New Crewmembers
May 15, 2155 (Loyalian Reckoning)
Site of a Ruined Cygman settlement
Lord Falcone�s property on the Planet Avia
2300 Avian Time

Clayton surveyed the sight before him.  His finely honed senses taking in even the tiniest detail.  He noted the scorch marks on the ground and on the ruined walls of buildings.  He noted the toppled towers and broken pots, left as people fled the obvious destruction.  Even after twenty years, it was clear that the settlement had been attacked.  �Now we know what Falcone was hiding,� he said just loud enough for his partner to hear.

Lia nodded, without looking up from the scanning device she was using.  �Scans of the residue from the burn marks are consistent with those left by the energy weapons the natives use.�

�Someone slaughtered the Cygman colony,� Clay finished softly.

Lia nodded, then glanced around, �Do you think anyone survived.�

�Hard to say,� Clay replied, shrugging.  �Maybe, but ��

He cut himself off when a blast suddenly struck the stone just in front of him, narrowly missing his ear.  "Get down," Clay shouted, diving behind the cover of a ruined wall.

Moments later, his partner crawled over to him.  �We�ve got to get out of here,� she hissed in his ear.

�Get the gear and head for the trees,� Clay said softly.

�What about you?�

Clay grinned slightly and drew his sidearm.  �I�ll cover your retreat and meet you back at the bar.�  Without allowing time for her to argue, Clay ran from the scant cover of the wall and fired off several shots in the direction of their attacker.  Ducking behind another wall, he glanced back and saw Lia making her way to the trees.

Clay traded fire with the unseen assailant for some time before he was able to make it to the cover of the trees and retreat from the scene.  As soon as he was sure that he was not being followed, Clay headed back toward the bar, where he and Lia worked as musicians.

Soon Captain Larabee would arrive to see if the natives were amenable to a visit from the archeological team on board the exploration vessel.  With luck, Clay could convince them not to send scientists down to a world from which they may never return and he and Lia could get a lift off the world.  Falcone was a powerful lord and was no doubt behind the attack at the ruins.  No one would question the disappearance of two outsiders.  This world was quickly becoming too dangerous for Clayton�s liking.

May 17, 2155 (Loyalian Reckoning)
On the Bridge of Larabee�s Lady
In orbit above Avia
1000 Zulu (Ship�s Time)

Chris turned to his com-officer, �Any communication from the agents sent by the Confederation to check this place out?�

CJ turned to look up at the tall man.  �Nothing yet, sir,� she said matter-of-factly, adding, �I�ll tell you as soon as we hear something.�

�Yeah, Chris,� said the first officer, �Give the woman a break.  You�ve asked her that every ten minutes since we got into orbit.�

Chris scowled, �Sorry, CJ.  It�s just that-� he turned to his first officer, �I get the feeling something is wrong down there, Jack.  I don�t like it.�

Buck nodded and said, �Does make ya wonder if those people are okay.  Director Chegwidden said they hadn�t heard from Webb or his partner in almost two weeks.�

Jack shrugged, �True, but he also said that it�s not unlike Webb to simply not report in if things haven�t changed.  It may be that they�re still trying to negotiate with this Falcone character.�

�Maybe, but I still don�t like it,� Chris said sourly.

�Sir,� CJ broke in, �I�ve got something.�

Chris came to stand behind the talented woman, and asked, �What?�

�A message, from Clayton Webb,� CJ explained.  �He says, �Come to the Hawk�s Nest Bar.  Be there in three hours.  Important information�.�

Jack frowned, �Well, that was decidedly vague.�

Chris shrugged, �He may not have had time for much else.  Director Chegwidden said that all of their communiqu�s had been brief.�  Turning around, he said, �Jack, I want you to go down.  Bring Daniel, Blair and Jim with you.  Also, we don�t know what these people are like, so bring Sam.�

�Sure thing,� Jack said, rising and leaving the room.  He peered back in a moment later and asked, �Can we use Vin to pilot the landing pod?  Might need someone quick to get us out of there if things go south.�

�I thought you weren�t worried,� Chris said sardonically.

�You�re rubbing off on me,� Jack quipped, rolling his eyes.

Chris grinned and nodded, �Okay, take Vin.  Get the report and get back here.  Something doesn�t feel right here.�

Hawk�s Nest Bar
On the surface of Avia
1900 Avian Time

Jim walked in and glanced around the bar.  Many native inhabitants of the world were seated around the room and at the bar, as well as visitors from other worlds.  Jack came in behind Jim, followed by the rest of the landing party.  Vin and Nathan, who had tagged along in case someone got hurt, had chosen to remain in the landing pod.  Jack made his way to the closest table and started to sit.  The musician suddenly caught his eye and glared over the keyboard he was playing.  His eyes flicked over to another table, then back to Jack.

Jack frowned and said, �I think we should sit over there.�  Not waiting for the others to follow, he made his way over to the table indicated by the musician.  Silently, he noted that the table was in a corner, allowing for attack on two sides only.

Jack seated himself so that he could observe the activity on the stage.  The others settled into places around the table.  Daniel frowned and said, �Why did you change your mind?�

Jack shook his head, �I think the musician wanted us to sit here, but I don�t know why.�

Jim frowned thoughtfully and he felt under the tabletop.  Suddenly his eyes lit up and he carefully passed a data transmitter to the first officer.  �I think they left a message for us here.�

Jack nodded, �Yup, that would explain it.�  He glanced down at the small device and read the message on the screen.

**Natives not amenable to archeological exploration of �abandoned� Cygman settlement.  Suggest abort of mission here.  Also take us with you, situation has rapidly deteriorated.  Please reply, I need to retrieve something from home before departure.**  Jack frowned slightly.

