Ferman's Cosmos  Model
Metaphysics: Positive Creation

The humans usually observe the world as a place of suffering because in it many vicissitudes of negative appearance exist, as can be the death, pain, hardships, hunger, etc.
This vision I believe it is a little slanted and it is due to our particular vision as human.
We are gifted and directed by primary instincts that indicate us that such or which circumstance can be completely negative and bad when in fact these events doesn't have to be this way. Our instincts of survival and conservation tell us that to die, to have hunger, the illnesses, etc, is all noxious and bad.
But all these conclusions are not reached from a universal or creative vision of the Cosmos, but of a typically human vision carried out by means of our instincts.
If we observe to the animal world we see that �the big fish eat to the small one�; that the alimentary pyramid represents a very positive and evolutionary form for the animal development; that hunger can end up transforming to any species animal into other more competitive and developed ones; that the fights for female, for the territory or for the food can be very positive for the development of the genetics and animal improving, etc. as well as the constant birth of life and the coming of death in all the alive beings.
Now well, we believe these cases ca be positive for the creativity and functionality of the nature.
However if all these questions are seen and applied in ourselves the humans, we no longer find so well, and nevertheless, we are also animals subjected to vital development the same as the other ones.
According to my points of view, the humans are something lost in the valuation of the foundations of the Universe creativity and about the real values of this creativity.
We see the life as something good and the death as something bad. We see the pleasure as something good and the pain as something bad.
And we see and value these questions of this form because our instincts of survival indicate us in this way.
But perhaps it is not this way from a global point of view of the Universe. The life and the death, the pleasure and the pain can be creative and sensitive acts with positive value in any cases.
I usually understand and observe to the Universe creativity as a great theatrical performance in which the important thing is the feelings and creations that take place in it and whose purpose it not that this creativity on a joyful parody or a gratifying comedy always consists; it can also be a great tragedy or an interesting drama. Everything is creativity and as much laughs as cries can have a creative and sentimental value of positive meaning.
Maybe the humans want, from our point of view, that in this world the death, pain, hunger etc. don�t exist and that each person have abundant food, housings, etc.  But that would be a not very creative world and perhaps very stupid. This way, we would also become beings without sentimental capacity and lacking all interest for the evolution and the improving of our lives.
I am quite convinced that the world acts and it is developed appropriately.
So if we want to understand the foundations of the Creation better, maybe it would be good sometimes to try to value the circumstances from the exterior of our world and without the influence of our instincts.
I am sure to a mother that has just lost a son in a war or an accident, she cannot neither understand nor accept that this circumstance has been carried out �consciously� for the Creator of the Universe and that such a circumstance is positive as creative act. However the son's death, her pain and that of her family, etc, can be sensitive acts of love and affective capacity that would not take place if any negative circumstance (for our point of view) doesn�t happen.
I believe that the circumstances of pain, suffering, etc. are positive feelings that manifest and expose the creative sensitivity of our Universe. Likewise the death and other similar circumstances don't have the negative value that we give them, but a creative act by mean of these it is able to wake up in us important feelings.
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