Diary 1998
Diary 2002

DIARY 1997
Read Incubus' past experiences while on tour through their tour diaries!
Nov. 10 by ? - Denver, CO McNichols Sports Arena w/ 311 & Sugar Ray
Incubus. Levitating at intermission. Clothing the masses. Energize. Beatin' it unda water.
Nov. 11 by Brandon - Kansas Coliseum, Wichita, KS show with 311 & Sugar Ray
But, then again, that may be a little too much information for you all. I'm rambling now. Enjoy the pictures, and write to us again! Love and light!,
We played for about six thousand kids (give or take), and the reaction just about made us guys in Incubus christen each others dump-holsters! The evening prior to this gig was about as exciting as taking the rectal temperature of a house fly, so Witchita's gig was a huge redemption for the majority of the bands.
What's up out there in techno-land? Here are some flicks from our most recent show with 311 and Sugar Ray in Witchita, Kansas.
Nov. 15 by ? - Wilkens Auditorium, Minneapolis MN w/ 311 & Sugar Ray
The djembe plays Brandon. The Jawa uses the Force. Dirk and Brandon perform to the edge of the earth.
Nov. 17 by ? - SIU Arena, Carbondale IL w/ 311 & Sugar Ray
Mike in the groove of Lyfe.
Paint the fence Brandon-san.
Witches are to brooms as Brandon is to... Have you seen my contact? Jose downloads the Mothership.
Nov. 19 by ? - West Virginia University, Morgantown WV w/ 311 & Sugar Ray
Are you lonesome tonight? I don't know man, I'm just in the band... Show your light body! Dirk...knows your mom! Steve, can we go out to the Ivy tonight?
Nov. 20 by Incuboys - Recreation Hall Penn State PA w/ 311 & Sugar Ray
Finally, we'd like to appologize for the short sets ya'll. We are opening up for bands at this point (out of L.A.), and 30 minutes is all we can play for! Come a few more months we'll be headlining in a town nearest you. Love and light! -incuboys
First and foremost we'd like to say hello to all reading this. We just played one of the stranger shows of this tour tonight. Although WE had a blast, the crowd was forced to keep their butt-asses clamped to the seats! Due to an anal security code, the audience was a wee bit reserved.
But, it's all good; we here at incubus are no strangers to bar mitzvah type shows! So we've learned to accentuate the finer parts of those rare events.Anyway, I have a tendency to babble when given the chance, so I'll get to the point.
Nov. 21 by Gavin - Roseland New York NY w/ 311 & Sugar Ray
YO! This tour is fat! We have been out for 8 weeks and I'm mad home sick, but NYC (home-away-from-home) quenched my thirst for the big city, phat Hip-Hop sounds, my East Coast fam, Phat blunts, and oh yes, my freaky NY club girls. The 311 guys keep us blessed with good food, good times, kind herb, and beautiful women.  By far the best experience of my professional D.J. career. Sugar Ray guys are mad cool too, and D.J. Homocide is inspiring me with his "veteran" D.J. skills. I gotta give shouts out to The whole Immortal fam, my boys on WYSTONE Ave. (you keepin the hood locked down or what?),TBG, and original Hummin Boyz.I can't wait to get back to that CALI CHRONIC, palm trees, Hollywood nights, Venice Beach Sundays, and even the smell of fresh smog. Don't get me wrong though, as you can see from the rest of the stuff, these kids out here keep our needs for cool friends and positive vibes to a minimal. PEACE OUT... SEE EVERYONE SOON... ONE LOVE... 
Nov. 23 by Brandon - "LIFE ACCORDING TO INCUBUS"
Hello to all in computer land! I'm sitting in a hotel room in Amherst, Mass., loving my day off! We have become accustomed to playing and venting our energies on a daily basis, so we have a tendency to forget what a little peace and quiet can do for the soul. We have been on tour with 311 and Sugar Ray now for about three weeks, and all of our expectations have been surpassed. We open the show every evening with ambient didjeridu noises and turn-table kung fu, only to contradict that peace with the spicy little ditty called "Redefine." It has a way of inciting the spunk in many a Monday night crowd. And, on a more apologetic note, we'd like to say sorry about the brief sets for the past couple of months. We've been opening for national acts and a half an hour is all the time we've been allowed. Incubus usually hits it's plateau around the half hour spot; so you can imagine the sense of anti-climax we experience nightly. But, it is hardly a problem. These opportunities are nothing shy of amazing, and we have the deepest gratitude towards the bands who so graciously take us out with them.
