Read the first part of
Leyken's Story Here!


Leyken returned his foster siblings' mugs with his own to the kitchen. Iruka, his foster mother was there, making sure everything was ready for tomorrow before she too, retired for the night. She caught sight of Leyken, and came over to him.

"Having a good night?" she asked, wiping her hands on her apron.

"Yeah..." Leyken responded, half-heartedly.

Iruka caught his less-than enthusiastic response, and asked "Are you feeling okay? You look a touch pale."

Leyken hesitated. Should he tell her what R'lan had told them, and that he was worried sick that he wouldn't be chosen? Ryslen's queen hadn't risen in a very long time - everyone thought she was too old to clutch again. Maybe they were right. And with no Junior Queens... Leyken swallowed hard.

"The fish stew bothering you too? Iruka suggested.

Leyken nodded dumbly. Better to feign illness, just this once, than to have all of Pern know that the weyr Jester - the perpetually happy Leyken - was worried.

Iruka smiled warmly at her fosterling. "Take a seat, Leyken. I've got something that'll have you good as new in no time."

Leyken swallowed, dreading some foul-tasting remedy, and sat down at the table in the kitchen. Propping his head on his hand, he leaned on the table to wait.

One of the kitchen helpers, a warm motherly type, walked over with a plate of cookies, and nonchalantly deposited it on the table. She gave the plate a slight nudge towards Leyken, and then wandered off, leaving the treats behind.

Leyken gently took one from the plate, and examined it, noting the smooth creamy color with lightly browned edges.

He nibbled it, wondering if he really had what it took to be a dragonrider. Obviously his parents did. His father L'yo impressed a brown, and his mother Keni was a greenrider.

Iruka came back, carrying two mugs. She set one down in front of Leyken, and sat down opposite him, keeping the other for herself.

Leyken sipped the spicy-sweet drink, savoring the nutmeg. It wasn't very often that anyone made eggnog, what with all the eggs and milk involved. Leyken smiled.

They chatted a while, and soon Leyken became more and more animated and silly.

He began telling jokes as his drink began to run low. Several times Iruka called to one or another of the kitchen girls, and had Leyken repeat the gag.

After a while, the Ryslen Jester, now recovered from his melancholy perion, began to yawn. "Maybe I'd better get to bed..." Leyken said, rising from the table. "Wouldn't want to sleep through breakfast."

Iruka smiled, and stood up too. She hugged her foster son goodnight, and he skipped off down the hallway.

Leyken went to bed lighthearted, but found he couldn't sleep. He had no idea how long he lie awake, but at one point, his roommates whispered groggily, "Leyken, if you roll over one more time, we'll tie you to that bed!"

Leyken threw his arm over his eyes, and thought desperately of the blackness of Between.

The sun was high in the sky by the time Leyken awoke. His roommates were up and gone. He jumped out of bed, and put on his clothes, not bothering to fix the sleeping furs.

He put on his boots, and dashed from the room, running smack-dab into R'lan.

"Oof!" Leyken said, stumbling backward.

R'lan put out a hand to steady the boy.

"Sorry R'lan." Leyken said, " I overslept and ..."

R'lan waved a hand and Leyken stopped the babble. "That's why I came, Leyken. Are you ready to go?" the Searchrider said, grinning.

Leyken was startled. "Me? What about Dri and Alonndo?" he said, turning to go back into the room.

"I think they'll handle it okay." R'lan said, grinning yet. "It was nice of you to think of them though."

Leyken packed his things, and shrugged into his riding jacket.

Together, Leyken and R'lan walked towards the bowl. Tylar and Isemoth had just returned from somewhere as they stepped out into the sunlight.

"Good luck, Leyken!" The greenrider called as they mounted up.

Suddenly, something dawned on Leyken. "R'lan? Where are we going?"

R'lan chuckled. "You're off to Wu Weyr." He said, and then Ancith sprang from the ground and went Between.

The Story Continues...

~ Read the next Chapter ~

The Ryslen Trio Saga

~ Read from the Beginning ~

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