

Calliope is the Queen of the Muses and Head of the Imagination Collegium.

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