Squirrels Gone Wild

Squirrels Gone Wild

Company News

Feburary 1st, 2019
Welcome! This is the first offical news update of the company. Currently, the company is working on 3 projects. We have 2 small ones with an estimated completion time of three months, as well as large one that has no launch date currently. We look forward to talking more about these upcoming projects in the future!

Feburary 9th, 2019
Hello again! We here at HQ would like to talk more about us! Our team consists of primarily 3 people. We have a talented writer who's previously been published before. A young artist who dabbles in just about every artform, and then finally our programmer/3D object creator. Each of us values video games in our own different ways and prefer different types of genres. Some of us prefer to just visually watch the story unfold, others prefer fast paced combat, and some just enjoy driving around in an open world type setting. We have a diverse taste in video games which we, in turn, hope to incorporate into future products.

Feburary 12, 2019
We here at HQ are willing to utilize different gaming engines to create a wide variety of visuals. One we are contemplating using, just until we can fully develop our 3D assets and get those rendered, is RPGMaker. RPGMaker is something used for beginners as it teachs those new to programming the basic information needed to craft a role playing game. Not only is this type of program user friendly for all types of users-those who are both advanced in programming and those who have never touched an IDE-but due to its constrictive graphics, we can put our writer and artist to the test! Look forward to some test builds in the coming future!