Ferman's Cosmos  Model Metaphysics

From my point of view and for studying it, we can divide the Universe (or the whole Existent one) in two main parts:  Metaphysics part and Physics part.
The Metaphysical Part is previous to the Physics one and in a series of elements or principles of Intelligence, Sensitivity and Creativity consists.
Also the Metaphysics Part creates and directs to the Physical Part or Cosmos.
To this Metaphysical Part we can call it God, Nature, Universal Spirit etc, according to who are observing it or studying it.
The religious for example, assimilate Metaphysics to its particular God, created by the religions according to their intellectual capacity and human development in each time.
The existence of this Metaphysical Part of the Universe is quite clear for me, because I have made many studies, deductions and conclusions and it seems clear that so much matter as its components and resultants are nonexistent things, and at the end, we alone obtain of them a great quantity of creativity, sensitivity and feeling manifestation.
It is easy to reach the conclusion that matter and their derived are nonexistent, and you can get taking out the factors of any cosmic element observing their resultants later.
For instance, we can begin with a tree decomposing it in factors.
A tree itself is nonexistent because alone it is a grouping of branches, leaves, trunk, roots, etc, all them distributed smartly. Then already we have here the first metaphysical principle, the creative and distributive intelligence.
Then we take the branches, leaves, etc, and we see neither of they exist, but rather they are appropriately orderly cells to carry out their work. That is to say, more creative intelligence.
Then we catch the cells and we observe that alone they are cluster of atoms appropriately ordered.  More creative intelligence.
And we can continue this way until arriving at the space and the time, which are also intelligent creations.
In the same way, the human being (that is not no more or less that a summary of the Universe essences) makes its small creations using the same attributes that the Metaphysical Part or Cosmos Spirituality confers it. And from these creations we can also obtain the conscience of the existence of that mentioned Universal Spirit.
If for example, we see as an artist models a simple clay vase, we see that in this vase it not exists alone the matter that it is constituted, but the intelligence and the feeling of who is building it.
Equal can observe in a poetry, in a painting, a machine etc.
And of course, we should be aware that we are not those that have just discovered the intelligence, the creativity, the feeling (we are not gods), we have simply learned and obtained these essences from the Nature or Cosmos Creativity that already has them.
Really in the Universe alone the Intelligence, Feeling and creative Capacity exist. The rest is pure creative act.
>> As for the Physical Part or Cosmos (besides all the sciences that we know) we can study it and to ask us many questions.
For example,
Is it the finite Cosmos or infinite?
Because keeping in mind its nature as creative act, we could define it as finite but with infinite projection, that is to say, it can always be creating and spreading toward infinite in its reach and development.
Do other worlds, parallel or different universes to ours exist? Possibly, because this is inside the attribution of this Metaphysical Part that creates our Cosmos.
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Fourth Dimension: Stars