Magic Carpet Ride


Here you will find an ever growing source of information on what I believe was the most tumultuous decade of the Twentieth Century! The sixties boasted true freedom of the sexes, races and religions. The Hippie movement of the Sixties still is an influence in our culture! A lot of us believe the movement has never ceased>>>>>


"When the 1960's were over new laws were put into action helping racial equality which would not have happened without the Hippies. During the 1960's a radical group called the hippies shocked America with their alternative lifestyle and radical beliefs. They were young people who enjoyed life to its fullest. They used illegal drugs and listened to rock and roll music. With their alternative beliefs and practices they stunned America's conservative middle class. Concerned chiefly protesting the Vietnam War and with civil rights they made a huge impact on the America and the world."~Frank Zappa essay titled 60s


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A trip you will not soon forget. Always check back because, as a famous person from the Sixties, (BOB DYLAN) once said, "The Times They Are A Changing."





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