Diary 1997
Diary 2002

DIARY 1998
Read Incubus' past experiences while on tour through their tour diaries!
OK, in the 2 and 1/2 months that we've been on this tour, this had to have been one of the more ridiculous things that happened to me. After the show we played in Norman, Oklahoma, I was walking around on the floor passing out stickers and meeting cool people when suddenly a fight broke out between two kids that couldn*t have been more than 15 years years old. Other kids, who were obviously friends with the two guys that were fighting, broke up the fight and pulled the two sweaty, but uninjured, kids away from each other. Seconds later, multiple police officers decided that it was time to reenact scenes from their favorite TV series *S.W.A.T* and rush into the scene and spray virtually everyone in the near vicinity with PEPPER SPRAY. Me Included. Now I don*t know if anyone out there in cyberland has ever taken a dose of pepper spray in the eyes, but it doesn*t feel too good. The police officers were so smart, they even sprayed one of the security guards with that crap!
All I know is that I've lived in Los Angeles my entire life, where police officers have REAL problems they have to deal with, and I can't even count how many concerts I've been to. In all that time I've never once seen police officers use Pepper Spray to contain two young boys. Could it have been that the boys fighting were just too much for 3 or 4 police officers to handle? I don't know, you make the call! I'd like to say that I feel sorry for the youth of Norman, Oklahoma, If that type of police behavior is any kind of reflection of the way police treat the kids there. Just remember, ALL PEOPLE out there have a voice, and if you or anybody you know is, or has been, a victim of police brutality, SPEAK UP! Police officers are just as crooked as everybody else.
Jan. 24 by Brandon - "SUGAR RAY IS A FUNNY GUY"
So, we were doing a show in Barcelona, Spain, and it was one of the cooler shows on that tour . But beside that, during Sugar Ray's set, Mark McGrath was rockin' in his usuall manner, and during the set he made numerous attempts to expell gas into his microphone! After a few failed attempts, he finally squeezed one off and it made a sound similar to that of impish belch into an empty soda can! I was standing at the bar, which was located just to the right of the stage, and his little squelch coming out of the huge P.A. made me nearly collapse! I started laughing so hard that I was choking on my own breath. Twas* a moment in rock that will go down in history. So, if any of you aspiring flatulators out there want to really impress your peers, amplify that fiendish, festering fart and go buy a microphone! And maybe while you*re at it, you could sing some songs as well.
Jan. 28 by Brandon - Bradford, England - "THE POWER OF MUSIC"
Hello all in computer-land! We are in Bradford, England; the day of our first headlining show ever in the United Kingdom. And I have to say that I*m the slightest bit homesick. So when I get to this point, I resort to one of the simplest forms of escape and release that life has to offer! I put on my headphones, go to a quiet space, and let the music take me home. There are certain albums, and we all have our picks, that bring me to the most peaceful and inspiring place. I literally lose my sense of space, time, dilema, whatever! It never lets me down; and I highly recommend it to those of you who have yet to try it. So when you*re 10,000 miles from home, cold and lonely and need a little comfort, just let the power of music take you back to that neato place! Or play a phat show in front of 700 screaming english kids.... and that'll make you feel better too.
It's like the 3rd day of the tour and I've been awake since about 4:30 AM due to the effects of Jetlag. Our bus is parked just outside the club that we are to play at the following night. I'm sooooooo hungry that I'm actually contemplating breaking into one of those little German bakeries and attempting to bake something for myself! I wait and wait and wait and wait while the only thing keeping me awake at this point is the ever so loud noise of my growling empty stomach. NOTHING is open. And to make matters even worse, it's Sunday so everything will either remain closed or open later than usual. So I come to the conclusion that I may well die before the sun comes up and eventually fall back asleep.
I wake up a few hours later and everyone else is still sound asleep, unaware that I'm dying of malnourishment. But, the sun is up and there appears to people walking around on the streets. So I wrap myself thick with jackets and sweaters to avoid being consumed by the bitter German cold, and set off for food. I walked for a little while and still nothing was open except weird places that served stuff that I was too scared to eat. Then, I turned the corner and low and behold, there it was, shining like the fire of ten thousand stars. MCDONALDS!!!!!!!!!! French fries and milkshakes and other crap that I still won't eat, but at least It's McDonalds! Under normal circumstances, I won't eat anything from there but this was different. I can honestly say that I've never in all my life been so happy to see a McDonalds. Those beautiful golden arches! It was a little hard for the German girl behind the counter (who was rather attractive, I might add) to understand that I wanted a Cheeseburger without the burger. In other words, grilled cheese. But communication was made and everything worked out just fine. I must say that It was the finest McDonalds grilled cheese, milkshake and fries I've ever experienced. They definitely know how to deal with us idiotic Americans over in Europe. I can't wait to go back!!!
