This page is for all the nameless or characters that make a short apperance. Some come out for a long time then suddenly disapear. I try not to spoil the plot to much about the stories in dragonball. Each has a small profile which are in alphabetical order fromm A to Z so without further I do here they are:

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Bubbles is Kaioh's pet that he uses to train the Z fighters and gives goku a hard time the first time he tried to catch the little monkey.Appears in DB, DBZ, and DBGT.


He first appeared in Dragonball, he and Tienshinhan were thieves and were stealing money from villages until Goku stop them. They later become friends in the 2nd Tenkaishi Budoukai, unfortunately he gets killed twice during DB and DBZ. He appears a couple of times in DBZ then dissapears and later reappears near the end of DBZ and in DBGT.


He first appeared in the Freeza saga as the little namek who help the Z fighters summon Sheng Long and is good friends with Gohan.Later in the Cell saga he returns to become the new Kamisama and shows up thruw out the Boo saga and in DBGT.


A big pink fat guy one of freeza's second hand men who is quickly defeated by Vegeta.


Stronger than the normal saiyin he has the ability to destroy planets with just one blow. He has the ability to transform into a stonger beign he only does 3 stages and then is defeated by goku. He appeares in DBZ the Freeza saga and again in DBGT, plus if you include movie 12.


A red faced guy with white hair yet another member of the Ginyu force. Is killed by vegeta and appears in the freeza saga, DBGT, and movie 12 for about a sec.


The Captain of the Ginyu Force that has the ability to exchage bodies with another person he does this to Goku and Bulma. Appears in the Freeza saga and DBGT.

Gregory & Turtle

Gregory is Kaioh's other pet who is a crikett and the Turtle is master Roshi's pet very slow but knows martial arts. They both appear in DBZ and DBGT, except the turtle also appears in DB.


The fourth master of Goku who lives on a small planet in the other world. He is knowed as the Kaoih of North. He taught goku the henkidama and the kaioken.


Third master of Goku,first appered in DB and lives at the very top of the Karin Tower. He looks over earth and he trained the Z fighters during the vegeta saga. During the cell saga he merges with piccolo forever and thats the last we see of him.

King Cold

He is Freeza and cooler's father who makes a short appearance in the end of the freeza saga and finished off by the kawaii character Trunks.


She's what you would call an unusual character, she first appeares in dragonball. She has a split personality when she sneezes she's a sweet blue haired girl but when she sneezes again she turns into a mean blonde killing machine. She doesn't know what her other half is doing but the blonde one has a crush on Tienshinhan. She appears on DBZ for a little while then once more when she is giving energy to the henkidama after that she is never heard from again.

Master Karin

Second master of Goku,a white little old cat who lives in Karin Tower were he grows senzu seeds for the Z figthers he appears in DB, DBZ,and DBGT.

Master Roshi

Also known as Muten Roshi and Kame like the name in the front of his home. First master of Goku, he train him and Kuririn in Dragonball, his also the one who showed the world the Kamehameha. His really old like 500 years old (not sure about the age) and a pervert and stays that way all thruw DBZ and DBGT.

Mr. Popo

Kamisama assitant who lives with him at the top of karin tower. He has lived their for about 1000 or more years. He trains goku about how to feel with his ki.Appears in DB, DBZ, DBGT.

Mrs. Brief

Wife of Mr. Brief mother to Bulma she is a character who likes goku, yamcha, Vegita .....well she's strange. She has her eyes closed all the time except in only one episode does she ever open her eyes. I don't know the episode number so I'll got find it in my cassetes. Appears in DB, DBZ.


Vegeta's sidekick very tall, dumb, and bald he fisrt showed up in DBZ the saiyin saga who killed most of the Z fighters. He later was defeated by goku and killed by his partner.


This little piggy appeared in Dragonball wanting to marry a girl but Goku stop him dead in his tracks. He has the ability to change into objects but only for a short time. His a little pervert and is always arguing with bulma. He stays all thruw DB,DBZ and DBGT living with Muten Roshi.


He is Chichi's father who lives on top of fire mountain and what a chose. Goku helped him out with a problem that he had and they become good friends. Appears in DB, DBZ, DBGT


A Loyal Follower of Yamcha, first appearing in dragonball as a thief and has the ability to transform into objects, it appears all thruw dbz then dissapears for a while and then reappears dbgt.


He is a really strong but very stupid character that makes up the Ginyu Force. He appears in DBZ during the freeza saga and a brief appearence in DBGT.


A three eyed martial artist who travels with his companion Chou. He use to be a thief but later changed his ways. He is the fisrt to introduced to everyone levatation and competes in the tenbudokai. He is scene thruw out DB but slowly shortens his appearances in DBZ and only is a brief appaerence in DBGT.


A fat swordsmen who fisrt meets goku in DB althought he thinks of himself strong he is really a coward.He climbs Karins tower and lives with the cat all thruw DBZ and DBGT never catched him I guess.


First appeared in DB as a thief challenging goku to fight or to give him his valuable possesions. Yamcha would have been a good figther if only not for his fear of girls. He later changed when he met Bulma and became a couple. Sadly though they broke up becasue they where constantly fighting. IN DBZ he lost some of his fighting spirit but later in the boo saga got it back.He makes a short appearance in DBGT.

Didn't think their was a Z huh well here's one. Zarbon is another one of Freeza's henchmen who thinks of himself as the most beautiful man in the universe. Yeah right, he transforms into an ugly beast in order to get stronger sadly he is defeated by Vegeta. Appears in DBZ freeza saga.

There are still many more charcters to add so keep cheking the updates for any new characters added

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