
.'gO HomE'.
.'AbouT mI'.

Inuyasha InFo

.'InuYasha GanG'.
.'SesshoMaru GanG'.
.'NaRaKu GanG'.
.'OtherS ChaRacTer'.
.'MisC ChaRacTer'.

Inuyasha Gallery

.'Inu & Kag'.
.'San & Miro'.
.'Sess & Inu'.

Inu EPs StorY

.'Eps 1 - 26'.
.'Eps 27 - 52'.
.'Eps 53 - 78'.
.'Eps 79 - 104'.
.'Eps 105 - 130'.
.'Eps 131 - 156'.
.'Eps 157 - 167'.

Inu MoivEs StorY

.'MoviE 1'.
.'MoviE 2'.
.'MoviE 3'.
.'MoviE 4'.

...InuYasha Episode Summaries...

Episode 105- The Ghastly Steel Machine
Ginkotsu is heading for InuYasha. Jakotsu whining because he wants to fight Inu. Renkotsu gave Jakotsu another task. Inu. is still looking for a safe place. Jakotsu day dreams of Inu. Ginkotsu attacks Inu. and the gang. They start running, Ginkotsu attacks agian. They keep running. Shippo spots a cave, they go in. Inu. leaves Kagome, Sango, and Miroku in Shippo's hands. Inu. finds out it was a trap. Runs back to Kagome and the rest. Ginkotsu attacks the cave that Kagome and the rest are in. Kiara attacks him. Ginkotsu strikes back. Inu. arrives. Ginkotsu tells Inu. that his friends will die at sunset. Ginkotsu and Inu. fights. Shippo takes Kagome, Sango, Miruku on Kiara and flies away, to find a safer place for them. They spot a temple. They go and meet Renkotsu, who disguises himself as a monk. He lets Kagome, Sango, and Miroku rest there for a while. Kagome opens her eyes, still can't move or speak. Renkotsu shows up and tells them to rest. kagome notices a jewel shard in his neck. She notices him as being one of the Shichinintai. Renkotsu puts a sleeping potion near Kagome. Shippo, Kiara and Kagome falls asleep. Miroku and Sango were still asleep. Inu. still fighting Ginkotsu. Inu. flies on top and uses wind scar. Ginkotsu is defeated. Inu. notices it's going to be sundown soon.
Episode 106- Kagome, Miroku and Sango: Desperate Situation
Starting with InuYasha running through the woods. Inu. enters a temple, meets Renkotsu who is in his disguise. Renkotsu burying the dead. Inu. goes into the room where Kagome and the rest are. They all are still asleep. Renkotsu tells Inu. that he's the master of the monks of this temple. He heard the local people say that the Shichinintai that have died are alive again. And there the ones that killed the people here. He was afraid of them and hid, he was lucky that he survived. Renkotsu wanted to learn more about Naraku and ask's Inu. who is he? Inu. tells Renkotsu that Naraku is a demon but not a full demon completely. He's hiding somewhere right now. He regenerates himself all the time, to get stronger and to save his power. Naraku is using the Shichinintai's at this time. Ginkotsu is still alive. Ginkotsu arrives and attacks. Renkotsu doesnot trust Naraku. Renkotsu takes Kagome's jewel shards. Starts the room on fire. Ginkotsu and Inu. fight. Inu. takes down Ginkotsu. Renkotsu shows up in his true form. Inu. could'nt smell the corps or graveyard sent from Renkotsu because the sent was all around and about in the temple. The room is burning where Kagome, Sango, and Miroku are in. They are all still poisoned and asleep. Myouga arrives. He tries to wake them up. Myouga sucks Shippo's blood and he wakes up. Shippo is also tring to wake them up. *flashback of ep.104* Shippo going through everything he has, tring to see what he could use to save them. He spots his top, throws it down, it spins and gets big. Lots of wind is coming from it and makes the fire spread faster. Kiara awakes. Ginkotsu still alive attacks Inu. Renkotsu also attacks inu. Jakotsu finds Kouga and attacks him. Kouga notices him as being one of the Shichinintai. Kiara holding off a burning log. Shippo saying he needs to protect them intell Inu. arrives. Inu. still fighting Renkotsu and Ginkotsu. Inu. defeats Ginkotsu and flies over Renkotsu and goes to rescue Kagome and the rest. Naraku's bee's take Ginkotsu's head peice, part away. Kouga attacks Jakotsu and then runs away, to save Kagome. Inu. arrives in the burning room, spots Kiara and Shippo. Shippo using tod fire to save them. Shippo is cring, say's that they all died and cries even more. Ends with Inu. in shock...
Episode 107- Inuyasha Shows His Tears For The First Time
Inu-Yasha arrives in the burning temple and Shippo tells him they have all stopped breathing. He is shocked and in a fit of rage he uses the Scar of the Wind to blow the remaining flaming debris away from everyone. Myoga arrives and they carry the bodies out to a field by a stream. Shippo is in a constant crying fit, and Inu-Yasha blames himself for their apparent deaths. Sessho-maru momentarily arrives to chide his younger brother, but disappears before Inu-Yasha can strike out at him. In a cave Renkotsu is forging a new body for his injured comrade Ginkotsu, while Jakotsu sleepily looks on. Myoga tries to come up with an idea about how to save them, and Shippo says that last time they were poisoned Jinenji helped save them with his herbs. No herbs are available now, so Myoga sets out to suck the poison from them himself and revives them. Kagome wakes in Inu-Yasha's arms and everyone is shocked to see tears welling up in his eyes. Koga soon arrives and screams at Inu-Yasha for so recklessly endangering Kagome's life. This time though, Inu-Yasha does not disagree with him, which surprises Koga and leaves him with little to argue about. In a distant town, Kikyo arrives carrying the lock of the old theif's hair that she promised to take to Mount Hakurei. The villagers show her the broken shrine erected for the Shichinin-tai, and she meets the local doctor Suikotsu. He seems to be a very kind man who loves children, but Kikyo immediately notices he has a Shikon shard in his throat. The shard though is pure, rather than tained like those Naraku has. She notices a strange unease in the doctor though when a man comes in with a severely cut leg and needs treatment. He seems nervous around blood and after finishing with the patient he vigorous washes his hands even though they are are perfectly clean.
Episode 108- The Secret of the Pure Aura
Its nighttime and kikyou (who is surrounded by white light) is standing beside a river thinking, to live is to die, to die is to live, (her soul snatchers carrying souls drift toward her) i am kikyou, a priestess associated with holy things. no i am priestess in name only, i am one of the dead wandering this earth in an artificial vessel. I do what i can to help people i meet, and use the souls of the dead to keep going, that is my existance. (her soul snatchers are continually refilling her on souls) the pure are soiled, the soiled are purified, (the white light disappears when she full of her souls) what is good is evil, what is evil is good...right? (kikyou turns away from the river and begins to walk through the forest) good and evil both coexist in a persons heart since birth. a person can become good or evil depending.. but somehow that suikotsu is one of the dead like me. he has found a place caring for orphaned children and treating sick viallgers. (flashback of her time with suikotsu and helping to care for the kids and villagers) he must be using the shikon shard to stay alive, and yet its radiant aura shows no sign of corruption. he holds only good in his heart, his entire soul is pure. can a person really be that good? i will keep an eye on him for a little longer. back with inu yasha everyone but him and miroku are sleping next to a campfire. miroku tell inu that he will stand watch so that inu can get some sleep also. inu says hes fine and tell miroku to go back to sleep. miroku says he is feeling better now after being poisoned and he doubts the shichinintai would come after them soon. inu hopes so as well. miroku reminaces about how the other 2 shichininitai died and they show flashbacks of those times(kyoukotsu by kouga and mukotsu by sesshoumaru) he then asks inu if he killed ginkotsu. inu doesnt respnond. miroku explains the shichinintai have taken some hard blows they lost 3 already. inu is sitting by the fire with tessaiga resting on his shoulder saying, yea that why i will attaack them b4 they regroup and come after us. miroku asks, oh you will? inu says he has to. miroku smiles and says, aaah i see thats definately ur style. inu replies, no matter where they they leave a trail behind they reek like the grave and they have shikon shards as well. (inu gazes back at miorku) there is no way i am letting them get away. i'll find them and make them pay (ooo inu can rhyme now im impresssed lol) back with suikouts and the children. they are all sleeping. suikotsu set up a fire near him to keep him warm. but there is something wrong with suikotsu. in his dream there is fire all over the place and he promises someone he will save them. the man responds in a terrified tone, DOC THE KID'S A GONER. they are attacking, we have to get out. suikouts is over the man shouting, DONT BE RIDICULOUS THERE IS STILL HOPE. the mans voice is still shaky with terror as he responds, THEY ARE STILL ADVANCING IF WE DONT RUN WE WILL DIE. sweat begins to appear on suikotsu face as he says, DONT U DARE RUN I WLL NOT ABANDON THIS CHILD. just then someone slash the man and blood splurts everywhere. the wind begins to quicken snow flies all over the place and someone begins to talk in suikotsu's head. his image takes up the whole screen behind suikotsu and he has a wicked smile with huge long claws. suikotsu freezes with terror when the voice pops into his head saying evily, whatcha think u r doing dumbass? (suikotsu turns around adn recognizes the man) how about u drop the nice guy act already? you really aint that type of person who saves people. (suikotsu gasps) u really want to sink ur claws into them dont u? (there are scars on suikotsus face) suikotsu replies with his voice shaking, of course not i am..... just hten someone inturrupts him saying they have come to get him. its the shadows of the shchinintai. jakotsu says in an annoyed tone, man u were a pain to find. suikotsu screams and begins to run for his life trying to escape them. they just taunt him saying, STUPID u cant run from us. images of the shichinintais head fly around him cackling wickedly. suikotsu wakes up screaming (somehow all of the kids are still sleeping after that scream) and starts to breath heavily saying, good it was just a dream. the fire next to him is almost gone. suikotsu puts his hand up against his head. he is still freakin out thinking about the dream saying, what kind of dream was that i was..... kikyous voice interrupts his thoughts. she is at the door asking how he is.seeing her puts a smile on his face. the both wish each other a good morning. rays of sunlight shine on his face as he comments that this will be a great day. kikyou is puzzled by the fact she keep observing him and still cant find one trace of evil all she can see is a virtuous doctor. suikotsu shard in his neck shines as he gazes happily towards the sky. kikyou wonders why his soul is clinging to this world. inus group is on the move. kirara is carrying shippo sango and miroku while inu is carrying kagome. kagome points in a direction infront of inu saying she can sense a faint shikon aura. myouga is on inus hair asking about the shichinintai if there are more like the one he saw (ginkotsu). inu tells him yes and asks why. myouga puts on his scarf and hat, jumps into the sky and the crow catches him. his lame excuse for leaving is that he has some errands to to take care of. inu shouts for him to wait, glares up toward myouga and calls him a spineless wimp. myouga flies off on the bird wishing them good luck. kagome smiles and tells inu to let him be because myouga was the one that saved their lives just now. miroku and sango smile appreciatively. the kids are finally awake and are around kikyou. a villager has comes asking where suikotsu could be. kikyou is kneeling down outside infront of the open door and explains suikotsu went out to gether herbs and asks if she can treat him instead. back with kagome. kagome alerts inu to someting very strange. with all of the shichinintai they met their shards were corrupted but this one is completely pure. ( there are balls of the shikon light shining ahead of them) inu asks if she thinks this might not be one of the shichinintai. kagome tells him she is not sure. back with suikouts. he and 2 kids are picking herbs. on of teh children finds one and alerts suikotsu. suikotsu explains that particular herb is called the gentian and its good for the stomache. the kids smiles back at him. suikotsu tells them they should pick some of these and head home. the kid and suikotsu both gasp when inu yashas group arrives. inu glares at him demanding to know if he is one of teh shichiinintai. one of the kids is scared and clings onto suikotsu. suikotsu gazes at him bewildered and says, huh? back with kikyou and the