Jan. 30 by Brandon - "ENGLISH BREAKFAST"   Note: I think the actual date is Jan. 31 cuz Mike said they were in Germany on Jan. 30 but I won't change it in case I'm wrong
O.K., what is up with what these English folks are consuming in the a.m.? You'll order a simple meal; be it eggs, toast, waffles, coffee? And it all seems normal, right? NOPE! They'll smother the whole plate with wierd, orange pinto beans, and plop some deep fried tomato on top of that! MMMmmmm!!!! I wish we took a picture of it! I mean, if those folks really like that stuff, and it makes them feel lovely, more power to them! But I know now to do a little pre-breakfast shopping when I return to the U.K. I guess I'm kind of a pancake and waffle type guy.
Feb. 04 by Mike - "THANK YOU TO OUR UK/EUROPEAN FANS!!!!!!"
I just personally wanted to say thankyou to all of you who bought our albums and came to see us play on this last tour. Things went so well that we are already planning another tour of all of Europe and the UK. We'll be headlining which means that we'll get to play for much longer than 1/2 hour! I met so many cool people all over on this tour, and I can't even begin to express enough gratitude. Make sure to say hello to us next time we come around, and if we don't know you, don't be shy just come up and introduce yourself. It was great to see so many familiar faces from both the KoRn tour and the Warped tour. We'll hopefully be seein' y'all again real soon!
Much love,
Feb. 11 by Mike - "LONG PLANE RIDES"
Now that we've travelled between continents via modern aircraft our fair share, I've come to have many realizations about how to make a 10+ hour plane ride more bearable. We've done much longer rides in our van (over 60 hours straight from Boston to Seattle) but at least with a van or busride, it is possible to stop for food and stretch out. When flying on an airplane, it may not be such a great idea to step outside for a snack. Here's how to effectively make yourself comfortable on a long planeflight:
#1. When checking in at the airport, put on a big smile,turn on that brilliant charm, and kindly ask the airline attendant if it would be possible to have a whole row of seats reserved for you. If you have a choice, always ask a flight attendant that is of the opposite sex, because they're always suckers for it if you can get them to think you're cute. Just always remember to put on a smile.
#2. Once you're on the plane, you've got one very important mission: TAKE AS MANY BLANKETS AND PILLOWS AS YOU CAN (without pissing of the flight attendants, of course) and sneak them back to your ROW. The blankets and pillows are easily placed under the seats in front of you as you must prepare for takeoff.
#3. Once the plane is off the ground and you've reached cruising altitude, you can start the construction of your FORT. Take 3 of your blankets and drape them carefully over the back of your seat to the headrest of the seat of the person in front of you. ( you may have to ask the people in front of you for permission to do this, but hopefully you're travelling with people you know and they'll be the ones you have to ask. Either way, this shouldn't be a problem) You should now have a nice roof to block out any and all unwanted light.
#4. This is where things get kind of risky and require a bit of sneaky action. Go to the back of the plane and grab as many bottles of their fine red wine as you'll need to 'relax'. ( I only need one cus' I'm a lightweight) You'll need to pull this off in a stealth manner because.................well, you don't really need to be stealth but it makes you feel pretty cool if you can be that sneaky.
#5. Once you're back in your tent, use all the pillows and blankets you stole to make a comfortable bed. The more pillows and blankets you steal, the more comfortable you'll be.
#6. Now all you have to do is put on your headphones and drink wine until you've reached your personally ideal 'comfort' level and allow yourself to fall asleep. With any luck, you won't wake up until you've landed and you won't remember where you are.
Many Happy Plane Flights!
