Ferman's Cosmos Model
Spherical Molecules: Benzene

The justification of the spherical structure of benzene is born of my studies and conclusions on atomic structuring.
In them, atoms are considered as gravitational systems (the same as stars) in which the nuclear mass create so much the gravitational fields that cohesion and maintain the nucleus, as the magnetic fields that form and maintain the electrons orbits.
Therefore the atomic nuclei rotate on themselves creating a magnetic direction N-S, by means of which, atoms can unite to other atoms to form molecules.
These unions to form molecules can be lineal or spherical. NOT IN RING FORM.
In benzene, the poles N north of three carbons joins with the three poles S south of the other three carbons, just as it is shown in the
Benzene drawing.
The benzene bonds are of two types:
--Two bonds for the two triad, that is to say, each one of these bonds unites three atoms of carbon.
--And one bonds of more width that unites the two triads to create the spherical benzene.


To my understand, the spherical form completes all the requirements and properties known in the benzene, thing that doesn't always happen with the ring and plane form.
Therefore, the structure in spherical form would be justified by mean of the following reasons:
--The first one is of architectural character, although of maximum importance. This reason would be its suitability to form molecules and fabrics of three-dimensional way.
As we see, their bond directions go toward all the space directions and therefore starting from a molecule of benzene (or derived) it can be built any three-dimensional molecule of any type.
Therefore the spherical benzene would act as brick pieces, useful to mount any three-dimensional body.
Against, the capacity to create three-dimensional bodies with the benzene in ring form would be almost null and alone we could aspire to draw or to mount a puzzle of plane molecules.
--The second reason is that the spherical benzene has defined clearly a Cis position, which is formed by tree carbon atoms with its N north poles toward the exterior, and a Trans position that if formed with the south poles of the other three carbon atoms toward the exterior.
In the benzene in ring form doesn't happen this and all the carbons are symmetrical in any position and therefore they would not have this differential property.
--For the same previous circumstance the spherical benzene would have an important magnetic behaviour, since this one is a small imam N-S.
For this same reason any benzene ( or derived ) can unite with others in any position of the space to form three-dimensional macromolecules, already they were Cis or Trans according to the pole for which they unite.
--Another justification would be the one of possessing two types of well-differentiated bonds, what would be consequent with the results of energy balance when a molecule of benzene is destroyed or hydrogenated
Hydrogenation ). The two triad bonds would produce the same resultant energy, and the bonds of union would produce other different result.
Well, if somebody thinks that quantum mechanics would give some of the previous justifications, in this case I would like to invite him to visit my web page on
quantum mechanics.
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