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You had to fill so many roles: you had to be pretty and you had to be a ‘good fuck’, that seemed to be very important . . . There was a huge pressure to conform to non-conformity, which left very little room for actually finding out what your preferences were. ~Nicola Lane in Green’s, Days in the Life

Hella good times, some I remember better than others! While there I always looked for ideas I could take back to the East Bay (Washington Manor, San Leandro) were I lived. Hip wasn't born in the Haight but that's were it came alive. Below are some of Emily's trip'n times!

What a time it was, a magical about a trip!!!! ~emily~(Rider's Ol' lady)

It was probably one of the most influential times of my life. There were so many choices to make.......some with a little help from my friends.......and many without them.

Hmmmmmmmmm, I don't know where to begin, therefore my experiences will be in random order.....stuff that comes to my mind at any given time. I will be adding to this section regularly and will some day develop a chat room to talk about "old times!" Your comments and experiences are welcome, as well as any advice on developing this section.

My first trip to Haight-Ashbury was when I was 16~1967. The movement was on. The first underground radio station.....KMPX, was born on April 7, 1967...Jimi Hendrix, Janis, Jefferson Airplane, Canned Heat, Bob Dylan, The Rolling Stones and The personal favorite! So many new musical groups to experience. Women's Liberation was infiltrating our minds.....making many women think about their husbands, their children, working outside the home. Politics were an extremely big part of the movement as were birth control...drugs...."Free Love."

Jooglin' on down Haight Street to Golden Gate Park to see what was happening, I met many people...some of which still are in my head. I think about them once in a while and wonder whatever happened to them. We were children of total abandon...ready to try just about anything and lots of energy to back it up. Dang....sometimes I feel so sorry for my parents!!! They were so good about it. (Actually, I don't think they had the foggiest idea what was happening!)

I was young and wasn't paying much attention to what was really going on. It was all about "Be Here Now!" I should have been more observant......but then that may have messed up the whole trip for me.

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