villager, while kikyou is wrapping his arm the villager explains that suikotsu showed up about the same time the shichinintai's grave split open. kikyou is shocked by the information. the villger tell her that he also assumed suikotsu was one of the shichiinintai at first since one of their names was suikotsu. kikyou is baffled by the infomation but the villager abruptly interrupts her and says he is nothing like that even though they have the same name. the old villager explain he saw them die even though it was a long time ago he remebers it well. he remembers that it was 10-20 years ago and teh shichinintai came around tearing up the eastern lands. (image of the shichinintais shadows surrounded by fire) even though they had an army hot on their tail the slaughtered everyone like it was nothing (images of people being blown away screaming in agony) but the shichinintai fell into a trap and they all got beheaded. the one called suikotsu was frightening and powerful and had a face like a bezerker, worlds apart for our beloved doctor, he is a saint. kikyou finished wrapping his arm and he complements her on a job well done he cant feel the pain anymore. kikyou explains its all thanks to the herbs in teh area. he thanks him and tells her to send his greeting to suikotsu. kikyou smiles and nods her head but suddenly her expression changes and she looks behind her. the old villager asks whats wrong. kikyou sense 3 shikon shards approaching this area. back with inu yasha and suikotsu. suikotsu demands to know who they are. inu tells his to stop BS-ing and admit he is one of the shichinintai. suikotsu desperately explains that he is a doctor and not one of them. the two kids are clinging onto his legs in fright. inu doest believe his at all and angrily accuses him of being one of the shichinintai because he smells like corpse from the grave.suikotsu says in disbelief, i'm dead? dead? inu charges toward him. suikotsu pushes the children out of his way. miroku and kaogme begs inu not to hurt the children. inu yell to them that he know that already. inu attacks and misses. suikotsu jumps in time but falls down the hill. one of the kids kicks inu yasha for being so mean and suikotsu is struggling to get up from the ground while the children rush to his aid. suikotsu quietly tells him he is ok and instructs them to leave. but the kids refuse to abandon him. one of the kids glares upward towards inu yasha. miroku walks over to inu and says, no matter how u look at it, it seems like u r picking on an innocent man. inu demands to know why. miroku explains it just doesnt feel right compared to the rest of the shichinintai. inu is convince this is just an act just like how he was tricked by renkotsu earlier. approaching in the distance is a tank. inu yasha enraged raises his right fist says, I'LL FORCE THE TRUTH OUT OF U IF I HAVE TO!!!! suikotsu is still on the ground with the 2 kids around him gazes fearfully up at inu yasha. suddenly in the distance there is an explosion and thick black smoke begins to rise from a nearby village. suikotsu and the kids realizes in horror that hte smoke is coming from their village and they rush off. inu demands that suikotsu get back here. back in the village, 2 cannons causing the village to go up in flames. the villagers panick and run for their lives. kikyou rushes into the village. a panicking villager tell her to escape also but kikyou is confident and says she will be fine. another explosion goes off spreading the flames and thick black smoke. there is a clanging on the ground as shadowy figures approaces her. kikyou stands firm with her bow in her hand. when the smoke finally clears the figures can be identified as jakoutsu, renkotsu riding on the new and improved ginkotsu. (ginkotsu is now a huge tank with metal claws on the bottom) kikyou glares at them and observes that these must be the shichinintai. jus then suikotsu calls out to her. suikotsu runs up next to her and asks what is going on here. the shichinintai greet him and tell him he was a pain in teh @ss to find. renkotsu has an evil smiles when he says, come suikotsu u should be thankful we bothered to find u, it took us forever to track u down. suddenly suikotsu'd dream flashes into his mind. suikotsu is horried by the images and realizes the evil dmeons in his dream are the same men infront of him now. he shakes his head trying to get the dream out of his mind, opens his eyes and asks them who they are. kikyou looks at suikotsu, she thinks he is telling the truth and that he doesnt recognize them at all, and wonders what is going on here. there are several holes in teh ground from the missles taht weer shot. smoke is still surrounding the area when inu yashas group arrives on teh scene. they stop in there tracks and look around horrified. sango comments that she has never seen warfare like this before. kagome is confident that this is the work of the shichinintai because she can also sense shikon shards nearby. inu agrees saying this whole area reeks of them. inu and kagome run over to them but they both stop in their tracks when they find kikyou. kikyou says in a forceful voice, oh inu yasha so u have also made ur way up north. sango and miroku catch up to them. inu calmly asks her what she is doing here. kikyou interrupts him and yells, SAVE IT! WE'LL TALK LATER. renkotsu is surprised to see kagome, miroku and sango alive after being poisoned. jakotsu has a big smile on his face as he says in the happiest tone while waving, HI INU YASHA. (lol) inu says this is good because he can kill 2 birds with one stone. renkotsu has an eivl confident smile when he says, so u survived the poison only to run into us, you have some mighty bad luck there. sango replies, HMPH i could say the same for u. miroku is frustrated that if they didnt have those shards he could suck them up right now. inu demands that they stay out of this (he cracks his nuckles) and tell them he will handle this by himself (sure u will buddy *rolls eyes* ) renkotsu orders jakotsu to take care of suikotsu and tell him that HE will take care of inu yasha. jakotsu is very disappointed starts whining again saying, awwwwwwwwwwwwwe what gives brother? are u puposely trying to keep me and inu yasha apart? (suikotsu wonders if they are planning to kill him) what's that? are u trying to move in on my territory? reknotsu says that if he keeps whining he will rip his tongue out. inu pulls out his sword. renkotsu laughs evily and drinks from hi bottle. just as inu yasha charges at renkotsu renkotsu blows flames at him. inu brags that he is unaffected (fire rat clothing). just then renkotsu unleashes steel cables out of each of his fingers. this shocks everyone. he then lights all the cables on fire creating a net of fire around inus group. inu tries to cut the cables but to no avail. kagome and shippo scream. renkotsu laughs maniacally and taunts inu that his weakness is that he cares for those people. renkotsu pulls the steal cables and traps tessaiga and pulls it again. jakotsu sighs several times and walks over to suikotsu and tell him to stop being a pain. suikotsu is totally baffled about why they attacked the village and why they spared his life. jakotsu exasperated, says, how long are u gonna stay half asleep? (he becomes annoyed) wake the hell up already. (suikotsu gapes at him) if u cant i will just have to kill you. jakotsu attacks with his slithering sword and laughs with great satisfaction. kikyou steps infront of suikotsu and launches a purity arrow which barely misses jakotsu who bent back so much to dodge it and caused him to fall to the ground. ginkotsu turns around and renkotsu orders him to fire. the explosion knocks inu yasha backward releasing his sword which goes flying landing far away from his grasp. tessaiga transforms back to its rusty state. inu becomes frustrated. renkotsu notices jakotsu slipped up and he points ginkotsu towards suikotsu. the explosion hits kikyou. she scream as she goes flying back. inu concerned screams out her name. renkotsu reminds inu that if he turns his back his friends in the fire net will die. inu yasha ignores kikyou and leaps towards the net of fire, and he slashes the wires with his claws. kikyou lies motionless as her souls begin to escape from her body. she realizes this and as each soul leaves she hurts more. suikotsu gets up and rushes to kikyou's aid. kikyou is now unconcious. the 2 kids run toward suikotsu and he demands that they all stay back. the kids dont listen and continue to run toward him, he urgently demands that they stay away. jakotsu is back on his feet and attack the children. suikotsu jumps infront of them and gets hit in his right shoulder. suikotsu falls to the ground and lands on his knees. blood gushes from his shoulder and some land on his face. inu yasha is beside kagome wondering what is happening. kagome is shocked and thinks that suikotsu must not be one of the shichinintai. the 2 kids run over to suikotsu and hug him anxiously aksing if he is ok. suikotsu in a feeble voice tries to reassure them that he is alright. just then suikotsu begins to pulse and his sihkon shards glows brightly. the song is now playing in teh backround (the pure are soiled the soiled are purified, what is good is evil, what is evil is good, etc..) the psychotic looking man from suikotsus dream appears in his head. the shikon shard in his neck begins to glow black and kagome notices this and is horrified. the kids are concerned about him. suikotsu ponytail is gone and his hair stands wildly, (both children gasp) suikotsu grabs one of the kids by the throat and lifts him from the ground (the shichinintai are glad that he has finally woken up) suikotsu begins to laugh in a deep evil tone, while the kid in his grasp demands that he stop. kagome orders inu to rescue the kid and inu goes off on his new task. a red energy surrounds suikotsu. inu does his iron reaver attack misses but catches the kid b4 it hits the ground. inu demands to know who suikotsu is. suikotsu has an evil menacing lokk and now has green marks on his face as he introduces himself as suikotsu of the shichinintai.
Episode 109- Heading to the Misty Mt. Hakurei
Suikotsu clashes with Inuyasha but faces an inner battle with his good personality making the Shichinintai depart. The Inuyasha gang, despite Kagome's depression, bring Kikyo out of the town's barrier so she can have souls to live on. Before departing, Kikyo explains that Mount Hakurei's aura can purify corrupted souls thus Suikotsu could live in the town with his good personality. The next day, Kagome is still depressed and Miroku tells Inuyasha not to bother her for a little while. As stubborn as he is, Inuyasha asks Kagome what her problem was. She tries to hold in her anger by telling Inuyasha about how she once told him that she'd always be by his side. Eventually, she gets angry accusing Inuyasha of bothering her and sits him about 15 times (Really painful, yet funny!!) Meanwhile, the Shichinintai are heading off to the tomb of their leader, Bankotsu, to resurrect him.
Episode 110- Enter, Bankotsu: Leader of the Shichinintai
The episode begins with Bankotsu trying to write a threatening letter atop some cliff, facing a castle on another cliff. Kohaku appears, and announces that he has brought the rest of the Shichinin-tai, who appear riding up on Ginkotsu. Bankotsu gets Renkotsu to write the letter to the castle, explaining that the people there were the ones who decapitated the Shichinin-tai 10 yrs. earlier. In a flashback, the Shichinin-tai are walking down a dirt road towards a castle, talking of their last victorious job. Upon reaching the castle, the commander of the troops there ( who wears a mask over his face ) explains that if they kill his master's enemies, and lead his troops into battle, they will recieve as much pay as they want. End of flashback, with Bankotsu explaining to Jakotsu how the castle still has his "baby", the halberd Banryuu. Renkotsu appears with the finished letter, and gives it to Bankotsu who gives it to Kohaku to deliver. The Shichinin-tai then lay back to see the reaction of the castle to the threatening letter. We move on to see Inuyasha and his group standing near the barrier at Mt. Harukei. Inuyasha tries, and fails, to pass through the barrier, as does Miroku, who is actually pulled towards it by Sango and Kagome against his will. The group heads down the mountain to a village, where an old farmer warns them of the commander of the castle’s troops, who has been drafting young people and villagers. The commander himself happens to show up then, and after a near-fight with Inuyasha, says that the group can go. Once he’s gone, the farmer proceeds to explain that that commander was the very one who led the attack against the Shichinin-tai 10 yrs. earlier.
