My Remington Steele Page

Holt & Steele with magnifying glass

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One day, a few years back, I was channel surfing and I came across this show, it looked pretty interesting, so I started to watch it, twenty minutes of the show and I was hooked. What was the name of this delightful little show, you ask?
Remington Steele, of course, and it began like this...
Laura Holt (Stephanie Zimbalist) a licensed private investigator, opens her own agency, but no one wants to hired a female P.I., so she decides to invent a male boss, Remington Steele. Her plan was working fine, until a con man (Pierce Brosnan) comes to town with the same jewels Laura is hired to protect. He discovers there is no Remington Steele, and assumes his identity.
Puzzled Steele Laura and the new Remington Steele solve many mysteries, murders and crimes together. Mr. Steele, being a big fan of old movies, very often finds similarities between their cases and the movies, and sometimes even helps to solve the case.
The supporting cast in season one, was Murphy Michaels (James Read) as Laura's partner, before Steele, and Bernice Fox (Janet DeMay) as the secretary. From season two to five, Mildred Krebs (Doris Roberts) joined Remington Steele Investigations as the secretary. In the fifth season, Tony Roselli (Jack Scalia) joined the gang, claiming to be an archiologist.
The show was initially only going to run from 1982-86, but last minute changes were made, and three more two-part episodes were made. Thank goodness for that, for those the last six hours tied up a few loose ends the last episode would have left behind, although not all of the loose ends (but that's were fan fiction comes in!
There were also quite a few recurring characters, Beverly Garland played Abigail Holt, Laura's mother. Efrem Zimbalist Jr. (Stephanie Zimbalist's father) played Daniel Chalmers, Steele's mentor, who we find out in the last season was his father. Cassandra Harris (Pierce Brosnan's late wife) played Felicia, an old flame of Steele. James Tolkan played Norman Keyes, and Maryedith Burrell played Francis Piper, Laura's older sister. Blake Clark played Fred the chauffeur.

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