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Close Encounters

...what it would be like to meet Tia and Tamera for real?

This page is reserved for close encounter stories. If you've met Tia and Tamera at some point in your life and want to share the experience with other fans - then please submit your story to this page by email 

New York City August 21 1999
Submitted by: A fan who wants to remain anonymous. ID is known to me.

Tia and Tamera appeared at the opening of the Old Navy Store on West 34th Street in New York City.

"...Yesterday I went to see Tia and Tamera. This is how it happened. I went to the opening of the Old Navy store and there was mad people there to show them love. It was awesome. They were there promoting a new line of clothing Old Navy was coming out with and they were giving out autographs. So I bought an Old Navy T-Shirt and I got in line for an autograph. I was so nervous. I waited a long time. Then when it was my turn. I said my name and asked them both to sign the T-Shirt. They signed it and I said you guys are like my favorite actresses and I never miss your show. And they said thanks and then I said I hope you have good luck with your new movie and it was an honor meeting you and they said thanks. They were like so nice and sweet and everything. Meeting Tia and Tamera was the greatest honor I have ever had. The feeling I got when I met them was like a total rush of like excitement and anticipation. It was the greatest feeling somebody could ever have. But then when it's over you feel so numb and so stunned about what happened it's like you say to yourself: Did I really meet them or was it a dream or something I imagined. It really takes a while for it to sink in when it does happen and I hope any other fan of Tia and Tamera who ever meets them get that feeling. And to anybody who does: they are the most nice and sweet persons to meet and they love their fans. It still hasn't sunk in for me yet..."

Pepperdine University, LA, September 6 2000
Submitted by: A Pepperdine student. ID is known to me.

"I met Tia and Tamera this past Wednesday at Pepperdine University where I'm attending school. I was about to get on the shuttle bus and I heard them talking behind me. I thought it sounded like them, so I turned around and it was them. I said hello to Tamara first since she was standing right next to me and then everyone got on the shuttle. The shuttle was very crowded and I thought I was going to have to stand up. But one guy was nice enough to offer his seat to me and it just happened to be next to Tamara! And Tia was sitting in front of me and Tamera. I talked to them for a while and they were both very nice. Then the next day I saw them come into my Religion class to speak to one of their friends. So I asked them if they remembered me from the day before, and they did. I was surprised that they remembered my name, I guess they have a good memory. Then they took off to class. And later on that day I saw them again at the cafeteria. When I saw them in the Cafeteria I spoke to them again and they remembered me from the day before on the shuttle bus."




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