�What�s it say?�  Glancing up he saw Blair looking at him expectantly.
Jack quickly summarized the message and said, �I�ll tell him I have to clear their joining us with the captain.�

Within moments of sending the message, Jack received a reply of, �Whatever, but do it quick!�

Jack frowned again and related the message to others.  �Charming guy,� Jim mumbled.

Daniel shrugged, �Any idea who�s sending the messages?�

Both Jack and Jim shook their heads, but Sam replied, �I think it�s the guy at the keyboard.  I noticed him playing with some buttons right before that last reply.�

Jim looked doubtful, �He may have been adjusting the tone or volume of the keyboard.�

Sam shook his head, �I don�t think so; nothing seemed to change.�

Jack shrugged, �Makes sense, he�s the one that told us to sit here.  I�m gonna send that message to the Captain.  You keep an eye on things here.�  Jim nodded and Jack left the room to contact the ship.

After a few moments, a large native, who was obviously female, approached the table.  Sitting down beside Sam, she said, �Can I get you a drink?�

Sam frowned slightly and said, �Um, okay.�

The woman ordered a drink and handed it to Sam, who sipped at it, then looked at it in surprise.  �That�s very sweet,� he said quietly.

�You like it,� she replied hopefully, preening slightly.

Sam shrugged, then nodded, �Yeah, it�s pretty good.�

The woman clicked her bill softly and rubbed a finger across Sam�s cheek.  �You�re skin is so soft,� she said in wonder.

Unsure how to react, Sam just blinked at her in surprise.  A few moments later, Jack returned and decided to rescue Sam from the unwanted attention.  He glanced at the woman and said, �Excuse me.�  The bird-woman fluffed up her feathers and walked away.  Jack watched her for a while, then shook his head and said, �Captain said that it would be fine, especially if they�re in some kind of trouble here.�  Jim nodded and sent the message.

He chuckled after a few moments, then glanced at Jack, �He said, �Thank you.  I�ll talk to you during the break�.�

Jack glanced at Jim and said, �Let�s go over to the bar.  It�s closer to the door, so we�ll be able to get out quicker if something goes wrong.�

Jim nodded in agreement, �Good idea, Jack.  Let�s go, kids.�

Just as they got to the bar, the musicians finished their song and took a break.  The woman disappeared backstage, while the man made his way through the crowd, chatting amiably with the patrons and taking requests for the next set.  Eventually, he settled himself at the bar and looked at Jack.

�Hello,� Jack said quietly.

�Hello,� the musician replied.

Jack nodded and said, �I assume you�re Webb.�  The younger man nodded in reply, and Jack continued, �How did you know we were your contacts?�

The musician grinned slightly and replied, �You�re wearing uniforms from the Confederation.�

�They aren�t exactly uniforms,� Jack corrected.  �They�re ��

Sam interrupted them to ask, �What is this stuff?�

Clay grinned even more and said, �Fermented nectar.  For some reason they think we like it.�

Jim frowned slightly and asked, �Is there any harm in his drinking it?�

Clay shook his head slightly, �Only if you�re allergic to flowers.�

Jack looked pointedly at Daniel, who nodded and said quietly, �I know, Jack.  I�ll stay away from it.�

Clay nodded slightly, �They basically take whatever flowers are in season, make juice out of them and then let it ferment for a while.  That�s probably Spring-blossom.�

�What�s the trouble?�  Jim asked, bringing the younger man back on topic.

Clay glanced at the security officer and said, �Falcone, the man who owns the property that the ruins lay on, didn�t want us looking at them.  We got suspicious because he was all right with us looking at other ruins on his property.  Two days ago we snuck onto his land.  The village had quite clearly been attacked.  Falcone�s father may have been involved, since the land was purchased not long after the settlement was �abandoned�.  Basically, Falcone wants us dead, so he can�t get in trouble for the crime.�

Jack frowned, �How can you be sure that Falcone was behind the attack on you at the ruins?�

Clay shook his head.  �I don�t see who else could have been,� he replied.  Clay glanced toward the door and paled slightly, �That�s Falcone and his flunkies.  I have to get back on stage, or the bartender will peck me.  Try to think of a distraction.  I�ll meet you out back.�

Before Jack could reply, Clay vanished through the crowd and was joined by his partner, as they began the next set.

Sam frowned, �Did he say the bartender was going to peck him?�

Daniel shrugged, �They look like large birds.�

Sam turned to him and said incredulously, �Well, yeah.  But I didn�t expect them to act like birds!�

Jim frowned slightly and said, �Maybe we can use that to our advantage.�

Jack turned to the security officer, �What ya got in mind?�

Jim held a finger up to forestall the question and turned to Sam.  �Call your girlfriend over,� he said quietly.

Sam looked at him a little uncertainly and then called over to her, �Excuse me?�  The woman turned and came over.  Sam flashed her an endearing smile and said, �You have � um, beautiful feathers.�

She clicked her bill and preened slightly.  Sam held up his drink and said, �You also have excellent taste.�  Turning the glass slightly, he spilled it on the nearest other patron.

The man turned to him angrily and pecked his shoulder.  Sam cried out in pain and alarm, his lady friend pulled him out of the way and began pecking at his attacker.  Soon other patrons joined the melee, fighting with beaks, claws and wings.

Jack turned to the other members of his crew and said, �Let�s go before someone gets hit with a wing.�  The others readily agreed and the men made their way to the door.

As promised, Clay and his partner were waiting outside.  Clay nodded slightly and said, �This is Lia Williams, my partner.  I think Falcone saw us slip out the back.  He knows where our nest is.  We have to get there before he does.�  Without waiting another moment, Clay and Lia headed down the alley.
Part 2
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