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On this page We're going to discuss what races and breeds are prefered in the R'Leyh chathouse...We want to stress PREFERED, not allowed...We do not wish to limit people's experience by saying "This and that isn't allowed" simply because We don't wish to deal with them...When it comes down to it there are few races we don't wish to see in R'Leyh...But, those few that would take away from the "atmosphere" of the chat are as follows...
1.) Science Fiction races (They just wouldn't fit in)

2.) Warrior Nuns and Comicbook types (It's complicated enough before the spandex is brought into it)

3.) Any race that has no point other than to kill everyone else (I think this speaks in of itself as to reasoning)

Now...What races are allowed?..The possibilities are endless...Kindred and Garou make up the most popular types to Play in rooms such as these, but any race that has any playability at all adds to the complex story and enjoyment of the Sanctuary of the desprate Breeds of the Night...A list of Races someone may wish to consider is listed below...Enjoy and be creative...

White Wolf World of Darkness breeds...
1.)Kindred (Vampyres)
2.)Garou (Werewolves) 
3.)Changelings (Fae-Fairiekin)
4.)Bastet (Werecats) 
5.)Gurahl (Werebears) 
6.)Corax (Wereravens) 
7.)Rat-Kin (Wererats) 
8.)Nuwisha (WereCoyotes) 
9.)Mokole (Dragon-kin) 
10.)Mages (not really a breed, but a fun class to play-make sure to read the Rules first)
Palladium Games breeds...
1.)NightBane (if You've never heard of this RPG it's one well worth checking out)
TSR and Mythological breeds...
1.)Elves (why not?) 
2.)Dragons (special rules apply to these creatures-contact us through e-mail before beginning a Draconian character)
3.)Unicorns (if Demons and Dragons can mask their true forms, why not Unicorns?) 
7.)Gnomes (hey their small and could hide from humanity *lol*) 
9.)Infernals (Demonic breeds)

We also provide you a chance to do a write up on your characters so you don't have to keep telling everyone what you are all the time...(Yes, it is very time consuming and annoying to have to type over and over again)....Come to our Character Submital Information page to see how you can submit your character to us.

Listen...When it comes down to it, just be what You want (be reasonable of course, *l*)...Hell...Have fun with it! Be creative! The point is to have fun, and add to the ongoing story that takes place within the House of R'Leyh...Every one's own unique presence is not only helpful, but appreciated...

If you have any questions about a race you like to play or a suggestion for a race others might like to play that fit into our game, please email us at:

[email protected]

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