The Prince of Egypt

"My son, I have nothing I can give, but this chance that you may live." With these words, Yocheved, a Hebrew mother, places her infant son in a basket and sets him adrift on the Nile River. His sister Miriam follows him along the riverbank to ensure its safety. After a perilous journey, the basket floats near the royal palace, where it is spotted by the Queen. As she approaches the basket with her young son nearby, she marvels at the beautiful infant boy inside. She names the baby Moses and adopts him as her own. Moses is raised in the opulence of the royal palace along with Rameses, whom he believes to be his older brother. The two grow very close, enjoying the playfulness of youth and building a powerful and deep friendship. One day as the two careen through the city streets in their chariots, they accidentally destroy a nearby temple, angering their father, the Pharaoh Seti. He is particularly disappointed in Rameses, whose conduct as the future Pharaoh is held up to greater scrutiny. Moses immediately takes the blame for the incident and pleads with his father not to hold Rameses responsible. That night at a banquet, Seti announces he is naming Rameses the new Prince Regent to oversee the construction of all temples. Proud of his brother's new post, Moses calls for a celebration. He orders the crafty High Priests Hotep and Huy to pay tribute to their new Regent with a spectacular magic act. With a burst of smoke they present Rameses with a special gift -- Tzipporah, a feisty Bedouin woman. Rameses, in turn, awards her to Moses, and orders her taken to his room. Rameses then proudly appoints his brother as his assistant. As Moses trudges through the desert, he removes the trappings of his palace life. He is caught in a blinding sandstorm, but is eventually rescued by a mischievous camel and finds himself in a Midianite village, where he encounters Tzipporah and her family. Jethro, Tzipporah's father and the High Priest of Midian, welcomes him into their tribe. As the years pass, Moses and Tzipporah fall in love and build a contented life as humble shepherds. One day as Moses goes in search of a wayward sheep, he comes across an unearthly sight -- a burning bush that is not consumed by the flames. To Moses' amazement, he hears the voice of God, calling upon him to return to Egypt and free the Hebrew people. Filled with purpose, Moses returns to Egypt, where he discovers that with the passing of years the Pharaoh Seti has died and Rameses has become Pharaoh. Rameses is overjoyed by his brother's return. But when Moses tells him about his mission to free the Hebrew slaves, Rameses reacts with disbelief and scorn. Though Moses tries to convince Rameses of God's power, Rameses is unimpressed. He responds to Moses' demands by doubling the workload of the slaves. Through the guidance of his sister Miriam, Moses summons the courage to confront Rameses again. But Rameses refuses to comply even when he sees the Nile river turned to blood before his eyes. Finally, as Moses warned Rameses, God brings a series of plagues to overrun the land. Although the Egyptian people become more and more afflicted by disease, famine and pestilence, Rameses refuses to give in. That night, God speaks to Moses, warning him of one final plague.


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