Our lifes in few words

Jóna Dís Steindórsdóttir

I am 29 years old and from Reykjavik, Iceland, or better yet from the suburb called Breiðholt. I graduated from the Commercial College of Iceland in 1991, which, I feel like, is a long time ago. Shortly after that I headed to Spain, to Seville, to study Spanish, I have always been interested in learning that language. I went to a language school there for 4 months and after that did some travelling, among other things, for other 4 months. Year later I returned to Seville and stayed for 3 months. This is a wonderful city, there are so many interesting things to see and just the spirit of this Andalusian city makes it a mystic place. After this I decided to go to the University of Iceland and study Spanish philology (literature, history, lenguage science etc.), and the last year (of three) I studied in Seville (1996-97). The studies went well but I still have not finished, I´m working on my BA thesis right now (about the Incas inPeru). After getting fed up with studies I went to work for Air Atlanta as a flight Attendant in Madrid. At first we were flighing only
to Cuba and the Canary Islands, later to other places. Me and Ingi met in
Las Palmas (Canary Islands) in april 1998 and have been together ever
since. I also flew to other destinations like Moscow, Tokyo, Rio de
Janeiro, Buenos Aires, Johannesburg, New York, Miami etc. This was/is
a great way to travel around the world which is, by the way, one of our
main interests. Ingi and I went to Tulsa, Oklahoma (USA) in august 1999
where he studied A&P (to become an aircraft mechanic).I got myself a
certificate in travel and tourism to start with and then wentto TCC (Tulsa
Community College) to study computer science. I gradu-ated with
certificates in System Support Technician (sort of networking),Web
Graphics and Web Site Management.
I haven´t worked with any of this
yet but I hope to do so some day, I want to study more about computer
science and maybe get myself the MCSE degree (Microsoft Certified
Systems Engineer). Right now (in mars, 2001) I´m back workingfor Air
Atlanta in Madrid, flighing to Cuba, Johannesburg and the CanaryIslands.
In fact when this is written I´m sitting in my hotelroom in La Habana, Cuba.
Like Ingi says further down the page, we want to spent more years living
abroad, we always miss the little Island in the north and all the good things
it´s got to offer, but still, it is a little to cold therefor my taste and to dark in the winter.

A picture drawn in the street of Tokyo. I look horrible on this picture, like a russian prison guard



Ingi Ingason



I´m 31 years old and just finished the A&P (Airframe and Powerplant) licence in USA, better late than never. The last 7 years I have been travelling all over the world and lived in various countries. The longest I stayed was in Madrid, Spain but I´ve also lived in Luxem-
bourg, the Canary Islands, USA and Ecuador. Actually I´ve had, and still
have a great interest in travelling and exploring the world and I spent
about a year travelling to almost all the countries in South-America.
Mostly I travel with my backpack and on a "budget" travel but that way is
the most interesting by my opinion. That way you get to know the local
people and their way of living but not only previously picked tourist plac-
es in a protected area with a guide that decides where to and when you
go sightseeing. After a year and a half stay in USA I decided I never want
to live there, I think it´s not a very interesting society even though they
themselves think they´re the biggest and best in the world. Now today I´m
on my way to Saudi Arabia, to Jeddah, to go to work for Air Atlanta (where
I used to work in Madrid for two years). After having lived for such a long
time abroad I don´t thing I´ll be living in Iceland again, at least not for the
next years. I think I still have a lot of things to see around the world and I
have a great interest in getting to know all those different cultures and
customs that thrive in the world.
A photo of me also drawn in Tokyo. It looks like it was done in 1978, not in 1998.





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