Back to the Shichinin-tai, who are travelling down a dirt road on Ginkotsu towards the castle. Another flashback, with Jakotsu, Mukotsu, Kyoukutso, Suikutso, and Renkotsu fighting against the castle’s enemies, and winning. The scene switches ( still flashback ) to the Shichinin-tai sitting beneath a low cliff and laughing, when the castle’s enemy troops show up, appearing to circle them against the cliff. The commander of the castle’s troops shows up on the cliff with his soldiers, and Bankotsu gets angry, since the Shichinin-tai were supposed to lead the attack. As it turns out, the commander and his enemies had formed an alliance against the Shichinin-tai, and had completely circled them. The Shichinin-tai start to run, when the commander gives the signal and tons of arrows are shot at them from all directions. End of flashback, with Bankotsu telling the rest of the Shichinin-tai not to screw up the fight, and then running on ahead to the castle. The leader of the castle is inside the same room as the Banryuu with his aid, saying of how they can kill Bankotsu again. Outside, Ginkotsu fires a missile at the front doors, and the rest of the Shichinin-tai attack. Meanwhile, Bankotsu finds the leader and his aid, and when the leader asks where all the guards are, it shows them in another room, their heads stuck up into the ceiling. Bankotsu retrieves the Banryuu, and proceeds to chop off the masters head. Back outside, the rest of the Shichinin-tai have killed nearly everyone, when reinforcements ( including the commander ) show up. Bankotsu comes outside with the Banryuu, and orders the other Shichinin-tai to leave the reinforcements to him, and attacks the commander. Kagome is riding on Inuyasha’s back, with the others on Kirara. She says she senses the Shikon shards up ahead, and Inuyasha says he can smell blood and gunpowder on the wind. They run on, figuring out that the Shichinin-tai must be ahead. Back at the castle, the commander’s broken mask is on the ground, with dead soldiers all over and outside the castle. Bankotsu and Jakotsu are sitting on a porch, drinking sake, with Bankotsu complaining how Jakotsu could have left at least one woman to pour them all drinks. Renkotsu is riding by on Ginkotsu, and Suikotsu is outside keeping guard when a “tornado” appears. This is actually Kouga, who asks Bankotsu angrily where Naraku is. Bankotsu doesn’t tell, and Kouga tries to attack them, but is only able to dodge all their attacks. Bankotsu is about to bring the Banryuu down on Kouga, when Inuyasha appears and blocks Bankotsu’s attack, and says that he has found them.

Episode 111- Clash! Banryuu vs. the Wind's Scar
Jakotsu is overjoyed to see Inuyasha. Bankotsu is impressed with the power of Inuyasha's Tetsusaiga. Bankotsu introduces himself and says that he is the leader of the Shichinintai. Inuyasha insults Kouga and gets hit in the head. They start arguing. The rest of the Gang shows up. Bankotsu seems glad that everyone has now arrived. They threaten each other. Miroku tells the rest of the Gang that it looks like Bankotsu's the leader and Sango makes a comment about how young he looks. Kagome gasps. She tells Inuyasha that Bankotsu has three shikon shards in his neck. They're the shards that were in Kyoukotsu and Mukotsu. Shippo says that the shards came directly from Naraku and Bankotsu GLAAAAAARES at him, causing him to hide behind Kagome. Inuyasha and Bankotsu fight. It seems to be an even match. Ginkotsu, with Renkotsu controlling him fires at the Gang. Miroku and Sango dodge but don't know what happened to Kagome. But Kouga got to her first and picked her up. Inuyasha actually thanks Kouga for saving Kagome. Kagome looks at Renkotsu and sees that he still has the shikon shards that he stole from her. Renkotsu seems to realize that Kagome can see the shikon shards. Inuyasha and Bankotsu are still fighting. Renkotsu knows that if Bankotsu finds out that he's hiding the shards from him, he'll get into a world of trouble. He decides to kill Kagome. He tells Ginkotsu to aim for her. Kouga distracts Ginkotsu and Ginkotsu shoots at Kouga instead of Kagome. Kouga jumps at Renkotsu from above but Renkotsu dodges. Kagome tells Miroku that they have to get the shikon shards Renkotsu stole from her back. Miroku goes to help Kouga out but Suikotsu jumps in front of him. Miroku and Suikotsu start fighting. Jakotsu is disappointed that he has to fight Sango because she's a woman. He attacks with his sword and Sango blocks it with her Hiraikotsu. Then she takes her sword out and attacks. Kirara is fighting with Ginkotsu. Inuyasha and Bankotsu are still fighting. Bankotsu is insulting Inuyasha while Inuyasha is questioning Bankotsu about Naraku. Rin and Jaken are at the foot of Mt. Hakurei. Rin is in awe of the size of the mountain while Jaken is suffering because of the barrier. Rin asks him what's wrong and he tells her that it hurts. She has no idea what he's talking about. Ah-Un also seems to be in pain because he's lying on the ground and groaning. Jaken tells her that since the mountain is sacred, when a demon gets too close it's hard to stand the purifying energy. He tells her that since she's human she doesn't feel but for him it's like somebody's dragging the life out of him. At this point he begins to move backwards. We see that Rin is dragging him towards the mountain. He realizes what's happening. Rin wants to go exploring. They start to get closer and closer to the barrier and Jaken begins to spazz. He pulls free of Rin and runs away. Rin is slightly surprised. Jaken wonders why Sesshoumaru brought them there since there's no way that Naraku could be hiding inside a barrier like that. Sesshoumaru is walking through the mist around the mountain. He stops walking and something like electricity surrounds him. It's the barrier. He can't go any further. He smells Kohaku all over the place and then the trail just breaks off. Rin is sitting on the ground waiting for Sesshoumaru, wondering what's taking him so long. Jaken is silently willing Sesshoumaru to come back. In the mist ahead Rin sees the figure of Kohaku. She gets up and runs towards him. Jaken runs after her yelling for her to come back because Sesshoumaru will scold him. Then Jaken hits the barrier and almost gets purified. When he gets back up Rin is gone. Kohaku jumps off a ledge and goes into a cave. Rin follows him in, calling after him. Kohaku grabs his sword and then sees that it's just Rin. She wants to talk to him some more because she was worried about him and he asks her what she's doing there. Kohaku tells her to leave and behind him demons stir. He stands in front of her and tells her to be quiet. He tells her to back out slowly before the demons notice her. If they see her they'll rip her to shreds. He tells her that the demons won't bother him so she should just leave. She nods and runs out. She looks behind her to see Kohaku standing there, a bunch of demons with glowing red eyes looking at him. Miroku is still fighting Suikotsu. Sango is still fighting Jakotsu except that now their fight has moved onto the roof of the castle. Renkotsu and Kouga are still fighting. Renkotsu's holding something that looks like a giant flaming lasso. Ginkotsu keeps firing at Kirara who has taken to the air but he keeps missing. Inuyasha and Bankotsu are still pretty evenly matched. Naraku's Saimyoushou fly in. They are telling the Shichinintai to withdraw. Bankotsu tells them that he's going to finish Inuyasha off right now. Inuyasha uses the Kaze no Kizu. Ginkotsu tries to stop him by shooting steel wires at him and tangling him up but he's too late. Bankotsu seems shocked at the power of the Kaze no Kizu. The rest of the castle is destroyed. After the smoke clears we see Bankotsu's Banryuu stuck in the ground. Bankotsu emerges from behind his Banryuu, complaining that Inuyasha cracked it. And, indeed there is a huge crack in Banryuu. The Saimyoushou are still telling Bankotsu to leave. This time, Bankotsu listens. Renkotsu still wants to kill Kagome. He steers Ginkotsu towards her and then tells him to fire. Kirara picked her up before the blast made contact. She put her down and Kagome aims her bow at Renkotsu. The arrow flies right past Renkotsu's ear. Before she has a chance to fire another one, the ground begins to shake. It cracks right under Kagome but Inuyasha catches her. The Shichinintai leave on Ginkotsu. Inuyasha is about to follow but a Naraku puppet pops up out of the ground in front of him. It looks more massive than the other Naraku puppets. *commercials* Jaken is apologizing to Sesshoumaru for letting Rin run away like that. Since Rin is inside the barrier Sesshoumaru begins to walk towards it. Jaken begs Sesshoumaru not to go one because if he does even he will be purified. He even goes so far as to put himself in front of Sesshoumaru, practically sitting on his feet. Sesshoumaru says, "Enough! Look behind you." Jaken turns around and sees Rin running towards them in her little Rin way (that is, arms spread apart like an airplane). Rin is happy to see Sesshoumaru. She runs towards him and immediately Sesshoumaru says, "Kohaku's in there, isn't he" That stops Rin. Sesshoumaru is looking down at her, not quite angry but not very happy either. Jaken tells Rin to tell the truth since she can't keep it from Sesshoumaru. Rin's afraid that Sesshoumaru wants to kill Kohaku. She tells Sesshoumaru that Kohaku helped her out when she was in a cave full of demons. Sesshoumaru is surprised. He narrows his eyes at Rin. "What?" "Demons she says..." he thinks. Rin keeps going. She tells him that Kohaku saved her so she was hoping that he wouldn't... her voice kind of trails off as Sesshoumaru looks into the barrier. "Demons inside the sacred grounds...I think I've figured out Naraku's trick." The Gang is facing the Naraku puppet. Kagome is getting a weird feeling from the puppet. She wonders if it really is just a puppet. Kouga attacks. The puppet Naraku sprouts those weird tentacle-like things. Inuyasha attacks. Naraku-puppet doesn't want to let them pass. this puppet is definitely larger than the other Naraku puppets. Inuyasha uses the Kaze no Kizu on it. The puppet breaks apart but with it, a bunch of flower petals fall and the disappear. Kouga jumps up and goes after the Shichinintai. Inuyasha is about to go after him but Kagome stops him. Kagome tells Inuyasha that this puppet felt pure. She tells him that it reminded her of Mount Hakurei. Shippo notices that the puppet smells nice. It smells like water and flowers. Kouga is running, looking for the Shichinintai. He hits the barrier and can't go any further. The Shichinintai are near Mount Hakurei but they feel pretty bad because of the barrier. Bankotsu tells Jakotsu that there's a barrier so Inuyasha and Kouga shouldn't be able to follow them. Jakotsu wonders why they feel so bad since they're human. Suddenly Kanna appears in the mist. Beside her is Kohaku. Bankotsu asks Kohaku who "the pale chick" is. They look into Kanna's mirror and see Sesshoumaru and Rin. Jakotsu recognizes him and tells Bankotsu that he's the guy who killed Mukotsu. Kohaku tells them that it's Inuyasha's older brother, Sesshoumaru. Bankotsu asks Kohaku what he wants them to do and Kohaku tells them that he wants them to hunt him down and kill him. Bankotsu gets upset that they were stopped in the middle of a fight with Inuyasha just to tell them that they have to kill Sesshoumaru. Kanna tells them that if they had gone on fighting they would have died. She tells Bankotsu that his Banryuu is not match for the Tetsusaiga. That pisses Bankotsu off. He slams the Banryuu into the ground in front of her and shows her the scratch. She runs her hand over the scratch and tells him that the Banryuu can be strengthened. Then she looks at Renkotsu. Bankotsu seems to realize something. He tells him to give him the shikon shards he has. Renkotsu's playing dumb so he gets Banryuu pointed at him. Bankotsu threatens Renkotsu and Renkotsu hands the shards over but we can see that he's bitter about it. Bankotsu smashes the bottle that they were in just by squeezing his hand and tells Renkotsu that he won't forgive him next time. Bankotsu tells Suikotsu and Jakotsu to dispose of Sesshoumaru. Jakotsu seems upset. "I thought you'd be happy...don't you like the pretty boys?" he says to Jakotsu. Jakotsu tells him that he wants Inuyasha. Bankotsu tells him that he has Sesshoumaru now. He then takes the four shikon shards and puts them into the crack in Banryuu. Kohaku tells him that he knows where Inuyasha is. Inuyasha and the Gang are standing on the edge of a cliff, looking out at the landscape. They're looking for water.