Right now as I am writing this, we're driving through Donner Pass on our way to play a show in Reno. (see how the photo is all whited out?) Last night, we weren't even sure if we would get this far because of severe storm warnings. We woke up early this morning and saw on the news that many roads had been closed due to flooding and damage overnight. But, we know that kids in Reno have been patient with us because we cancelled our last show there due to singer's illness. So we figured that we should try our damnedest to make it for our Reno friends and fans. But having to put on chains in the freezing cold snowy weather sucks. I know I sound like a little crybaby, but that's because I am. I belong in sunny southern California chillin' at the beach drinking a margarita! I'm not used to this torrid snowy mess! But all of us in INCUBUS are more than willing to do whatever we have to so we can deliver our music to YOU. Live and In-Person!!
While we were on tour with 311/Sugar Ray, we nearly missed a show because we got stuck while driving through a mountain pass in Idaho. It was definitely a learning experience because we were practically the only car driving through and there wasn't anybody around to give us a hand. Another time we were stuck on the same route that we are on right now because we had NO chains whatsoever and we had 3 hours to make a 5 hour drive!! We ended up knocking REALLY loud on the front door of a closed tire garage just to see if anyone was there to help us out. Luckily, there was this guy there that had the right chains and he put them on for us at what I'm sure was a "competetive" price. But that's OK because we were just happy to be able to get back on the road to get to our show, which was at Mammoth Mountain Ski Resort. With about 20 minutes until showtime and about 1/2 mile away from the concert venue, we got stuck on an icy hill and once again, very close to missing our show. But thanks to some clever teamwork, we arrived in Mammoth safely, and played what was possibly the worst show in INCUBUS history. But we're still alive so I'm happy. See all of you soon on our Headline U.S. tour in march. Keep updated on our tourdates at our website, www.enjoyincubus.com)
- Mike
Feb. 21 by Jose - "Howdy Doody"
Here we are in Reno, NV hangin' in our hotel room. We were supposee to play last night but because of some unfortunate circumstances the show was cancelled. It was a long scary treck through the Donner Pass, we actually risked our lives to get up here even though our better judgment told us not to go. A lot of people showed up to the venue and were once again disappointed from our cancelled show. The owner of the venue felt bad so she invited us to her bar next door for free drinks so we ended of hanging out there with the other bands that were going to play, and the kids that came to see us, so it actually turned out to be ok. We then went out and had a great meal in one of the casinos and then to bed. So the night was kind of fun, we just spent 7 hours in a van, driving through horrible conditions to have a little fun. Oh well, tonight will make up for it in San Francisco.
Chow Baby.
Feb. 22 by Brandon - "STRONGEST MAN IN THE WORLD?"
I'm chillin' in San Francisco on another soaked day. El Nino has trapped us in our temporary livivg space once again; and we have resorted to watching the ol' sports channel. Currently, before our eyes, is the infamous "Strongest Man In The World" competition! Lou Ferigno just raced five other meaty mariachis, and just before the finish line, toppled over his own muscular toes! Now, after watching this lovely display of fiendish, fitness ferocity, I can't help noticing my own rippling biceps. I even flex a little for the other members and they all ahh at my natural ability to fill speedos! Of course, I also induce some adverse reactions from Dirk Lance, because he also looks pretty dope in tight whiteez! So when I croon past him and flash a quadracep, he immediatly challenges me to a "Strongest Man In theWorld" arm wrestling competition.
So, now, imagine the scenario; two, muscle bound, machismo musicians in tight speedos, snarling like pit-bulls at eachother with hands intertwined and sweat glistening on their brows. The stage is set, anticipation's high, adrenaline is flowing like a river, and both Dirk and myself are hungry for the win like none other could ever imagine! For the winner of this game will truely be dubbed the strongest man in the world!
"On your mark, get set, go!!!" The race is on, and Dirk Lance winces at my obvious fitness superiority. For we are not even 10 seconds into the match, and the back of his hand has already come within an inch of the terrible touchdown point! And just when I think I've claimed the prestigious title, and I can even smell the fine catering for my victory party; I catch a strange look in Mr. Lances' eye. Suddenly, a deep growl is emitting from his abdomen; and the back of his shirt begins ripping and exposing a hideous green epidermal exterior! I try and release my hand from his now crushing grip, and I find that it is far too late. The arm that I once thought to be the embodiment of all that is male, was now being torn from it's socket and flaunted before me by a swollen, green beast!