Amidst sub-zero climates, inevitable vehicle failures, multitudious urban whales, intolerant law enforcement officials, frequent in-van flatulence, ruthless house-keeping attendants, sporadic temper tantrums, loneliness, and a myriad other traveling travesties, living on the American road has a unique charm all it's own. One can only wonder what lies ahead on the highway of life, as the yellow lines zip by like the days in our year. We in this musical adventure have collectively agreed that this experience is as beautiful as it is terrifying! And none of us would trade it for anything. This is our calling, and we will always have fun in this artistic endeavor.
Thank you to any and all for listening, and I guess we'll see you in your town. Come and say hi to us,o.k.?
Love and Light!
-Baron Von Brandonavich the First
Nov. 24 by ? - Mullins Center, Amherst MA
Brandon bribes the crowd with free swag. A clever tactical maneuver.
Jose just wants to know why everyone keeps staring at it him. It's probably bec Jose: in a state of tranquillity whilst pondering the beginnings of mankind.
We're cold in this one. Brandon's face.
I'm not wearing any underwear beneath my LEVI'S.
Apparently neither was our sushi chef that day.
The enemy can only be defeated by way of cunning mentality and lethal strength.
Nov. 26 by ? - Rochester, NY
This is quite possibly the most "Bitchin" piece of automotive heavy metal mayhem we've ever seen. It's owner could very well have been the guy we were looking at in the last photo. Dirk Lance hanging' with Jimmy from Jimmy's Chicken Shack.
Wow, there was a person across the street from us that had MULLET hair.
Nov. 28 by ? - Armory, Rochester, NY
Dirk Lance stealing things from Nick Hexum's guitar Tech.
The magnificent stage setup the 311 crew has provided for us.
Dec. 03 by ? - Leon Civic Center, Tallahassee FL w/ 311 & Sugar Ray - "Dead Rock in Tallahasse"
I will spend a little bit of time commenting on the many places where we reside at night, hotels. The most frequented and more times than not the safest bet is, THE SUPER 8! This is usually the one we prefer because it is within our budget and we can rest assured that is pretty sanitary to sleep in. There have been ones that are so nasty I am scared to touch the bed and afraid to sleep because of my fear of being eaten by insects and/or mice. We have actually only encountered one place like this in our career unfortunately ,but is was our only choice if we wanted to sleep for that night. There is also hotel 6 which is ok, but I still prefer the SUPER 8, the MARRIOT which is always a pleasure to visit, the Red Roof Inn which I will never complain about staying the night and a plethora of others I will not elaborate on because of lack o' time. Sleeping in a hotel every night does get old pretty fast because there is nothing like sleeping in your own bed in your own room but it does the job and that is all that matters. I have to mention though, the worst, most annoying thing that can possibly happen to you in your visit to all of these establishments, and that is the dreadful HOUSE KEEPING WITCHES!! Every morning while in a deep sleep dreaming of all the wonderful things there are to dream about, there is a rattling bang against the door with a key and a loud yell saying or should I say yelling; "HOUSE KEEPING!! HOUSE KEEPING!!" Before you even fully awake and get a chance to realize what is going on this nasty lady opens the door yelling, "ARE YOU CHECKING OUT TODAY!!" "YES! GET OUT!" is usually my reply.
Dec. 04 by Jose - "No, I'm not kidding man! Chante is appearing at the Platinum Club tonight!"
It is noon and we are in Tallahassee, Florida, making our way towards New Orleans, Louisiana for our day off. We played last night at the Civic Center. It was a fun show but there was a couple of things that definitely made the night interesting. For one, the floor space was pretty short from front to back so there weren't as many kids in front as there has been in the past. There were a lot of kids in the bleachers and it was still really fun but it seemed like we played in front of two kids. Two, all the security and in particular the fuzz (cops) were on a mission to ruin the entire show by hassling anybody and everybody possible. Even the band members got harassed. Alex our bass slapper was hassled, P-NUT from 311 could not get back stage to his dressing room without getting in this huge ordeal with the security guard. It was pretty bad. It was probably the worst display we have seen as far as security and the fuzz were involved on this entire tour. Oh well, the show still rocked. Well I need to take a nap or something so a must depart, but I will be back soon. Adios mis amigos.