Episode 112- The Barrier of Hijiri Island, Floating on a Lake
A giant purple orb crashes through the trees. It flies through the air and then smashes into an island. A boy and his father run out of their home to look at the island. The father tells the boy that he has to go to the island and check on the Holy One's temple. The father prepares the holy staff. The boy, Shintarou, wants to go with his father but his father refuses. The father tells Shintarou that if anything happens to him, he has to run the village and tend to Hijiri Island. As he rows his boat away he tells Shintarou that he'll be home by morning. The Gang is still looking for water. Inuyasha is going to different bodies of water trying to decide if the water smells like the Naraku puppet. Meanwhile, Sango is flying on Kirara around Mount Hakurei. Kirara hits the barrier and gets pushes back. They can't get any closer. Sango returns to the Gang and tells them that it's no use. The barrier around Mount Hakurei is stronger than ever. Inuyasha finds comfort in the fact that they're closing in on Naraku. Shintarou is asking some men for a boat but the men tell him no since he's the village headman and they can't risk losing him. It turns out that Shintarou's dad has been missing for half a month so something must have happened to him. The men tell him that only the sons of chiefs are allowed on the Island so he is the only one who can go there. Shintarou asks for a boat again so he can go my himself. The villagers ask if his father didn't do something to upset the Holy One. They say that maybe he said something that would call down a curse on the village. Shintarou says that his father lives for the village and he wouldn't be that irresponsible. The villagers aren't listening. They're talking amongst themselves saying that if they go they might get cursed. Inuyasha's voice disrupts their conversation as he asks about the sacred island. Shintarou takes them to his home and tells them that Hijiri Island is an island at the center of the lake where ordinary men can't set foot. For generations only men of his household could cross the sacred ground and care for the Griet Priest, Hakushin. Hakushin was a powerful priest who lived in the area over a hundred years ago. *Flashback*The pure are soiled and the soiled are purified We see a group of people praying as men lower another form into what looks like a giant barrel. What is good is evil and what is evil is good. The top of the barrel is closed as the man inside is praying. To live is to die and to die is to live Shintarou is telling them that the man became a living Buddha and was enshringed in a small temple on the island. Miroku explains to the gang that it means that the man reached enlightenment while still alive. He goes on to say it's when a monk refuses food and enters Nirvana even though his physical body withers away. Inuyasha says something that causes Miroku to tell him he's going to be cursed (I'll update the quotes section within the next few weeks ^_~) Kagome asks about Shintarou's father and he tells her that he left two weeks ago when a weird light fell onto Hijiri Island. The Gang is surprised. Inuyasha thinks it's Naraku. Shintarou's sisters ask him not to go by himself. The Gang decide to go check it out. Shintarou says that he'll navigate for them because Hijiri is always covered in mist so it's kinda dangerous. Miroku says something perverted to the sisters and gets hit in the head by Sango's Hiraikotsu. The sisters get suspicious of the Gang...or more precisely Miroku. Inuyasha threatens the villagers we saw earlier into giving them a bout. They agree. On the boat, Shippo is seasick AND suffering from the barrier. Kirara is suffering from the barrier. Shintarou starts singing the song of the village children. Except that this is a different version. To live is to die, and to die is to live... Mount Hakurei's power lies in the earth, with the Sacred One... Kagome asks about it. Shintarou tells her that it's a kid's song they've sung for generations. Shintarou points out Mount Hakurei to the Gang. He tells them that there's a place of purification at its base. It's a temple that the Holy One founded. If you go there to pray, any sin will be forgiven. Kagome wonders what is sustaining Mount Hakurei's barrier. Shintarou tells Inuyasha to be careful because rocks surround the whole island and if he runs the boat into them-- *crash* The boat starts to leak. Shippo is on top of Miroku's head. He's suffering because of the barrier and he can't swim. Miroku now cannot see. Sango dips her Hiraikotsu into the water. Miroku grabs on and she pulls them out. Shippo rolls off Miroku's head and Miroku thanks her. Inuyasha is carrying Shintarou and Kagome onto Hijiri Island. There's a barrier just like on Mount Hakurei but it's not as strong. Inuyasha lands in a field of purple flowers. He recognizes the smell. It's the same as the smell of the Naraku puppet. Shintarou says that the flowers weren't there before. There's a small temple in the middle of the flower field. It is the Great Priest's temple. Shintarou runs to it. It's in ruins. He trips over something. He turns around to see what he tripped over and sees his father. Or rather, his father's skeleton dressed in his clothes. Kagome covers his eyes. His father only came there a few weeks ago, though. It's too soon for the flesh to rot away. Now they know that Naraku was there. Kagome senses shikon shards. We hear Bankotsu's voice coming from the temple. He's very angry for having to wait. He sends some kind of blue ball after them but the dodge it. He tells them that he feels likein the barrier so Inuyasha must feel even worse. Inuyasha asks Bankotsu if he was the one that attacked the temple. Bankotsu doesn't know who did. He's just waiting there because Naraku told him to. Inside his Banryuu, Kagome sees shikon shards so she warns Inuyasha. Bankotsu attacks and Inuyasha whips out the Tetsusaiga. He swings but misses Bankotsu. Bankotsu attacks and Inuyasha dodges. The Gang wonders how Bankotsu is managing to hold Inuyasha off. Miroku suspects that its the shikon shards in his Banryuu. Inuyasha tries using the Kaze no Kizu...but nothing happens. Inuyasha is shocked. Now Bankotsu understands why Naraku told him to fight Inuyasha there. Miroku realizes that the hold barrier is purifying Tetsusaiga's demon energy and even though Bankotsu is an evil zombie, he is still human. Bankotsu notices that Inuyasha's movements and responses have slowed. He knocks Inuyasha backwards many feet. Miroku says that something bearby must be generating the barrier. Then he realizes. The temple. Shintarou runs towards the temple. He begs the Holy One to help Inuyasha. Once inside the temple he sees the staff that his father had. Kagome runs into the temple after him and Shintarou tells her that the Great Priest is missing. He was enshrined in the temple and he's not there anymore. Kagome goes outside the temple and tells Miroku that the Priest's remains are missing so Naraku must have taken them. Miroku wonders who is creating the sacred barrier, since the priest is missing. *commercials* Bankotsu and Inuyasha are still fighting. Inuyasha gets wounded in the arm. Inside the temple are Miroku, Kagome, and Shintarou. Miroku tells her that he thought the priest was generating the barrier but... Shintarou has no idea what Miroku is talking about when he says, "barrier" He tells Miroku that Hakushin saves men's souls not creates barriers. Miroku tells Shintarou that the strange light he and his father saw was the demon Naraku. Shintarou's father most likely fought to protect the temple from Naraku. *flashback to Shintarou's father fighting demons with his staff -- he ultimately dies* Kagome wonders where the Priest's remains are and who's creating the barrier. Bankotsu and Inuyasha are still fighting. Sango stops Bankotsu in his tracks with her Hiraikotsu and Inuyasha attacks. Miroku yells to Inuyasha to hold on a little longer as he runs through the flowers. He takes out some sacred scrolls and rubs them against Shippo. Then he throws them. They fly to a certain spot on the island and Miroku recognizes it as the source of the barrier. He puts Shippo down and runs to the source. He puts his staff on it and he sees the Priest's Holy Dokko inside the mini-barrier. Miroku's staff isn't strong enough to break the mini barrier. Shintarou wants to try it with Miroku, using his father's staff. They both hit it at the same time and after a few seconds, it breaks. All the flowers immediately begin to disappear. Inuyasha's Tetsusaiga begins to pulse. The Kaze no Kizu forms around it. Since the Great Priest's dokko was creating the barrier, Kagome wonders whether or not Hakushin is lending his power to Naraku.

Episode 113- Mystery of the Dokko of Hijiri & the Sokushinbutsu
Kirara is back on her feet and Sango picks Shippo up. Inuyasha is at a disadvantage even though his demonic power has returned he's still wounded in the left arm and Bankotsu has two shikon shards in his Banryuu. Bankotsu tells Inuyasha to use his Kaze no Kizu on him. Inuyasha is happy to comply. Bankotsu uses something he calls the Banryuusen. A great wind starts to blow and Bankotsu blocks the Kaze no Kizu. Inuyasha wants to use that Bakuryuuha but he can't sense any demonic energy coming from Bankotsu so he can't use it since Bakuryuuha turns the victim's own demonic energy against them. Bankotsu attacks. Shippo wakes up. He feels a whole lot better. Sango tells him about the barrier. Shippo asks about Inuyasha and Sango tells him that he's fighting Bankotsu right now. The smoke from Bankotsu's previous attack clears and we see Inuyasha standing up and using the Tetsusaiga as support. Shippo yells at Inuyasha to fight and Sango tells him that his arm is wounded. Kirara growls, runs forward, and transforms. Sango encourages Kirara to back Inuyasha up since he's wounded. We see blood dripping off Inuyasha's hand from the wound he has in his arm. He's thinking that even though Bankotsu is a zombie he started out human but his sword is so powerful that there has to be some demonic energy behind it. Kagome notices that the shards in Banryuu are corrupt. Then she yells to Inuyasha that he can use the demonic energy from the shikon shards in the Banryuu to back up his Bakuryuuha. Inuyasha begins to power up the Tetsusaiga. Bankotsu slams the point of the Banryuu into the ground and then jumps into the air, pulling the Banryuu out with him so now he's upside down in mid-air with his sword pointing towards the ground. He does a flip in midair so now the point of the Banryuu is pointed to the sky. Dark storm clouds gather around him. It's like a giant swirling and the center is right above Bankotsu. In the center, lightning forms. The Banryuu begins to glow with the power of the lightning. Bankotsu calls the attack Ryuuraisen. Lightning splits the sky and tens of lightning bolts hit the island in various random areas. Inuyasha is knocked backwards. Kagome runs out of the barrier that Miroku set up and runs after Shintarou. Miroku yells after her but she doesn't listen. She grabs Shintarou and pulls him to her just as lightning hits the ground in front of them. Then it hits the ground in front of Miroku. It hits the temple behind Sango, knocking her and Shippo to the ground. It hits right next to Kirara. We see the aftermath of the lightning. Several spots are on fire aroung the island. Inuyasha is face down on the ground. He gets on his hands and knees and coughs out blood. He looks around and sees Sango, Shippo, and Kirara lying