There are 2 parts to this revision material:

  1. Short Notes on the New Zealand and Monsoon Asia Topics
  2. Key Things you should know

You can also view the Population Glossary to help with Revision


New Zealand Population.

Monsoon Asia.


New Zealand:

  1. What is a census? Why are they taken? How often do they occur? What are they used for?
  2. How many people are there in NZ? Where are they distributed? What factors influence the distribution of population in New Zealand?
  3. What is meant by the term Population Density?
  4. Using the factors responsible explain the term Population Structure.
  5. What is New Zealand’ s ethnic composition? How has it changed over the last 150 years?
  6. What is a Population Pyramid? What is it used for?
  7. Population Age Structure depends on fertility, mortality and net migration. Explain each term. How can the government alter population structure by changing these?
  8. What were the 4 waves of migration to New Zealand?
  9. Which age groups are part of the "dependent population"?
  10. Why does New Zealand have an "Ageing" population?
  11. What problems are caused by an ageing population?
  12. Why are there differences between the different regions in New Zealand? Why do people move between regions?
  13. What patterns of migration have effected New Zealand in the last 150 years? (Rural-Urban/Northward)
  14. What are the 4 factors which influence living conditions? (quality of life or standard of living)?


Monsoon Asia
  1. What is the monsoon?
  2. Can you locate and name Japan, China, India, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia?
  3. What is the Population structure of Monsoon Asia?
  4. Why is a youthful population going to be a problem for Monsoon Asia?
  5. What factors have influenced the growth of this young population? (refer Q7 above)
  6. How are some countries attempting to control this growth? (China)
  7. Where do people live in Monsoon Asia? Can you locate areas where the population is dense. What physical features do these area have in common?
  8. Can you locate and name the major cities?
  9. What factors influence where they choose to live? (Physical/Cultural)
  10. Why do people move about within Monsoon Asia? How do governments attempt to control this?
  11. What are refugees? What are the different type of refugee?
  12. Why are there differences in living conditions within Monsoon Asia?


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