What if...?
Jo Ann Montgomery

Have you ever read a story, saw a T.V. show or movie, and wondered, "What if this happened, instead of that?" Or, have you ever come up with a story you know could never happen, but would like to read it, anyway, just because you think it might be fun to read, no matter how unlikely the situation is?

Years ago, Marvel Comics came up with something simular. They called it, "What if...?" The books explored possibilities like: "What if...Aunt May Had Died Instead of Uncle Ben?" (Spiderman), or "What if...The Pheonix Had Lived?" (X-Men) The stories were not part of the normal comic-book continuim, but took place in a little side-reality of its own --a Pocket Universe, if you will. DC Comics had something simular, only they called them "Imaginary Stories" (like Superman getting married to Lois Lane; Bruce Wayne as Superman and Clark Kent as Batman; Lex Luthor as Superman, etc.). There was also a device in Superman's Fortress of Solitude that allowed him to see alternate histories. One such peek into the "what might have been" was what would happen if Krypton exploded before Superman was born. In the "past that could have been", Jor-El and Lara were rocketed to Earth as infants, with Jor being adopted by the Kents (Jonathan's family. Jonathan was about the same age as Jor-El) and Lara being adopted by the Clarks (Martha's family. Lara grew up with Martha as a sister). Lara became the Supergirl of the 1940's. It ended happily, as Jor-El and Lara found out about each other.

What this part of the Drak Pack Headquarters proposes to do is create a space where these types of stories take place. A place where anything goes, no matter what the rules are for the stories and characters elsewhere.

The Stories

DateAuthorTitleWhat if...?Rating
--/--/----Jo Ann
Joy, the Vampire Slayer...Joy became a Vampire Slayer?FF:?
There will be more stories to come. The rules are different here, and anything can happen.

But you'll never know unless you read them.

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