Laughing like some other worldly overlord, Dirk "HULK" Lance slaps me in the face with my own, still fist clinched arm, and barracades through the nearest sheet rock wall! Leaving me to type this entry with only one, defeated and dehumanized arm. Dirk truely is the strongest man in the world, this is a fact I now have to accept. But he is doomed to wander the streets of America, like a homeless outcast, and be victim to his uncontrollable, arm wrestling rage!
Apr. 07 by Jose - "Today i was pondering Today i was pondering"
I was pondering the thought of having a tour bus. Now i am a pretty rational person, so i think. I began to think of all the advantages of having a bus, if any, that we did not already have in our van. After thinking about it for a while i came to the conclusion that the only advantage of having a bus vs. a van is more space. So i thought of all the things i could do with *that space*. I could stand up for one, but why the heck would i want to stand up and be able to stretch when i could be cramped up in a sitting position for hours on end getting tense throughout my entire body, specifically my neck and back. If i really want to stretch while in the van i would just wait until the next stop which could be anywhere from an hour to 4, depending on everybody*s bladder control or the vans hunger.
This brings us to another so-called advantage. There would naturally be a bathroom on the bus because of all the *space* we have to play with, which only means that we would not have to stop fifty times every drive we have in order to please everyones different bladder schedules, but what fun is that!! Not stopping every five minutes. Another space filler would be beds. This is definitely something i do not understand. To be able to sleep comfortably when you are completely exausted. I am just fine sleeping in the van with a tweaked neck and a bad back; even though i am not really sleeping because of all the niose of everyone and the bumpyness of the van, i am content. Which brings up personal space. In a bus, if one gets annoyed with someone or would like some time to themselves they have a choice of going to either there bed or a different lounge, since there are a couple of them, one in front and one in back. Personally i think annoyance is good for the soul. So in essence, having a bus brings only one advantage in comparison with a van, space. If it were up to me a would travel in a van for the rest of our careers. In fact after our career ends, whenever that may be, i am going to buy a van just so i can park it in front of my house so that i can sleep in it, read, draw, and do everything i already do in it at the present time. O GOD I HOPE WE GET A BUS SOON BEFORE I KILL EVERYONE! Bye bye.
Apr. 07 by Brandon - "The Origin of Turntablist extrordinaire; DJ Kilmore"
With the recent departure of Kid Lyfe from the Incubus family, we were temporarily left in a state of limbo concerning what we would do about the existing dilema! The turntables had become an integral part of this musical venture, and although the said departure was necessary, we were in no way ready to depart from the wheels of steel ! So, having a whopping two days to decide what to do, we began searching the four corners of the globe for the person who would help lift us out of the current doldrum.
But who,(in their left mind), would have thought that the answer to our problems would be nowhere near earth? It didn*t dawn on us, until a random, chaotic act of nature sent him here, that our new musical partner could be from somewhere other than Earth! But , in fact, come from one of the moons of our largest of stellar neighbors; Jupiter! the current doldrum.
It seemed as though our new friend was quietly meditating atop his favorite mountain on Io, when, without warning, it decided to erupt with the explosive force of creation, and catapult him towards the third rock from the sun! Luckily, Kilmore was traveling at exactly the correct angle to enter our fragile atmosphere. For if he*d entered a fraction of a milimeter to low or high, he would have quickly become stratospheric dust! Upon landing in our Pacific Ocean, his transparent exoskeleton dissolved into the thick salt water, and he swam to shore. the current doldrum.
Kilmore,(know as KIlmorfuphilsithe on his native moon), quickly adapted to the strange practices unique to the inhabitants of this terrestrial world. And soon discovered a means of communicating with his home world. Yep, you guessed it; the turntables! So this brings us back to Incubus. Being that we have had frequent communion with many of our inter stellar brothers and sisters, we soon found out about earth*s latest visitor and made contact with him. the current doldrum.
It seems that Kimore was looking for a means of sending radio transmissions out of his new location by method of audio-poetic creation, and we here at Incubus were well under way with that feat! So, after a short meeting with him and a demonstration of his communication skills, we asked him to join our family. And here we are today, somewhere in the middle of the portion of the globe knowns as the United States, heading towards the next city to practice our communication skills the only way we know how. If you happen to run into us, or if you happen to be from Io as well, please come say hi and lend us a smile! the current doldrum.
Love and light! the current doldrum.
-brandon(of Earth)
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