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The following is provided as an example of the Information needed for a Player Character to be included upon the The House of R'leyh PCs Page...Now...I've been asked "Why do You have to know what my "birthrights" are. Shouldn't they be my buisness and noone elses?"... Well somewhat true, but it's also only fair to other PCs that they have some sense of Warning as to what other PCs are capable of...This will lead to less arguments and finger pointing in the long run because those PCs included will have the jist of their Abilities posted, thereby acting as a DETERENT to those that are quick to start trouble and end up often being killed because of it...It's our HOPES to help everyone enjoy the RP in the House of R'leyh...Newer PCs as well as more advanced RPers...

Any relavent information that would be helpful to having other PCs become aquainted easier would and is appreciated...Below is an example of one of my own Characters to give You an Idea of that which We need to include your PC upon the PC pages...
Character's Name: Ckthonick 
Player's Name: Randall Hutchings
I.P. Address:
(For reasons of securing a Player Character)
Character's Race: The Alal (www.geocities.com/darkalal)
(In cases of Original Races created by the Player themselves, please e-mail a DETAILED description of ALL information that may be prevelant to other PCs, such as weaknesses ect... and a URL if applicable.)
Character's Psyical Description: A hulking monster of a Creature, Ckthonick is massive even for his 7ft 6inch frame...His eyes glow an eerie Amber hue, which sets off his Felinian, cat-like eyes when he sits cloaked in darkness...His large stature is made even more intimdating by a functional Wingspan of 25ft...Huge Catchermit sized hands end in 5 inch taloned claws...His shoulder length light brown hair frames a weathered face that has seen the fall of Egypt, the discovery of the New World, and the destruction of most he has ever known.
PC's Birthright/Natural Abilities: Being an Alal, CK is damned with the energies of the Fallen God his Breed are forced to imprison within their very souls...This allows CK, and other Alal, the abilities of Master Level Telekinisis, Sustained Flight, Levitation, Short Distance Teleportation, Supernatural Stength and the ability to call upon the "Tomes" of History.
Character's History: (www.geocities.com/darkalal/Powers.html)
URL of Character's Description: (www.geocities.com/darkalal/CK.html)
URL of Character's Avatar: (www.geocities.com/darkalal/CK_Pic.html)
(Optional, but appreciated for reasons of Familiarity reasons)
URL of Player's Actual Picture: hehe...not quite...
(Completely Optional)
Vital Info on Character's History: Examples-Ckthonick spent over an Aeon within the imprisonment of the Abyss as punishment for "Falling in Love" with a DarkAngel known as Blazen...It is because of this Banishment to the Abyssmal plane for such an extended amount of time, CK is somewhat insane after the ordeal...His once mellow demeanor is all but gone, and nothing more than the Cold Blooded Killer remains in the Alal now...Due to the tortures he endured within his Aeon of Banishment, CK is now overly protective of his fellow Alal, to the point of insanly so...Anyone threatning his Alal Kith within his presence is hightly susceptible of finding themselves quickly dead...
(Any disabilites not associated with Race or Breed, Any Phobias due to some Trauma in the Past, ect.)

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