Recognizing the terrible danger, Moses goes to Rameses one last time to plead for the release of the Hebrews. Again, Rameses refuses. That night the Angel of Death kills all the Egyptian firstborn, including Rameses' young son. Moses is overwhelmed with grief at the enormity of this last plague, but Rameses rejects his sympathy and angrily orders, "Take your people and go." Moses leads the Hebrews out of Egypt, but as they reach the shores of the Red Sea they spot the Egyptian army in the distance. Moses calls to God, and the Pillar of Fire emerges from the sea and arches over the Hebrews to block the army's path. Calling on God's power once more, Moses then plants his staff in the water. Suddenly, the mighty Red Sea parts, revealing an incredible path between two towering walls of water. As the Hebrews travel through the parted Sea, the pillar of fire dissolves and Rameses commands his troops to follow them. But soon the powerful waters begin to crash down on the Egyptian army as Rameses watches helplessly from shore. Moses and the Hebrews continue to cross and safely reach the other side a free people. As the light of dawn descends on Mount Sinai, an older Moses stands, stone tablets in his arms, poised to deliver the Ten Commandments to the Hebrew people.


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