* Message 2 *
Freaky Stuff
Message 2:

["Crybaby" plays] "Hello? Randalph? Oh, Randalph? OK we'll try this again.

Hey everybody it's Mariah. I'm just trying to let you know that I'm leaving this message because everything's OK. And what we're gonna do is I'm gonna take like a minute off. And then what's gonna happen is... you're gonna see the movie and things of that nature.

So don't think anything's crazy if there's anything bizarre going on with the Internet or any of that stuff. Honestly I'm not paying any attention to any of that. I'm ready to take off my pager. And you know how I am. So what I want to do is to let you know that everything's cool. And that... Hello? Randalph? And that I'm gonna make music for you but right now I need a break so I will, as a human being, take that break. And then I'm going to come back and sing for a minute, after I get my management company put together and after there are some other issues so... OK? So thank you, nothing's wrong, you don't have to do anything to anybody.

And I know I don't say this that much, but guess what, I don't take care of myself, and I feel that it's a little disguisting that people can't understand that a celebrity is not more important than, and this is not gonna make much sense but, than my friend's little girl and her safety.

That's all I care about basically. And some other personal issues. And honestly this is not for anything other than the fact that I care about my fans. And I'm telling you this, and I would like to walk out of a hotel with some dignity.

So, that being said, you guys know how random my message is anyway, so I love ya, and we're gonna do it again OK? And there's nothing to be upset about, we still win, if you win spiritually you win anyway. OK, I hope this message gets to them, no I pray, actually let me say something, just hold on. Anyways... [cuts off]"
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