Season 1

Episode 1 - "Truth Be Told"
Episode 2 - "So It Begins"
Episode 3 - "Parity"
Episode 4 - "A Broken Heart "
Episode 5 - "Doppleganger"
Episode 6 -"Reckoning"
Episode 7 - "Color Blind"
Episode 8 - "Time W ill Tell"
Episode 9 - "Mea Culpa"
Episode 10 - "Spirit"
Episode 11 - "The Confession"
Episode 12 - "The Box (Part 1)"
Episode 13 - "The Box (Part 2)"
Episode 14 - "The Coup"
Episode 15 - "Page 47"
Episode 16 - "The Prophecy"
Episode 17 - "Q&A"
Episode 18 - "Masquerade"
Episode 19 - "Snowman"
Episode 20 - "The Solution"
Episode 21 - "Rendezvous"
Episode 22 - "Almost 30 Years"

 Date Air : Oct  28 2001 

      In Sao Paulo, Sydney evades Sawari's bodyguard after watching a paramedic team implant a bomb into the pacemaker of UCO speaker Patel. When Sydney awakens in a run-off canal, she contacts Dixon, who grabs a dazed Patel at the UCO conference, and steals an ambulance. As Dixon proceeds to surgically extract the bomb, they are being pursued by Jacqnoud, who controls the detonator to the device. While Sydney drives, Dixon removes the bomb — just as Jacqnoud activates it and launches it beneath his car — abruptly ending the chase.

In Los Angeles, Francie tells Sydney that they are throwing a big Halloween party at Sydney's apartment. While setting up, Will tells Francie that he's been investigating the death of Danny, whom he has learned was to be on a flight to Hong Kong, not Singapore, and seated next to a woman named Kate Jones — neither of whom made the flight. 

Will meets up with the mystery woman, and has clearly done his homework; she even admits to having had an affair with Danny. But Will stuns her when he points out that, according to her social security number, Kate Jones died in 1973 — and she races away from the meeting place.








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