on the ground, seemingly unconcious. He looks around for Kagome and sees her lying on the ground, Shintarou a few feet away. Kagome stirs very slightly and Inuyasha tries to drag himself towards her but can't. "How dare you -- hurt Kagome --" Bankotsu stands right in front of Inuyasha. He tells him that he warned him. "You can't tell where my lightning will strike next!" He raises Banryuu and begins to twirl it above his head. He begins to bring it down. Then we see a shot of the island. A single bolt of lightning hits the ground and we hear Inuyasha yell out. When we see a shot of Inuyasha, he has pulled out the Tetsusaiga and blocked Bankotsu's attack. With his newfound strength, Inuyasha hits Bankotsu repeatedly but Bankotsu blocks. Inuyasha is yelling about Bankotsu hurting Kagome and the others. Bankotsu replies with "What kind of mushy bullis that?" He jumps away, raises Bankotsu over his head and something like the Kaze no Kizu comes out. Inuyasha uses his Kaze no Kizu too. The two turn into a giant glowing ball thing and then explode. They keep attacking like this. As Bankotsu and Inuyasha keep attacking each other, Houshin's dokko stirs. As Inuyasha is about to deal the death blow, it flies at him. The point of it hits the Tetsusaiga. Lights (yes, plural) from the dokko falls all over the island. As it falls on Kagome, she stirs and wakes up and sees the dokko fighting Tetsusaiga. Miroku also wakes up. His fears are confirmed. Tetsusaiga transforms into little Tetsusaiga. Miroku tells Inuyasha that the Great Priest is on Bankotsu's side. Shintarou can't believe it. Bankotsu lunges at Inuyasha, prepared to deliver the final blow. Suddenly, an arrow flies and pierces Bankotsu's sword arm. Kagome shot her bow. Bankotsu turns around and glares at Kagome, calling her some nasty names and she calls him a coward. Bankotsu's forearm turned into bone. The arrow falls out. Bankotsu realizes that it must have been a purifying arrow and then realizes that Kagome is the reincarnation of Kikyo. The dokko begins to pulse. Lights appear around Bankotsu. He doesn't seem to know what's going on exactly. Then he starts to disappear. Inuyasha lunges at him but there's a barrier around him. Inuyasha is only able to get his hand in. *commercials* Bankotsu disappears and so does the barrier. Inuyasha falls to the ground. Kagome runs to him. Miroku notices that the dokko disappeared along with Bankotsu. It helped Bankotsu escape. Bankotsu appears somewhere. He's coughing and he doesn't look too good. He says he feels bad and then wonders where he is. He seems to be in some sort of building, but there's mist everywhere. Kohaku walks towards him with Kanna right beside him. Bankotsu asks Kohaku where they are. Kohaku tells him that it's a place where humans with evil in their hearts can feel comfortable. Bankotsu notices that it doesn't bother Kohaku. (I forgot to mention that Bankotsu keeps calling Kohaku a ninja and Kohaku keeps telling him that he's not a ninja...this might be important later on or it might not be. I honestly have no idea but since it's been happening since episode 110 i decided to mention it). Bankotsu looks down at Kanna who is picking up the dokko. She walks away with it and Bankotsu follows her. She places it on an altar in front of...that's right...Hakushin Shounin, or rather his remains. Shintarou is telling his sisters what happened to their father. He gives one of his sisters the remains of his father. Miroku says that they'll give him a proper burial. Hakkaku and Ginta are at a waterfall, looking for Kouga. Kouga is behind the waterfall so he calls out to them. Kouga killed a giant boar so now they have food. Kouga tells them about the barrier around Mount Hakurei. He tells them to finish eating because they're leaving. Kagome is yelling "goodbye" to Shintarou and his sisters. Miroku yells something perverted and Sango grabs his ear and pulls him away. Sesshoumaru, Rin, and Jaken are standing at the edge of a cliff in front of Mount Hakurei. Rin is on Ah-Un and Jaken seems to be in a lot of pain because of the barrier. Sesshoumaru doesn't seem affected. But, we know that he is affected because he thinks, The purifying energy affects demon this far away from the mountain? Putting the finishing touches on your little plan, eh Naraku? Then, without a word he jumps off the cliff. "Woooow, he's so cooooool!!!!" Jaken says. Sesshoumaru disappears into the mist. Rin makes Ah-Un go after Sesshoumaru leaving Jaken behind. But Jaken won't be left behind. He jumps onto Ah-Un and holds onto his tail. The children Suikotsu was taking care of ask Kikyo if she really has to go and she tells them that she would like to stay longer but she can't. Chiyo tells her that he was hoping she'd stay with them until Suikotsu returned and she's surprised that they're still waiting for him, even after what happened. Yuuta tells Kikyo to tell Suikotsu that they're waiting for him to come home, if she sees him. Kikyo is walking along a cliff thinking. Suddenly she stops and looks back at Mount Hakurei. The barrier is stronger now than it was before. Inuyasha also notices that the barrier is getting stronger. Shippo is in Kagome's arms, whimpering. The Gang is talking about Naraku and how Mount Hakurei seems to be the safest place for him because so many demons are after him. Miroku and Sango prepare to go to the mountain to scout it out. Miroku makes a perverted comment about Sango's rear. He gets hit in the head with the Hiraikotsu. Then they leave to go to Mount Hakurei.
Episode 114- Koga's Isolated Battle
Kouga is running with his wolves around the mountain. He tries to get through the barrier but fails. Hakkaku and Ginta are trying to catch up. They get yelled at by Kouga for being too slow. They ask him to just call it quits because there's no way they're getting past the barrier. Kouga gets mad at them. He says that the Shichinintai are in there and he points at the barrier. Behind the barrier we see Renkotsu and Ginkotsu. Kouga can't see them because he can't see into the barrier. Renkotsu tells Ginkotsu to go for Kouga's legs and Ginkotsu takes aim. Kouga is still yelling at Hakkaku and Ginta when suddenly he hears Renkotsu's voice. He looks at the place it's coming from and the Ginkotsu shoots, knocking Hakkaku and Ginta aside and throwing Kouga backwards. Ginkotsu and Renkotsu emerge from behind the barrier. Renkotsu is disappointed that Kouga still has his legs. Kagome and Inuyasha are waiting for Sango and Miroku. Inuyasha's leg is shaking because he's so impatient and frustrated. He doesn't seem to realize his leg is shaking until Kagome points it out. Then he stops. Miroku and Sango are scouting out the mountain. Miroku says that he doesn't feel any evil energy but tells Sango that they can't let their guard down. Sango agrees and keeps walking. Miroku's gaze falls on Sango's rear. He gets a very happy look on his face and tries to grab Sango's butt but even thinking anything naughty causes the barrier to act up and make him feel bad. He is stopped in his tracks. Kouga realizes that Ginkotsu and Renkotsu were hiding behind the barrier. Renkotsu tells Kouga that he wants his shikon shards. The Ginkotsu shoots at Kouga but Kouga dodges. However, his legs were hurt in the first attack. Kouga decides that if he takes the shikon shards out, they'll die (flahsback to Kyoukotsu) Then he runs at them. They retreat behind the barrier since Kouga can't follow them in there. Then they shoot at Kouga from behind the barrier. Hakkaku and Ginta tell Kouga to run away but he doesn't want to. Ginkotsu keeps shooting and Kouga keeps dodging, trying to think of a way to lure them out from behind the barrier. Miroku is still trying to touch Sango's butt...unssuccesfully. (quotes page will be updated in a few weeks. trust me...this is quote-worthy) Ginkotsu keeps shooting and Kouga keeps dodging but his legs won't hold out much longer. Flaming steel wire is shot out by Renkotsu and Kouga dodges...but he gets hit. Then he seems to think of something. Ginkotsu shoots out the cluster bomb and Kouga yells out *commercials* When the smoke clears all we see is rubble. Renkotsu wonders whether or not Kouga is dead, but they have to get his shikon shards. He tells Ginkotsu to leave the barrier and Ginkotsu does so. Renkotsu looks around but doesn't see anything. He wonders whether they blew Kouga to bits and Kouga responds with, "As if you could!" and then jumps up out of the rubble. He jumps behind Ginkotsu putting himself between Ginkotsu and Renkotsu and the barrier. Renkotsu tells Ginkotsu to obliterate him but Kouga won't give in so easily. Renkotsu spits fire at him but misses. Renkotsu spits more fire out at Kouga, this time directly at him, but Kouga ignores it. He's trying to figure out where Renkotsu's shikon shard it. He emerges from the flames and wounds Renkotsu pretty badly in the shoulder. Ginkotsu is pretty pissed. He aims directly at Kouga but instead explosed. Kouga crammed things into his cannons. But Ginkotsu is still alive. He turns to look at Renkotsu and decides to use his ultimate weapon. It's like a transformer, I swear. All this artillery starts coming out...and it's a me. Kouga is shocked and Ginkotsu laughs. Then he lets everything blow at once, directly at Kouga. But Kouga jumped up. He jumps at Kouga but Ginkotsu launched his torso at him, separating himself from the huge body. He shoots steel wires at Kouga, tangling him and dragging him with him but Kouga wraps his legs around Ginkotsu's neck and slams him into the ground. Renkotsu's cries out for him. Ginkotsu is still alive, determined not to let Kouga kill Renkotsu. Then he explodes. It looks like an atom bomb a little bit but isn't. Inuyasha's head jerks up. He stands up suddenly without a word. Kagome asks him what's wrong and it takes him a while to reply. He just tells her to move. Then picks her up and Shippo and runs. Miroku is DETERMINED to touch Sango's but. It's rather amusing. If you have no desire to see this episode I reccommend you watch it anyway, just to see Miroku in action. HILARIOUS. Jakotsu and Suikotsu are walking through the forest. Jakotsu tells Suikotsu not to flip out again and to stay his regular evil self. Rin, Jaken, and Sesshoumaru are standing at a bridge. Suddenly, Sesshoumaru looks to his left and says, "They're coming" He narrows his eyes and darts towards the forest. Jakotsu's snake sword comes at him but with lightning reflexes Sesshoumaru draws out Toukijin and blocks it. Jakotsu emerges. Renkotsu is wounded. He gan barely walk, but he has Ginkotsu shikon shard in his hand. That means that Ginkotsu is dead. During the blast Ginkotsu delivered his shikon shard to him. Then Renkotsu collapses. Inuyasha is running with Kagome and Shippo. He smells something burnt and wolf blood. They arrive at the battlefield. There's rubble and bits of Ginkotsu everywhere. Hakkaku and Ginta are bent over something, crying. "Kouga is...Kouga is...!" Then we see Kouga sprawled on the ground. Unmoving and looking pretty beat up. He looks dead. Inuyasha throws the rubble that's lying on Kouga to the side and then yells at Kouga to get up. Kagome kneels next to Kouga and cries out to him. So do Ginta and Hakkaku. Kouga opens his eyes. Kagome is glad he's ok and he apologizes to her for making her worry, then he takes her hand. Inuyasha flinches. Hakkaku and Ginta fall against each other. Inuyasha starts telling Kouga off for grabbing Kagome but Kouga's asleep. So are Hakkaku and Ginta. Inuyasha says, "Damned, NARAKU...I will definitely find you and make you pay!"
