Season 3

Episode 1 - "The Two"
Episode 2 - "Succession"
Episode 3 - "Reunion"
Episode 4 - "A Missing Link"
Episode 5 - "Repercussions"
Episode 6 - "The Nemesis"
Episode 7 - "Prelude"
Episode 8 - "Breaking Point"
Episode 9 - "Conscious"
Episode 10 - "Remnants"
Episode 11 - "Full Disclosure"
Episode 12 - "Crossings"
Episode 13 - "After Six"
Episode 14 - "Blowback"
Episode 15 - "Facade"
Episode 16 - "Taken"
Episode 17 - "The Frame"
Episode 18 - "Unveiled"
Episode 19 - "Hourglass"
Episode 20 - "Blood Ties"
Episode 21 - "Legacy"
Episode 22 - "Resurrection"

 Date Air : April  25,  2004 

    Jack tells Syd that he saved Sloane because he had learned that DOJ Director Marlon Bell was part of The Trust and wanted Sloane dead. Syd tells Sloane that she didn't grieve for him.

Sloane reveals that he found a Rambaldi text that contained a formula for an elixir that would allow The Passenger to channel a message from Rambaldi. Sloane had sampled the elixir, which had no effect. Sloane explains that if The Covenant finds her, it will expose her to a massive dose of the elixir, thus killing her. He swears he just wants to protect his child. When Syd asks how to find her, he smashes The Hourglass, revealing a glowing green ball. 

Dixon has Weiss tail Lauren and advises Vaughn to continue as her devoted husband in order to garner info. Lauren, however, soon loses Weiss. Ex agent Thomas Brill contacts Vaughn. He says Vaughn's father was a Rambaldi follower who freed The Passenger, then a little girl, from KGB custody and hid her. He died protecting her.

On a plane to Washington, D.C., Syd holds the green ball, a battery for a Rambaldi artifact that can locate The Passenger. The Trust has a cold storage vault in the Smithsonian secured by a five-key retinal system corresponding to the five member of The Trust -- all government officials. In D.C., Sloane makes himself known to Bell, who calls a meeting with The Trust that Sloane crashes.

Sark kidnaps and tortures Vaughn, trying to get The Passenger's location. Lauren appears and, apparently disturbed by Vaughn's condition, helps him escape.

While Sloane gathers the retinal ID's from the Trust via a hidden scanner, Syd enters Smithsonian posing as a dinosaur expert researching a paper. She charms the curator into letting her gain access to a restricted area, where she finds the vault. Jack sends the scans to Syd, who uses them to open the vault. She grabs the artifact.
Later, Sloane drops the green ball into the artifact, which etches a brain wave pattern on parchment. They use a DOD satellite network capable of remote encephalography to locate The Passenger. She's in a labor camp in Chechnya, under the alias of Talia Kozlov. Syd infiltrates the Chechen camp and finds her sister in a catatonic state and strapped to a bed. 

Vaughn flags a trucker and uses his cell phone to call Dixon. Vaughn is rightfully suspicious. The truck crashes after the trucker attacks him. Sark and Lauren grab Vaughn again but Marshall witnesses it on a surveillance tape. They begin to administer the dreaded Inferno Protocol serum on Vaughn when Sark receives a mysterious phone call revealing the location. Lauren increases the dosage in order to kill Vaughn and they leave. Weiss, using Marhsall's info, finds Vaughn barely alive.

The woman wakes and she and Syd battle their way out. She tells Syd that her name is Nadia and she's with SIDE, Argentine Intelligence. Syd reveals that they're sisters. They meet up with Jack and Sloane and retreat to a safe house. Nadia recognizes Sloane, who tells her that he changed because he didn't want to meet his daughter and have her despise him. 

Sark and Lauren break into the safe house. During the gun battle, Sloane and Nadia disappear. Jack and Syd realized that Sloane tipped The Covenant to give himself the opportunity to escape with Nadia. They can't relocate her by her brainwaves. 

Dixon tells Syd that Vaughn shows evidence of psychological conditioning, thanks to Lauren. Syd visits Vaughn in the hospital. He says she must let The Passenger go and reveals the reason that Irina killed his father. He relays a prophecy: The Passenger and The Chosen One will battle and neither will survive. Syd is unmoved. 

Sloane injects Nadia, strapped to a table, with the elixir. She convulses. 

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