Vampire Poetry

Bloodline Divider

Jo Ann/Draka/Drak/Vamprina/Joni Harker/Dractina

Bloodline Divider

Started: 04/11/2001 Updated: --/--/----

Eulogies: These are poems I created for the Crypt Wars Website Competition (I'm on the Dark Vampyres Team). While any vampire poems I write in the future will probibly become eulogies, these were the ones I started with. I hope to add more poems in the future. A few of these mention the Drak Pack. New poems will be at the top. Note: Some words may look different from how you might know them: Example: Vampire/Vampyre. Both are correct spellings. "Vampyre" is, in fact, the orginal spelling. Time has converted it to "Vampire". Most purests prefer and will use the "Vampyre" spelling.

Bloodline Divider

Black bats
Ivory fangs
Red blood

Bloodline Divider

White, Black,
Yellow Red;
All bleed the
same --
Bright RED!

Bloodline Divider

Howling wind,
Stormy night.
Beware --
The Vampire
walks tonight!

Bloodline Divider

Vampire knows --
Cannot eat.
Cannot drink
anything but

Bloodline Divider

He comes closer
to me.
He holds me
in an iron grip.
He looks into
my eyes.
He bites.
He drinks.
He draws his own
I drink.
I die.
I wake.
I am Vampire.

Bloodline Divider

Lighting flash,
Wind howl
come out
to dine.

Bloodline Divider

Father was Vampire,
Mother was Human.
You walk in between.
You are --

Bloodline Divider

The dirt parts,
The grave opens.
The vampire wakes.
The victim runs.
But there is
no escape.
The victim is caught.
The vampire feeds.

Bloodline Divider

She walks the street.
She stops.
She hears.
A swish of a cloak.
An inky shadow.
She feels his bite.
She is his.

Bloodline Divider

Moon bright,
Light the night.
Shadows fall,
High stone wall.
Creeping mist,
Fangs sink into wrist.
Vampire knows,
Blood flows.

Bloodline Divider

Leather wings.
Ivory fangs.
Piercing cry.
Hunter's flight.
Vampire Bat.

Bloodline Divider

She is a vampire
like no other.
She walks in
the light,
Sending Shinmas
to the Dark.
She fears no
vampire weakness.
Her bite brings
eternal life,
not death.
With Larva by
her side, she is
Kyuuketsiki Miyu,
The Vampire Princess.

(Inspired by Kyuuketsiki Miyu (Vampire Princess Miyu) a Gothic Anime and the only --thus far-- subtitled Anime that I enjoy watching.)

Bloodline Divider

Heart pounding.
Fear rising.
Feet running,
moving toward
A shadow passes.
It is too late.
And twin ivory
daggers find
their mark.

Bloodline Divider

The coffin lid rises.
The dead walk again.

Bloodline Divider

(Here's one to Drak, Jr., who inspired my own character of Draka, his twin sister:)

Raven hair blowing in the wind,
Onyx eyes sparkle with determination.
Frost-white skin oddly warm,
Blood-red lips smile gently,
Ivory daggers never break
a victim's skin.
He stands tall and proud,
The blood of the Draculas
runs through his veins.
His father was a vampire,
His mother was a human.
Drak is a dhampir.

Bloodline Divider

Blood is our bread,
Our water,
Our milk,
Our honey,
Our meat,
Our wine.
We can not
Live on
anything else.
For we are

Bloodline Divider

Drak, Jr., the vampire, Dracula's heir,
Frankie, Frankenstien's child,
Howler, Wolfman's kin,
Together, they fight to
atone for their ancestor's evil.
They are the:

Bloodline Divider

It is lonely
to walk the
Dead, yet
Living on
the blood
of the
Yet such
is the
life of
the Undead.

Bloodline Divider

Hair Raven black.
Skin Frost white.
Eyes like Onyx stones.
Lips Blood red.
Twin Ivory daggers and
a handsome face.
My lover is a

Bloodline Divider

Wind and rain,
Thunder and lightning.
The night provides the insturments,
The Vampyre provides the song.

Bloodline Divider

Heart beat,
Blood race,
Run to a safe place.
Night streets are not safe.
Vampires hunt you tonight.

Bloodline Divider

Bats and wolves
Vampires take form.
Are they animals?
Are they human?
Or are they something more?

Bloodline Divider

More to come.

Bloodline Divider

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