Phantoms Village

Miscellaneous updates

(3/12) Another Phantoms link:
Lefebvre has come a long way

(3/7) Here's a link of interest to Phantoms fans:
Trainers keep Phantoms flying

(11/1) Sorry for the lack of updates of late--it's hard to keep up with the Phantoms as well as the Flyers. Here's a link to an interesting article on Maxime Ouellet. The link will open in a new browser window.

On a side note, I know that the image on the top of this page is broken at the moment. In moving this site a few weeks ago, I accidently deleted it. I'll try to get a new header up sooner rather than later.

[Visit the Phantoms Village news archive]

Note from Webmaster

I'm not sure if Phantoms Village will ever become a fully independent part of my Flyers web site. I'm devoting the bulk of my time to the Flyers part of this site. However, I will try to update with Phantoms news about once a week.

Here are some parts of my Flyers page that will interest Phantoms fans:

Thanks for visiting Phantoms Village and Flyertown. Sign the guestbook if you have a chance and come back soon.

Visit the official Phantoms site.

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