Publix'N, January 4th 2004  : )
: )
: )
                      My tie loves me     .......................................................................................     And I love my tie!!!
: )
Hello...    : )
Okay mom....*sniff* Ill put on the tie...:
This would be the automatic double doors...
This be the Evil light!!! It goes off and on myseiriously whenever we walk by.... i think it likes us  : )
This is matt's Woman!
Dixie Plates man..DIXIE!!
Matt's Woman----->
Someone eltses groteries....       ..... the lucky hoes!
We were stalking that very blurry gurl!
She's an abusive sister who manhandles her younger brother!!
Well this was supposed to be the wide selection of batteries.......
Put doller in...Soda come out...
We went to publix dressed as people with bags on our heads...then we got SODA and left!!!! : )
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Go the Fack Back Home Hoe!!!!!