Ferman's Cosmos  Model
The Fourth Dimension: Stars                           

The fourth dimension is a characteristic or mathematical property initially, but later it has been acquired by space, time and matter.
This property organizes Cosmos in exponential units in such a way that so much in space, time or matter many small units can unite to form a superior unit of equals characteristics and properties.
Many seconds can unite this way to form one hour; many hours to form a year; many years to form a millennium and so forth until the infinite.
In space, many millimetres unite to form a meter; many meters to form a kilometre, and so forth until the infinite.
In a same way, matter units can be added to form other superior units, those which in turn unite to form other superiors and so forth.
Which are these matter units?
Near to our level, we can search atoms and stars. But below atoms, sub-atoms and other smaller units also exist. Also for up, supra-stars and superior units exist too.
In my first written study (1975) to these matter units or �condensed� energy I already called Gravitational Systems.
So atoms as stars, sub-atoms, supra-stars etc, have the same characteristics and properties and therefore planets and electrons, atomic particles and meteors of the stars are equivalent among them.
Also it should be supposed that life exists in many of the stars of the universe, but in a same way life should exist in many of the atoms of our universe.
And this could be the metaphysical function of the gravitational systems (atoms, stars), the one of containing life in their orbital ones (planets, electrons).
Therefore we can accept that stars are structured so that in some of their planets can exist life and the development of the same one, being formed this way a superior creativity in �quality�, which is the intelligent life.
Then the beings payees of this intelligent life can assimilate the Nature�s own teachings obtaining the capacity of become creative beings.
The Universe can really be considered as a great play in which its creator �thinks� and creates the characters, which take its own autonomy as actors.
Therefore, we should not worry too much for the role that we have obtained in this play since all we are first figures. The important thing is to behave as good actors and to make our role the best thing possible.
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