Season 3

Episode 1 - "The Two"
Episode 2 - "Succession"
Episode 3 - "Reunion"
Episode 4 - "A Missing Link"
Episode 5 - "Repercussions"
Episode 6 - "The Nemesis"
Episode 7 - "Prelude"
Episode 8 - "Breaking Point"
Episode 9 - "Conscious"
Episode 10 - "Remnants"
Episode 12 - "Crossings"
Episode 13 - "After Six"
Episode 14 - "Blowback"
Episode 15 - "Facade"
Episode 16 - "Taken"
Episode 17 - "The Frame"
Episode 18 - "Unveiled"
Episode 19 - "Hourglass"
Episode 20 - "Blood Ties"
Episode 21 - "Legacy"
Episode 22 - "Resurrection"

 Date Air : Nov  23,  2003 

    Now in Lindsey's custody, Sydney is imprisoned and tortured at Camp Williams, a secret NSC detention facility. She befriends Campbell, another prisoner.

Lindsey relieves Dixon, who takes full responsibility for hiding Syd's secret. Lauren accuses Vaughan of aiding a fugitive, while he says Lindsey is funded by black money. Unconvinced, Lauren travels with Lindsey to Washington to observe Syd's interrogation.

Vaughn goes to Jack, who tells him that Sloane will help them, making it look like The Covenant is trying to break out Syd. They put together a team of eight mercenaries. They will steal the Camp Williams blueprints from the FEMA building.

Lindsey pressures Lauren, who's unaware of Syd's torture, to write a fair report of their treatment of Syd. He says he will threaten Syd with the memory-retrieval surgery in order to force her to decode a message found under her desk in Rome. He promises it will only be a threat.

During her torture, Syd steals a paper clip. When Lauren suspects torture, Lindsey blackmails her by threatening to nail Vaughn for aiding Syd. Syd picks the lock with the clip, kills her torturer and breaks free. Lauren sees the guards beat Syd.

Jack and Vaughn contact Brill, an old comrade, who joins them for a fee of 3 million. Jack takes Vaughn to a storage facility of guns and money.

At FEMA, Sloane, in a van, knocks out their phone system and routes all calls to a fake number. Vaughn answers their request for a technician and Jack goes in. Meanwhile Sloane and Vaughn break into the building's sub-basement. Tapping into the phone lines, Sloane poses as a director and calls away Jack's guard. Vaughn pushes in a video snake and snaps images of the blueprints that Jack holds up to the camera.

Jack is discovered and Sloane saves his life by taking a bullet for him. Sloane's allergic to morphine so Jack extracts the bullet without anesthesia. Jack wonders why Sloane saved his life. Sloane says he's a reformed man and that Jack and Syd are all he has left — his absolution, considering his crimes. Vaughn has Marshall access classified docs on NSC's computer network. Marshall finds that all files pertaining to Camp Williams have been removed. Lauren arrives, admits that Vaughn was right and offers her help.

Lindsey tortures Campbell to force Syd to reveal the code. She capitulates, says they are coordinates but doesn't know to what. Campbell then reveals himself to be a fake. They knew Syd's profile, which reveals her major weakness to be empathy. Lindsey informs her that she will undergo the neuro-stimulation surgery in one hour.

Jack, Vaughn and the team speed to the facility. Lauren, already there, opens the main gate. Jack enters, finds Syd's cell empty — she's on the operating table. The team finds her just in time and a gun battle ensues. Lauren shoots and kills Campbell. They take Syd to a chopper, where Sloane waits. Syd says she gave Lindsey the wrong coordinates.

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