Episode 115- Swallowed by the Black Light
Kikyo is walking through the woods thinking about Mount Hakurei and how Naraku is hiding out. Bankotsu's Banryuu is stuck in the ground, point first. He's drinking something (I assume it's Sake) talking to Kyoukotsu and Mukotsu (not literally). He's asking them what it's like to be dead. (Forgot to mention that he's sitting in front of a grave and I assume it's their grave). Suddenly, he throws the bowl he was drinking from at the grave and it shatters. He seems angry with himself and at them. He picks his Banryuu up out of the ground and rests it on his shoulder. Then he walks away. Kikyo is still walking, bow in hand. She looks slightly surprised about something. In the distance, we see Bankotsu walking towards her. She stops walking. Bankotsu walks right by her without even looking up. She looks back at him and still, without looking at her, he recognizes her as Kikyo. She recognizes him as one of the Shichinintai. He keeps walking. But she calls after him and asks him if it's safe to let her live. He laughs and for the first time looks at her, telling her that Naraku hasn't told them to kill her. Kikyo aims her bow at him so Bankotsu points his Banryuu at her. Kikyo notices that Bankotsu's shards, unlike Suikotsu's shard it is exuding a completely impure aura. She asks him why he continues to kill people even after he's been brought back to life. He tells her that he doesn't need a reason to kill. It's what he's always done. Before death and after. He says he's a mercenary by nature. It's fun. He says that heven and hell are just places people believe in. He doesn't care about the afterlife. He just does what he wants when he's alive. He then tells her that they (dead people) all have the same end coming to them so she should stop worrying about him and worry about herself. "I guess it doesn't matter either way. At best, we can hope to stay alive for a while longer." Then he turns around and walks away. Rin and Jaken are standing to the side as Sesshoumaru and Jakotsu are facing each other. Sesshoumaru recognizes Jakotsu as one of Naraku's men and Jakotsu laughs. They exchange a few more words (but not many) and then Jakotsu attacks. Sesshoumaru easily stops the blade and then attacks Jakotsu, not only surprising him but knocking him a few feet back. "Holy!" is Jakotsu's reply as he crawls away on hands an knees. Jaken laughs at Jakotsu so Jakotsu attacks the ground right in front of him and Rin. Sesshoumaru comes from behind. As he strikes Jakotsu's blade aside, he yells at Jaken. Jaken immediately grabs Rin and they begin to run across the bridge. Sesshoumaru stands in front of the entrance to the bridge defending it from Jakotsu as Jaken leads Rin across it. He tells Rin that they're in Sesshoumaru's way. Jakotsu makes fun of Sesshoumaru for him not wanting Rin to get hurt. Little note: not a good idea to mock Sesshoumaru. Jakotsu attacks and Sesshoumaru dodges. Rin and Jaken are still running across the bridge. The whole place is shrouded in mist and from a distance they see a human form approaching. We see the tip of Suikotsu's steel claws. Then we see Suikotsu himself, stopping right in front of them. He lifts his steel claws. As soon as Sesshoumaru hears the soft clattering made by Suikotsu's claws he jerks his head behind him. Jakotsu tries to take this opportunity to kill him. Although he doesn't succeed in killing him, he does succeed in knocking Toukijin out of his hand. The sword flies through the air and goes point first into the mountain. Jakotsu keeps attacking but Sesshoumaru easily dodges. Suikotsu slashes weakly at Rin but she falls backwards and avoids getting cut. Jaken lifts his staff of heads and tells Rin to stay back. As he fights Suikotsu, he thinks: If something happens to Rin, Sesshoumaru-sama will kill ME! That's why I have to... He makes the staff breath out fire at Suikotsu. After the flames die down, there's no sign of Suikotsu but the bridge has also been burned. Rin informs Jaken of this. He tells her to run. They turn around, Rin running in front of Jaken. Then, right in front of Jaken, steel claws burst through the wood of the bridge. Suikotsu is hanging onto the side. Jaken yells at Rin to keep running but as she turns around to get back on her feet, the bridge collapses and she screams. Sesshoumaru's head turns. He looks at Rin and Jaken falling along with bits of bridge to their inevitable death. He jumps after them, turning his back on Jakotsu. Jakotsu sees this as another opportunity to kill him. He attacks with his snake sword but Sesshoumaru goes to the side. He attacks again and we see that Sesshoumaru was headed to the cliff where Toukijin was embedded. He grabs Toukijin and pushes himself off the cliff just as Jakotsu's sword hits right where he had been only a split second before. Jakotsu attacks at his back. His sword surrounds Sesshoumaru and it looks like he's going to be a goner. But, with several quick slashes, Sesshoumaru, without turning around, changes the route of the sword so that it goes back at Jakotsu. So close, in fact, that it slashes Jakotsu's clothing. Jakotsu is very VERY surprised. Damn, just missed him thinks Sesshoumaru, his eyes looking back but his face straight ahead, his body still going after Rin. He disappears into the mist as Jakotsu falls to his knees, still shocked. "Holy..." Inuyasha is carrying the unconcious Kouga as Kagome flies on Kirara with Ginta and Hakkaku. Inuyasha is annoyed at carrying Kouga. There's a river at the very bottom of the ravine over which the bridge was. Sesshoumaru jumps from boulder to boulder until he reaches the ground. He wonders if the river took her since her scent's fading into the water. He walks away, still looking at the river. Jaken is sprawled across a boulder, hidden from view as Sesshoumaru walks by. He opens his eyes a crack and looks at Sesshoumaru's back. Sesshoumaru calls out to him and Jaken shuts his eyes tight. "Quit playing possum," Sesshoumaru says and Jaken jumps out from behind the boulders and starts apologizing to Sesshoumaru on his hands and knees, bowing down to him and telling him that he'll scour the earth in search of Rin. He looks up to see Sesshoumaru walking away without a word in response. Jaken runs after him. "I knew it! He's pissed" Jaken says when Sesshoumaru still doesn't say a word. Rin wakes up and notices that she's being carried by a man. She pushes away from him and then backs up against a tree. She looks thoroughly scared. He asks her what's wrong and why she's running and she seems to calm down a little bit. He tells her to calm down, he's a doctor. Now we see his face. It's the face of the kind doctor, Suikotsu, not the Shichinintai Suikotsu. Rin walks with the doctor and tells him that they (Sesshoumaru and Jaken) are probably looking for her so she should stay put. Suikotsu tells her that it's not a good idea for her to be by herself in the woods so she should stick with him for a while until they come to get her. She agrees. *commercials* Miroku and Sango are still on Mount Hakurei. They don't sense a trace of evil. Sango wonders if Naraku is really up there. They look up, see a cave, and decide to go check it out. Kanna is holding a mirror in which Miroku and Sango are reflected. Kohaku is looking into it. He recognizes Sango but doesn't know that she's his sister. He hopes she doesn't notice anything and just leavesbecause he doesn't want to fight her. Suikotsu and Rin are still walking. He points out his village to her. Kikyo is standing on the edge of a cliff, looking at Mount Hakurei. She can sense a shikon shard approaching the village. The aura isn't the same as Bankotsu's shard so it must be Suikotsu. But... The kids that Suikotsu was taking care of earlier are singing the song they always sing. ("The pure are soiled...") Suddenly they stop and look behind them to see Suikotsu with Rin. He apologizes for disappearing and the kids ask if he's really Suikotsu. Then he introduces Rin to them. Jakotsu is hiding in the brush. "Ugh, this sucks" he says. Probably because Suikotsu turned all goody-goody on him. He decides it's time for a little wake-up call and grabs his sword. But before he has a chance to whip it out, several villagers come towards Suikotsu, one of them on a horse. They ask Suikotsu to leave the village because because of him they were attacked by the Shichinintai. Suikotsu looks at them pleassantly and then grins. Suddenly he slashes at a villager with his steel claws, killing him. Everyone, including Jakotsu, are surprised. It's still the evil Suikotsu it's just that he has the good doctor Suikotsu's face. Weird. The other villagers try to run away but with a smile still on his face, Suikotsu goes after them and kills them all. Rin starts to back away slowly, then turns around to run but is caught by Jakotsu. Sesshoumaru is gliding a few feet over the ground with Jaken hanging onto his fluffy boa. He can smell the Shichinintai. They're at the base of Mount Hakurei. Jaken is trying to talk to Sesshoumaru but recieves no answer. Sesshoumaru's still pissed. Kikyo is walking through the forest, her soul snatchers following her. The bodies of the villagers are lying on the bloodied grass. Jakotsu walks over to Suikotsu, holding Rin by the back of her kimono with one hand. Jakotsu asks him which Suikotsu he is but even Suikotsu doesn't know. It turns out that Suikotsu may look like the good doctor when he's near the barrier of the mountain, but he's still the evil Suikotsu so it's ok. The kids seem to realize that Suikotsu only looks like Suikotsu but is still evil Suikotsu. Suikotsu turns around and walks over to them. Rin yells at them to run. Suikotsu lifts his steel claws. "And here's a parting gift for you. Go to hell!" And then he brings the claws down as the kids screan. Kikyo is still walking. He soul snatchers are dying off, one by one, killed by the barrier. She knows that if she doesn't hurry, Suikotsu's shikon shards will be completely enshrouded in darkness and if that happens, Suikotsu will probably go after the children. Suikotsu brings down the steel claws. But suddenly, he's stopped. He's trying really hard to force his claws down but it won't move. The pure are soiled and the soiled are purified Suikotsu wonders why he can't move. What is good is evil and what is evil is good They're just brats, so why can't he kill them? He sees Kikyo's face and wonders why. "You gotta beting me!!!" he yells out.
