The Eternal Balance! - Sailor Libra Appears
Cassie Tokimono giggled, brushing her blonde bangs back from her blue eyes as she talked to her friends. It was Saturday, and they were just coming home from their various part-time jobs at the local mall. �So anyway�� she continued. �That�s when he said��

The other two girls suddenly stopped laughing and froze dead in their tracks, staring ahead of them in disgust. �Oh no.� Mimi groaned under her breath. �Not her.�

Cassie looked up. Sitting just down the street from them was another girl. She was a student at Sukiyaki Middle School, but she was in Mimi and Kaira�s class, 8B. Cassie was in 8A, so she took in everything about this girl carefully:

Her hair was long and black, streaked purple in certain spots, and her eyes were a deep violet. She still wore their school uniform, a long-sleeve, buttoned black shirt, knee-length white skirt, a white sailor�s collar with black ribbons and a red neckerchief. She was sitting like she wanted to just disappear, be as small as possible so no one would notice her.

�Look at her, the brat.� Kaira sneered.

�Ugh�and she has that�that crow with her!� Mimi spat.

A large bird, with shiny black feathers and dark eyes, sat on the girl�s shoulder. She was stroking it gently, and her lips moved as if she was talking to it, though they couldn�t hear a word.

�What a freak show.� Kaira sniffed, turning to Cassie. �You�ve heard about her, right?�

�She�s that new kid, isn�t she?� Cassie asked, weary.

�Yeah, but everyone says that her mom�s that big model, Celesta Kinsei.� Mimi was pouring with gossip info. �So she lives in that huge mansion at the end of town. She�s real stuck-up, too, never says a word to anybody.�

�Celesta Kinsei?� Cassie asked. �I hear that woman�s a creep.�

�See? Our point exactly.� Kaira turned her back on the girl. �It probably runs in the family. Rich people are all the same.�

�You�re right.� Cassie said in a voice loud enough for the girl to hear. �Come on, let�s go. We don�t want any of her snotty attitude rubbing off on us.�

Selene watched the other girls go, then sighed sadly. Cyprus cawed gently and rubbed his head against her cheek.
�Relax, Selene.� he whispered telepathically. �You don�t need to listen to them.�

�Thanks, Cyprus.� she muttered, stroking her friend. �I needed that.�

Selene stood slowly, heading down the street for home. She rubbed the silver ring around her finger. �Why do I need this thing, Cyprus?�

�I told you.� the raven said calmly, preening his feathers. �It allows you to transform into Sailor Gemini in times of need.�

�But I haven�t needed it yet.� the girl sighed, holding the hand with the ring up to the sunlight. The amethyst Sign of Gemini sparkled brightly in the light, sending tiny purple rays over her face. �It�s been over two weeks. You said the enemy was coming �soon�.�

�And they shall.� Cyprus urged. �You must not be in such a hurry, Selene. Your time will come��

He stopped, suddenly taking flight. Selene looked up, surprised. �Cyprus?� she called. �What�s�?�

The long, black limo pulling up to the curb in front of her was an obvious answer. The door was suddenly thrown open and a tall, thin black-haired woman with way too much hairspray struck her head out. �Selene, dah-ling!� she exclaimed. �Have you forgotten that today is your big day?!�

�Big day?� Selene groaned as the driver got out and pushed her into the back of the vehicle. �What �big day�?�

�Your first photo shoot, of course!� the mother cheered, slamming the door shut. �William, please hurry! Maxine and Drake are very important connections, and we don�t wanna keep them waiting!�

Minutes later, Selene was staring at her reflection in disgust. �It�s�orange!� she exclaimed, annoyed. �I hate orange!�

�Oh, don�t be silly, honey!� her mother cheered. �Orange is this year�s pink!�

Selene glared at the outfit. A knee-length orange summer dress with a white sash, short white gloves, small white shoes, and a white-straw hat with an orange bow. It really was an awful color on her, but her mother and her assistants never listened.

�Doesn�t she look gorgeous?� the woman, Maxine, exclaimed in a loud, high-pitched voice.

�Oh, yes!� the male one of the two, Drake, tossed his black-haired head back excitedly. �She�s just your spitting image, Miss Kinsei! A ravishing beauty!�

�Yes! On to the shooting!� the mother yelled, dragging her daughter into the studio.
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