Dec. 11 by Brandon - Waffle House, Anytown USA - "FOOD CONSUMPTION ON THE AMERICAN HIGHWAY"
Where do growing young adults feed themselves when journeying the infamous, black serpent? Why, Waffle House, of course! You can choose from a myriad different breakfast selections at this mecca of roadside attractions. For instance, the Waffle house offers a dozen styles of hash browns(those of which I won't elucidate upon right now).
Many different breeds of eggs and icky meat products, delectable coffee and most lovely of all... WAFFLES!!!!! Alot of the band have become quite disgusted now with Casa De Waffles, and protest our eating there so frequently. But Mike and I stay true to our breakfast obsession by indulging in the age old ritual in it's purest form every morning.
The Waffle House is not our only breakfast love though. To tell you the truth, any food establishment that serves breakfast all day has my instant vote of approval.
I've found that the taste of breakfast is essential in keeping me sane! For it has an inate ability to remind me of the comforts of my home. Ahhhhhhhh.Mmmmmm. So all you out there in earth time; eat a pancake for me, and enjoy that second cup of java.
Dec. 13 by Mike - "MORE ON FOOD"
To continue elabotrating on the topic of tour food, 311 has this catering crew that prepares dinner for us each evening at the concert venue. The food is absolutely FABULOUS. They go to the supermarket every morning in whatever town we happen to be in and select the best and freshest foods they can find.
They then create a menu that provides all the bands and crew members with a choice of a vegetarian dish, fish, meat, and poultry. All of it is soooooooooo darn good (I'm just assuming that the meat dishes are good) that I can't wait to eat dinner every night! We've never before had the option of eating GOOD food while on tour. Otherwise Brandon and I would probably be condemned to three meals a day at the Waffle House! (yeah, right)
So now I'm going to change the subject: To all the cool people we've met while on this tour: We WON'T forget about you! Everyone assumes that because we meet so many people every night that we don't care about them and that is simply not true. I can't stress that enough! Our fans are what keep us alive and we live to MAKE people have a good time. So if you're at a show and you want to talk to one of us, please don't be shy. Just come up and say Hi!
Okay, we've been on tour now for over two months, living in this little van. We thought it was pretty comfortable at first, but now we have pioson neck. Even though my neck hurts, I still love this touring business.
We get to see a 311/Sugar Ray concerto every night, which is pretty special. All the guys from both 311 and Sugar Ray are incredibly hospitable to all of us. They come out and watch us play every night to show us "The Love". Especially Mark from Sugar Ray, he's a big Teddy Bear. That's all I've got to say for now, but I'll write more later,
Bye Bye
Dec. 18 by Brandon - "LOST TIME!!!! LOST TIME!!!!"
Where were you when you witnessed your first flying saucer? Have you ever been sleeping comfortably, then been awakened by a pair of ominous, oval eyes? Has the time in one of your days just slipped out from under you like the Houdini table cloth trick? If so, you're in luck my friends! We here at incubus international may have just experienced one of those infamous "missing time" scenarios that permeate science fiction and all of our favorite movies! I mean, we can't be certain that it was extraterrestrial that intervened.
But, we were about an hour and a half late to one of our sound-checks on the afternoon in question. And a rational explanation has yet to present itself. We were simply driving along what I believe to be the I-80, and we had more than enough time to reach our destination. The mileage was charted, the gas tank was full, we had our driving shoes on; but when we arrived, we had lost at least an hour and a half from our day! As you can imagine, our excuse was about as valid to the others as the "my dog ate my homework" line; and we got a little heat when we arrived. But, the show rocked, we played in front of another brand new crowd of thousands, and our little missing time experience was shrugged at. (But not easily forgotten.)
Most of the band has experienced neato, cosmic scenarios individually like the one described. And I'm sure each of us has explanations and theories into what we think these things are and mean. Do you have experiences of the extraordinary kind? We'd like to hear about them if you do. Write to us anytime on our web page and we'll elucidate further into these mysteries.
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