Episode 116- The Real Face: Exposed
Inuyasha drops Kouga, Hakkaku, and Ginta off at a cave. Quite literally, drops. Suikotsu can't move. He's poised with his steel claws right over the kids but he can't kill them. A Saimyoushou flies in, hovers next to Jakotsu, and then flies away. Jakotsu tells Suikotsu that Sesshoumaru's coming. Rin's overjoyed. They go to lure Sesshoumaru closer to the barrier. esshoumaru is close to Mount Hakurei. There's mist everywhere and electricity around him. He smells the Shichinintai and knows that they're just a little bit further in. Jaken is running after him, begging him to wait. Sesshoumaru doesn't. Jaken is really struggling with the barrier. He gets stopped by the electricity every few steps. He yells after Sesshoumaru, telling him that the Shichinintai are just using Rin to lure him closer to the barrier. Sesshoumaru doesn't listen to him, just keeps on going, leaving Jaken behind, wondering whether or not the barrier affects him at all. The bodies of the villagers are lying around and the children are all huddled together. Jakotsu and Suikotsu are gone. Kikyo comes over to them, using her bow for support. She seems to know that Suikotsu was the one who killed the villagers. Jakotsu and Suikotsu are walking next to the mountain (but I actually think they're on the mountain). Suikotsu has Rin under his arm and Jakotsu wonders if the barrier got too strong for Sesshoumaru, since he's still not there. Suikotsu doesn't think so. Jakotsu looks up and in the mist above them sees Sesshoumaru. Rin is overjoyed. Jakotsu is surprised that the barrier doesn't seem to be affecting Sesshoumaru. Sesshoumaru draws Toukijin and Jakotsu rushes forward with his snake-sword drawn. He slashes as Sesshoumaru but Sesshoumaru dodges it easily. He keeps slashing and Sesshoumaru keeps dodging. Then he turns around and knocks it aside with Toukijin, but, a thing red line of blood appears on his forearm. Rin cries out for Sesshoumaru as Suikotsu holds his steel claws to her. Jakotsu laughs and realizes that the barrier does affect Sesshoumaru because his movements have slowed significantly. Kikyo is on the horse the villagers brought. She tells the children to get out of the village and then she rides away, Bankotsu's words still ringing in her head. She is riding towards Mount Hakurei. Sango and Miroku are lost in the cave. Suddenly, something up ahead glows green. We see that it's a person wearing a luminescent cape. It looks like he wants them to follow. It may be a trap but they decide to follow anyway. It's Kohaku wearing the cape. He doesn't want them to keep snooping around. He really hopes they follow him. Rin is crying out for Sesshoumaru so Suikotsu presses his stell claws closer to her and tells her to quiet down. Jakotsu is impressed with the show Sesshoumaru has put on but it's about the only thing he can do to stay on his feet inside the barrier. Then he attacks Sesshoumaru with his snake sword. Sesshoumaru stops the attack with Toukijin and Jakotsu is thrown a few feet into the air and lands behind Sesshoumaru. Sesshoumaru doesn't lose any time. He slashes at Jakotsu but since his movements are slowed Jakotsu can dodge. Barely, but he can still dodge. (You know, if it wasn't for the barrier Jakotsu would have died...oh I'd say about eight or nine times by now) Jakotsu does a bunch of flips and lands several feet away. Jakotsu is annoyed. He realizes that Sesshoumaru is trying to force him out of the barrier so he warns Suikotsu not to leave it (the barrier). Suikotsu tells him to hurry up and kill Sesshoumaru because he really wants to kill Rin. He presses the claws still closer to Rin's neck. Rin calls out to Sesshoumaru, her voice cracking badly. She's scared and near tears. Jakotsu warns Sesshoumaru that if he can't do any better, Rin is going to die. But then again she's going to die eventually anyway... Sesshoumaru is amused that Jakotsu is about to use the same attack. He laughs and REALLY pisses off Jakotsu. Jakotsu attacks. Sesshoumaru springs forward, throws his sword away. Jakotsu is surprised but then we see that Toukijin flew straight back, right into Suikotsu's chest. Jakotsu's sword slashes at Sesshoumaru, spraying Sesshoumaru's blood, but Sesshoumaru attacks anyway, burying his claws into Jakotsu's chest. Jakotsu falls forward, leaning his head against Sesshoumaru's...I guess it's his tail...let's just call it his boa. Suikotsu falls to the ground and Rin tries to get away from him, calling out to Sesshoumaru, but Suikotsu slams a hand down on top of her so that she can't run away. Sesshoumaru looks back at Rin. Jakotsu pulls himself up a little bit and says to Sesshoumaru, "Now that I've gotten a closer really are handsome." He lifts his head up and smiles, a thin line of blood coming from his mouth. "Too bad for you, but we don't die this easily." Suikotsu pulls the sword out of his chest. He asks Jakotsu if he can kill Rin. Rin is scared. Really scared as Suikotsu says that he wants to kill her with all his heart. He gets poised with his steel claws. Sesshoumaru rips his claws out of Jakotsu with lightning quick speed and heads for Rin as Jakotsu laughs that it's too late. Suikotsu brings his claws down and Rin looks away, closing her eyes. Out of nowhere, a purity arrow flies and hits Suikotsu in the neck, right where his shard is. In the background we see Kikyo, holding her bow. Suikotsu falls backwards and Rin gets up and runs to Sesshoumaru, "Sesshoumaru-sama!" in a panicked, scared voice. Kikyo gets off her horse and has a hard time walking without the support of her bow. Jakotsu decides that Kikyo is the scariest one of the lot and runs away, clutching his chest. Kikyo walks over to Suikotsu and kneels down next to him. His shard has been pruified by her arrow so he is the good doctor once again. Suikotsu asks Kikyo to remove the shikon shard in his neck because he remembers that he's already died once. *commercials* *Flashback* The pure are soiled and the soiled are purified What is evil is good and what is good is evil Suikotsu is telling Kikyo his story of how he became evil. A village was being attacked and he was trying to save a little girl (just like in his nightmare) while another villager was telling him that it was useless and he should run away. Then, an attacking soldier killed the little girl with his spear right before Suikotsu's eyes. Then the soldier tried to kill him but Suikotsu, a doctor who lived to save people's lives, killed him. After that an evil voice woke within him. He listened to the voice and began to kill. Then he met Bankotsu and became a part of the Shichinintai. *End of Flashback* The other him killed many people and the doctor still inside could do nothing. Kikyo tells him that good and evil have always been a part of the human heart, and that he mustn't lose to his evil side. But Suikotsu knows that he would just go back to his evil self, and he doesn't want that. Never again. (I have to mention that everyone is listening very intently. Kikyo, Rin, AND SESSHOUMARU) Suikotsu (now crying) again asks Kikyo to take his shard out and put his soul to rest. Kikyo reaches for it, but can't seem to bring herself to take it out as Bankotsu's words sound in her head. She reaches for it again, hesitates, but then Jakotsu's sword cuts into Suikotsu's neck, taking the shard out. He runs away with the shikon shard and Kikyo calls out to Suikotsu, who seems happy that someone took the shard out since it's what he wanted. His skin melts away, leaving behind a skeleton. Rin gasps and steps back towards Sesshoumaru. Rin slightly shyly walks up to Kikyo and thanks her for saving her. Kikyo asks her if she's hurt but she isn't. She seems sad about Suikotsu, though. She notices that Sesshoumaru is walking away. She bows to Kikyo, says "sayonara" and runs after Sesshoumaru. Kikyo stands up and decides to get out of there before all her souls are gone and she's unable to move. Sesshoumaru stops walking. He turns his head slightly to look at Kikyo with narrowed eyes so it's almost like a glare. So that's the priestess that sealed Inuyasha. She is one of the dead, just like those others...made of bones and grave soil. Did he show you how you'll end up? He thinks as he looks at her with narrowed eyes. Rin walks up to him. "Sesshoumaru-sama?" He replies, "Rin. We're leaving." She smiles. "Yessir!" and runs after him. They disappear into the mist. Kohaku reaches the exit of the cave and his cape stops glowing. He takes it off and throws it to the side. He looks into the cave and hopes that they make it out because he doesn't want to fight them. Kanna's voice sounds behind him. She tells him not to let them escape. Sango and Miroku make it out of the cave. They realize that they've walked all night following the whatever-it-was. Sango walks around as Miroku wonders why it helped them. She notices the cape on the ground and recognizes is as a luminescent cape that demon hunters use in night attacks. She knows that Kohaku was there. Kouga is lying on the ground with Kagome, Hakkaku, and Ginta sitting around him telling him not to die. Inuyasha is floating in the water, arms crossed staring up at the sky. Shippo wonders what he's thinking and Kirara replies with what could only be described as a shrug. "Nice day." Inuyasha says. Kikyo is walking away from Mount Hakurei.
Episode 117- The Man who Disappeared into a River of Flames
The episode begins with Renkotsu loading what look like cannons or something onto a cart. He sees the armor that Ginkotsu was wearing when he died. This causes him to think back to Ginkotsu's last fight with Kouga. We go back to the moment when Renkotsu was lying down, very injured by Kouga. He still has Ginkotsu's shikon shard. He thinks that if he keeps it, Bankotsu will swipe it, but sees no reason to give it to that "brat". He puts the shard into his wound and it closes up. End of flashback. Renkotsu drags the cart out of the cave he was in when a Saimyoushou flies up to him. It seems to have found Inuyasha and Kouga and Company. Renkotsu tells it to go make his report to Bankotsu, but he has another job for it. Kouga wakes up to find Shippo, Kagome, and the tear-filled eyes of Hakkaku and Ginta on him. He asks what happened and they tell him that he was caught in Ginkotsu's blast. Suddenly...he realizes that he smells like Inuyasha and starts spazzing out. Kagome tells him that Inuyasha had to carry him. Kouga looks horrified and then yells at Hakkaku and Ginta for not carrying him. But they were out cold as well. Then Inuyasha's voice comes in. He's all wet, and saying that he wasn't expecting Kouga to be grateful. He then proceeds to shake the water off himself - like a dog. Then he wants to leave. Kouga grabs Kagome's hand and thanks her and Inuyasha gets pissed. Inuyasha reminds Kagome about Miroku and Sango and that they should be getting back pretty soon. He turns around to leave and sees a Saimyoushou. He rushes out to kill it before it rats on them. As Inuysasha is being lured away by the Saimyoushou, Renkotsu waits behind the trees until he's gone. Kagome, Hakkakum and Ginta make smalltalk. Suddenly, Shippo smells something and Kagome walks to the entrance of the cave. Shippo asks her if she smelled the same thing he did: gunpowder. No, she sensed a shikon shard. Suddenly, an explosion is heard and the rocks resulting from the explosion block off the river. Then, a raft spreading oil floats by. It has flaming logs on it so when it hits the dam of rocks it shatters and spreads fire over the entire river (because of the oil) Inuyasha is still going after the Saimyoushou. He destroys it and then looks back at the river to see smoke. Kagome knows that it's the Shichinintai. She sees Renkotsu at the top. Kagome rushes back into the cave and tells Kouga not to do anything since he's still injured. She grabs her bow and arrows and runs back outside and aims at Renkotsu. He shoots a cannon thing at her but Inuyasha arrives just in time to block it and save her. He takes her into the cave and wraps his fire rat fur around her. Inuyasha and Kouga argue some and then Kagome warns Inuyasha that Renkotsu has two shikon shards. "That's less than Bankotsu," Inuyasha says and then dashes off. Renkotsu is pissed that Inuyasha is back so soon. They begin to fight. Kirara transforms and goes to help Inuyasha. Renkotsu keeps firing at Inuyasha and thinks he's taken care of him. Hakkaku and Ginta tell Kagome to get into the cave and then Renkotsu fires. He goes into the cave and sees all five of them lying. He thinks he's killed them and then goes for Kouga's shikon shards. But Kouga kicks him. They were just pretending to be unconcious. Renkotsu takes out what looks like dynamite. Kagome tells him that if he uses it in the cave he'll kill himself too. Renkotsu begins to think, knowing very well that if Bankotsu finds out that he's taken Ginkotsu's shikon shard for himself, he'll kill him. *Flashback to when Bankotsu was telling him that if he keeps any more shards from him, he'll kill him* He decides that with Kouga's shards he'll be able to stand up to Bankotsu. Then he lights a something that I previously thought was a stick of dynamite, but it's not, convinced that he won't die in the blast because of his shikon shards. Kouga kicks the cannon at him but Renkotsu dodges. Renkotsu lights both sticks of dynamite when Inuyasha shows up. While he distracts Renkotsu with his presence, Kouga attacks, then passes Renkotsu off to Inuyasha. Inuyasha tackles Renkotsu and throws him into the flaming river along with the sticks of dynamite. But, Renkotsu takes Inuyasha with him. Kagome screams out, "INUYASHA!" as there's a huge explosion. *commercials* Kagome is running alongside the river looking for Inuyasha. Kouga stupidly does NOT comfort her by telling her that they won't find a body if he was blown to bits. Kagome stops running. When Hakkaku and Ginta tell Kouga that that was a harsh thing to say, Kouga turns around yelling at them that it was the truth, when his eyes get HUGE at the site of Kagome. She has her face buried in Inuyasha's fire rat fur. When she lifts her face her eyes are full of tears. Kouga tries to comfort her awkwardly as Kagome blames herself. As he's comforting her, he gets hit in the head from behind. It's Inuyasha. Kagome lifts her face slightly, still crying. Inuyasha tells them that Renkotsu survived too. Inuyasha and Kouga start arguing when suddenly Kagome screams out, "Inuyasha~" Her tears hit Kouga in the face, surprising him as she throws herself at Inuyasha, hugging him. Inuyasha is surprised as Kagome cries into him. Then he apologizes for worrying her and hugs her. Hakkau and Ginta are surprised that Kouga is letting them be. Inuyasha and Kouga start arguing and Kagome finds it hard to keep crying. At Mount Hakurei, Sango and Miroku decide to head to the summit. Miroku is angry that even though he and Sango are completely alone, he can't make a move. Renkotsu is walking slowly through the river, angry with himself that he couldn't steal Kouga's shards, and knowing very well that if Bankotsu finds out that he has Ginkotsu's shard, he's dead. A Saimyoushou flies overhead and he sees Bankotsu on the riverbank. Bankotsu knows that Ginkotsu is dead. He's glad that Renkotsu is alive though. Then he tells Renkotsu that Suikotsu died while confronting Sesshoumaru. That just leaves Bankotsu, Renkotsu, and Jakotsu. (By the way Bankotsu is short...and i mean SHORT) Renkotsu is relieved that Bankotsu doesn't know that he has Ginkotsu's shard. Miroku and Sango have hit a dead end. Somebody has gotten rid of the path that used to lead up to a cave. Sango, using her demon exterminating skills, easily gets to the other side and then helps Miroku do the same. The cave leads into the heart of the mountain, and Miroku senses evil energy inside. No doubt Naraku is inside. Inside the cave, Kagura sits, wondering how long Naraku is going to keep her cooped up. Kanna appears and Kagura is jealous of her because since she doesn't have any demonic power she can go outside without getting purified. Kanna shows her that Sango and Miroku are coming. Behind Kagura, hundreds of demons appear.
