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I have worked in many areas, some of them in the most strange fields, but with the common ground of communications.
I use to separate my jobs in two kinds: Those with the simply goal of making money and those who really fulfill more deep meanings. However, in many cases I had the luck to work in spaces where both got together!
So, let's mention some jobs:

Carta Minera
, Lima, Peru. General Editor. A
newsletter for the community of top mining and oil business guys in Peru. I learned a lot about something that I had no previous idea.

Revista Cosas
, Lima, Peru. Interviewer, Journalist. Founder and the first interviewer of the magazine, right now of huge sales in Peru.
Latin America Mining Letter
, London, UK. Correspondent. Interesting job 'till the owners disappeared owing lots of money, including MY money.
Metals Week
, New York, USA. Correspondent. Boring but paying in US$ currency, of high value on those days.
, Peru. Assistant of correspondent, mainly in economics, Mining and Oil.
Diario El Mundo
, Lima, Peru. Journalist, mainly economics and business themes. I quited when I discovered the hidden political agenda of the owners.
Andina de Television
, Lima, Peru. TV
Journalist. A nice team of top reporters and
professionals, some with Emmys. As usual in journalism, we dispersed when the network changed of editorial line.
Frecuencia Latina. A TV network were I was the executive producer of the Top children show, "Almendra",
America Television
, Lima, Peru. Creative Director for a Games Show. Nothing for the memories except a lot of money only for doing some fun stuff.
To all this you can add more than 35 TV commercial spots where I was the main character.

Right now, in between my writings, I have a Part Time job at International House NYC. Nice place, a lot of learning from Cultural Diversity.

But, before, between and after comes the funny area: Theater, TV, Advertising and Films, Drama and Comedy, Teaching and giving workshops.
Let's see that in a page specially for this (Get ready, the list is long).
Tuscan Fields
The beautiful Tuscan Fields and Chianti vineyards, Italy  - The Gates, NY
Links to some of my former Jobs
Revista Cosas
Metals Week
America Television
Andina de Television
Link to my actual Part Time Job
International House NYC
Frecuencia Latina TV
Click the button to go to a full list of work experiences
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