
My Stuff

(August 28, 2000)

They spin around me in a flawless circle
An intricate dance, ever flowing
Yet here I stand in the center alone
Will anyone save me? never knowing

With outstreched arms I beg
"Fill these emty embraces"
And I know it may never be, and I never whole
Reminissing of long dead times and places

Will we ever truly be?
"Patience" you say as you float away
And I'm left broken and bruised
Just a rememberance in this aching heart

I just can't do it again
I don't think I can take it
I need you now and forever
But if I must, I'll wait

I shall spend eternity waiting
I'll die here and still keep watch
For somehow, someday we'll find that sunlit hillside
And sit beneath a sheltering oak tree
(In some warm place, an infinite distace away)

(September 28, 2000)
My eyes glaze over in pure ecstasy and become slits like those in my mind, my wrists dripping forever the world drops away and we are left floating through the emptiness eternal you take me away. How can ecstasy and agony combine, depression and elation coexist in us my love?

Reason For Living
(January 30, 2001)

The reason for living
Is leaving me slowly
Flowing and waning
And draining away

Yet within me begins me
Growing and knowing
Now what I am
And now what I'll stay

So I live and I love
And I take all the pain
For maybe, just maybe
It's worth another day

-for my daughter, my Hope

My Stuff

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