Ferman's Cosmos  Model Metaphysics: The Live
Phases of vital development
Three development phases exist in the multi-cellular beings carried out each one of them for a chromosome type or inductor of reproduction.
(Biological Metaphysic)
--In the first phase or
Phase of Organic Development each chromosome that represents an organ of the body, which takes inscribed the transformation norms (genes), takes a development line, starting from a common cell coming from the fecundation and transforming it into the corresponding organ.
This phase finishes approximately to the birth. (see 
Genetic Code function)
--In the second phase or
Phase of Growth the growth's hormone executes duplications of all the cells until getting the individual's normal size. This phase is on until the thirty years.
--In the third phase or
Phase of Maintenance inducers (probably located in the external membrane of the cells in union with the neighbours) induce to the reproduction of the cells every time that a neighbour dies and it is necessary another new cell to substitute it.
This phase is on until the being's death.  
The lack or bad operation of these elements, mainly of the maintenance inducers, it is what causes the cancers and the precocious aging, as it is detailed and explains in the mentioned work.
-In cancers the maintenance inducers (or other) last free or united to the nuclei, producing cellular duplication continuously.
-In precocius aging, the lack of maintenance inducers or impossibility of being liberated correctly is the reason for that the cellular duplication can't be carry out. So in persons with this illness their maintenance phase doesn't work and they aging quickly.
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