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It is said a true equestrian has a passionate interest in all things pertaining to horses. There is a spark in the hearts of horse lovers that distinguishes us from hobbyists or sporting individuals. Those of us who make horses a part of our lives know from an early age that we are different. The thrill of being close to a member of the equine species is inherent in our nature. The enjoyment we feel in the presence of horses extends to stables, tack and most of all being with these magnificent creatures.
In 1867 in the American South scientists discovered a complete skeleton of the first horse dating back to the Eocene Age some 60 million years ago. The scientists called this discovery Echippus, the Dawn Horse. This horse was no bigger than a small dog approximately 14 inches at the shoulder.

In 1881 the Przewalskii's horse was discovered in Mongolia and is said to be the forefather of the modern day horse today.

In Eurasia some 5-6,000 years ago the horse was domesticated along with dogs sheep and reindeer. Through selective breeding horses have been valuable animals many times being traded for wives, wealth, land and fortune.
Horses, throughout times have endured the hardships of wars, slavery, depression, and used for food They have been means of transportation, have worked in our mines, fields pulled our carts. They have given us pleasure and entertainment. Despite their size they depend on us for care.
Today there is a passionate army of horse lovers who rise at dawn to ensure their adored equines enjoy the best lifestyle possible.
No animal is more admired or more highly valued than our equine friends
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