My Pics

My Stuff

Me w/Hope's Dad (Who Doesn't Want Pics Online)

My Friend Aliana in a New Orleans Cemetary

Aliana "Dead"

Aliana and I Before She Moved

I know you wish it were, but it's not real. (I think...)

Me in Front of the Dead "Christ"

Someone can't take pictures well. (Part of my face got chopped off.)

Me Little (and Sooo Cute)

What happened?

My Brother and Sister-in-Law

(Oh yea, that's what happened.)

My Friend Tai and I

Me at School

In My Backyard

What a bad fucking picture! Oh well, it's one of the more recent ones.

Hope's First Pics

1. Her spine (side view)
2. My little demon girl. (She's waving!)
1. 2.

1. Her face and body (She got so much bigger.)
2. It's A Girl! (She's gonna love this one later.)
3. Another one of her face and body.
1. 2.

My Stuff

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