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As mentioned elsewhere, the sitcom 'Sister Sister' was the show that really made Tia and Tamera's acting careers take off. Kim Bass created the show especially for them, after they were discovered by Irene Dreayer at de Passe Entertainment. Initially the show was called 'Double Dutch'. Later the title was changed to 'Sister Sister'.
Tamera: "The first time we were on the set, I was in awe. I realized that God had answered my prayer. It really didn't sink in until we finished the first episode."

The show premiered on the ABC Network on April 1st, 1994 - in midseason. It replaced the timeslot previously occupied by 'Hangin with Mr. Cooper'. Now more than 100 episodes later the show is in its sixth season. Starting at age 15 the girls have literally grown with the show.
Tia: "We stayed 14 for three years on the show. So now we are finally in college, and it's a new vibe."

IntroThe story is about twin sisters, separated at birth and brought up by different parents - in different environments. Nearly fifteen years later, they discover each other by accident when shopping with their parents Lisa and Ray. They instantly hit it off and decide they must grow up together as the sisters they so obviously are. Their parents however are less happy about the prospects of living under the same roof, but for the sake of the girls they compromise and join households.

The social difference between Ray and Lisa is evident from the beginning and is also one of the major elements in the show. Ray owns a limousine service and lives with Tamera in a big house in the suburbs. Lisa is a seamstress living downtown Detroit with Tia. Her dream is to become a famous fashion designer. Ray and Lisa have nothing in common at all - except for the girls!

Tia and Tamera quickly discovers that even though they look alike, they are in fact very different. Tia is an honor student and very focused on her education. Tamera is the sloppy twin. Constantly flirting with the boys. They share a bedroom and each side of the room reflects the personality of each twin - making it easier for the audience to tell them apart. In season 5 that part of the set was rebuild in order for the girls to get separate bedrooms.

The show mainly focuses on teen issues and the growing pains that twins experience when they discover their individuality. The series also contain adult issues such as single parenting, adult dating, and the subtle attraction between Ray and Lisa.
The fifth and sixth seasons clearly have a stronger focus on the girls developing individuality. The storylines allow them to pursue different interests.

A unique thing about the show is that Tia and Tamera's characters in most episodes speak directly to the camera. That way they are able to share their innermost secrets and thoughts with the audience.

I once asked Tia and Tamera why they have kept their first names in the show. They  said the producers wanted them to keep their real names because they thought they were so pretty. As simple as that.
Tia and Tamera watch their show every week, but they think it is weird to see themselves on TV. Usually they watch it to critique themselves.

The girls once said that about 75 percent of the scripts are their ideas. Since they basically represent the audience, they know what the viewers want. At the beginning of every season, they sit down with the writers and discuss the issues they would like to work with. Also, since it's a twin show, they share some funny episode from real life to be incorporated in the script. To keep it real.

After the first two seasons the show was cancelled by ABC only to be picked up by the newly founded Warner Bros. Network (WBN) in 1995.





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