Episode 118- The Heart of Mt. Hakurei
Miroku and Sango are running through the cave. Miroku notices that the evil energy is getting stronger. It's as he suspected: the barrier was put up around the mountain to hide the evil energy in the mountain's center. They arrive at a giant cavern. The evil energy is extremely thick, Sango notices as she puts on her poison mask. They look up and see hundreds of demons coming at them: Naraku's minions. Miroku uncovers his Kazaana to suck them in but Sango notices that Naraku's Saimyoushou are there too so if he sucks the demons in, he'll be poisoned. Sango throws her Hiraikotsu and kills a bunch of demons. Miroku throws his scroll thingies and kills some demons as well. That's when Kagura speaks up. She's surprised that they made it this far. She opens her fan and throws blades at them. Sango and Miroku keep fighting the demons. Kagura throws more blades, separating Sango from Miroku by destroying the stairs that they were running on. Sango tries to jump the gap but can't. Sango throws her Hiraikotsu at Kagura, but Kagura can control the wind and knocks the Hiraikotsu off course. Sango looks up at her Hiraikotsu and sees Kohaku, watching the fight. Kagura creates wind that causes the Hiraikotsu to hit Sango, knocking her out. Miroku jumps the gap created by Kagura in order to get to the injured Sango. He tries to wake Sango up, but can't. Kagura tells Miroku that if he had left her behind, he would have lived longer, and Miroku gets a very determined look on his face. Kagura sends the demons on him. Very gently Miroku lays Sango down, stands up, and prepares to open his Kazaana. "Don't you remember? The bugs are here, you can't use your Kazaana," Kagura reminds him. "Just who do you think I am? If it means the girl I care for will live a little longer...Then it doesn't matter what happens to me!" He opens his Kazaana and sucks the demons in, Saimyoushou and all. He feels the poison beginning to spread but doesn't stop sucking the demons in. Kagome and Inuyasha are waiting for Sango and Miroku to return. She wonders if something happened to them since they're taking so long to get back. Inuyasha tells Kagome to stay there while he goes to check the mountain out (remember he's half demon and there's a very powerful purifying aura up). Kagome reminds him of this fact but Inuyasha tells her that he's only half demon so the barrier can't purify all of him. Inuyasha then tells Kouga that he knows he's there. Hakkaku, Ginta, and Kouga come out of hiding. Inuyasha tells Kouga to stay there and protect Kagome. Kouga puts his arm around Kagome, pulls her close and says, "Okay, no problem. See ya later" Inuyasha leaves a threat for Kouga and then runs off towards the mountain. Inuyasha is running towards the mountain. There's energy all around him. It's getting harder and harder for him to go on but he does it anyway. Miroku puts Hiraikotsu across the gap. He begins to cross it very carefully. His Kazaana is not open but he doesn't have the sealing prayer beads on his hand, so he's ready to use it if anything happens. Sango is slung over his left shoulder, still unconcious. The demons are waiting, but they see that he has his Kazaana ready. Kagura is amazed that Miroku is still standing since he took so many Saimyoushou in. Meanwhile Miroku hooks Hiraikotsu onto his right arm and with his Kazaana still ready, he begins to run. The demons come at him so he opens his Kazaana again and sucks more in, along with more Saimyoushou. Kagura is thinking to herself and among her thoughts is one, "Sorry to break it to you, monk, but Naraku isn't up there" Miroku has closed his Kazaana and is still running with Sango on his shoulder. Demons are following. Please, don't come...any closer... he thinks. If I open the Kazaana again, I won't be able to... He collapses. He lifts his head to look behind him and sees the demons, still coming. Sango...I'm sorry... Then he passes out, hundreds of demons still behind him. Jakotsu sneezes. He's walking with his arms wrapped around himself, apparently freezing cold. His Kimono...or whatever he was wearing got all ripped up in the fight with Sesshoumaru so he could use some clothes. He sees a bunch of men traveling towards him. As Jakotsu stands in the middle of the road, blocking their path, a couple of men run towards him, ready to draw their swords. They tell him to get off the road. "And what if I don't?" The men draw their swords. Jakotsu grabs the hilt of his sword. The view is changed to a bunny rabbit in the grass as we hear the sounds of Jakotsu's sword. The next thing we see is Jakotsu's sword going back to Jakotsu and the men, horses and all fall to the ground. Jakotsu goes through one of the chests the men were carrying and sees a nice piece of yellow cloth. Then he hears Bankotsu's voice calling out to him. He sees Bankotsu walking towards him, Saimyoushou flying around him. The sun is setting and Bankotsu and Jakotsu are talking. They seem to be sitting on the porch of some sort of hut. Jakotsu is telling Bankotsu that Suikotsu is dead. Then Jakotsu seems to remember something and searches his "pockets" He hands Bankotsu a shikon shard. It was Suikotsu's. Bankotsu seems very surprised. "Is it for me?" "Why so shocked? You told us to hand 'em over if we got any." Bankotsu looks down. We see the glimmer of a tear in his hooded eyes. (How poetic) He looks up at Jakotsu, tears filling his eyes. "Jakotsu you're...The greatest guy ever!!!!" He says and wraps his right arm around Jakotsu's shoulders, pulling him closer "You're the only one I can trust in the whole wide world! Kinda weird though..." He says as he's smiling a huge smile and patting the slightly confused Jakotsu's back. "Think so?" Jakotsu says and smiles. Then they both start laughing. Renkotsu is walking. The moon shines above. Inuyasha is still struggling through the barrier towards the mountain. Just as he's convincing himself that the barrier isn't purifying him and he's okay, he falls to his knees. He can't seem to move anymore. He wonders what to do as Renkotsu's voice sounds behind him. He has one of those cannon things under his arm and he seems slightly surprised that he was trailing Inuyasha for so long and he didn't notice anything. Inuyasha stands up and makes a slightly threatening/insulting comment at Renkotsu. Renkotsu chuckles lightly. There's electricity all around Inuyasha (from the barrier). Renkotsu aims the cannon thing at Inuyasha. Then he fires. Inuyasha dodges but it sends him further into the barrier. He hits the limit and the screen goes white with electricity and sound is filled with Inuyasha's yells. *commercials* Renkotsu has to shield his eyes as the electricity gets brighter and brighter until there's a sudden flash as Inuyasha's yells continue. Then the yells stop and a whole bunch of glittery things (I don't know how else to describe them) come from the place where Inuyasha disappeared. As the glittery things and the light disappears, smoke comes from the spot. Renkotsu wonders if Inuyasha is gone. He's surprised. There's a crater where Inuyasha was and a few feet away, Inuyasha is lying sprawled on his stomach. He clenches his hand, which now has no claws. Then we see his hair fall near his hand, and it is not black. Inuyasha is in his human form, and he is very very surprised. His demonic powers have disappeared, even though it's not time yet. Renkotsu is surprised. He had thought that Inuyasha had disccolved in the barrier but it was just his demonic powers. Renkotsu aims the cannon at Inuyasha and fires. Inuyasha dodges and begins to run away. Renkotsu runs after him. Sango begins to come to. She looks to the side and sees Miroku next to her, and slightly on her. She slides out from under him and blushes. She makes a move to wake him and then looks up only to see hundreds of demons still hovering over them. She grabs her sword and winces. Then she remembers what happened. (She and Miroku are surrounded by a faint bluish light - forgot to mention that). Sango begins to shake Miroku, trying to get him to wake up. Miroku doesn't move and Sango looks at him with tear-filled eyes, a hand at her mouth. She keeps trying to wake Miroku up, getting more desperate and panicked by the minute. Tears stream down her face and fall on Miroku's face. Miroku stirs and then opens his eyes. He's glad that Sango regained conciousness, and then looks to see all the demons trying to get at them. He tells her to keep going by herself. "No! I won't leave without you!" Miroku chuckles. "Please, survive this for me," he says. "NO! If you can't come with me...Then at least let me die with you!!" Sango says and then throws herself onto Miroku. Miroku hugs her back as best he can as the demons keep trying to get at them. Then Miroku realizes that he's feeling better by the second. He gets up, still holding Sango. He wondering aloud why the demons aren't attacking. Sango seems to realize this for the first time. One of the demons stretches its tentacles out and Miroku moves to protect Sango. But when the tentacles reach a certain point, they are purified. Miroku realizes that they are on sacred ground holy enough to purify the poison he sucked in. He gets up to leave, telling Sango that there must be something ahead of them. Sango asks him if he's really ok and he says, "Yes. Looks like we won't have to die together after all." Sango blushes and while still red says, "D-did I say something?" (Keep in mind that she's looking around nervously as she says this...adorable) You forgot, eh? Miroku thinks, a sneaky smile on his face. Inuyasha is still running away. Behind him we see explosions as Renkotsu fires and misses. Inuyasha tries to run up this steep embankment thingy but slides off. Renkotsu fires and Inuyasha goes over the embankment and rolls down. He hits the side of the mountain. Slowly he raises himself and sees Renkotsu on top of the embankment thingy (don't know what else to call it) Inuyasha realizes that he's in for it, and then sees a small entrance to a cave on his right. Renkotsu fires. When the smoke clears there's a huge crater. Renkotsu walks over to it but can't seem to find a body. Then he sees the cave. (Okay...he just called it a "crevice" so let's stick with "crevice") Jakotsu's voice sounds behind Renkotsu and he turns around. Jakotsu is walking towards him. Jakotsu seems to have told Renkotsu that there's only three of them left. Jakotsu seems concerned about something. "We've got a big problem on our hands" "What's wrong?" Renkotsu asks, worried. "We can't be the 'seven man army' (Shichinintai) without seven men! We gotta come up with a new name!" He looks down at Renkotsu, perfectly serious, as Renkotsu looks up at him, speechless. Then he asks about Suikotsu's shikon shard. Jakotsu tells him that he gave it to Bankotsu. He's remarkably selfless Renkotsu thinks of Jakotsu. Then he thinks about the amount of shikon shards Bankotsu has. While he's thinking about this, Jakotsu is trying to think of a new name. Renkotsu interrupts Jakotsu to tell him that he has something fun for him. This interests Jakotsu. Sango and Miroku are running towards a white light at the end of the tunnel (pardon the clich? Inuyasha is inside the "crevice" (except that he calls it a "cavern"...i'm gonna stick with "cavern" cause Inuyasha is so much cooler than Renkotsu) He wonders whether or not the cavern leads all the way into the center of the mountain. Suddenly he senses something behind him. Jakotsu's sword is travelling towards him. He barely dodges it in time. Jakotsu walks towards him. He thinks Inuyasha's human form is adorable as well. Jakotsu is very happy. He's been waiting to kill Inuyasha for a looong time. Inuyasha takes out the sheathed Tetsusaiga and backs against a wall of the cavern. Kagome is standing, waiting for Inuyasha, Sango, and Miroku as Kouga, Hakkaku, and Ginta sleep. Inuyasha's cornered by Jakotsu. Jakotsu steps forward. Inuyasha holds the sheathed Tetsusaiga in front of him and Jakotsu raises his sword. He runs forward, laughing.
Episode 119- A Divine and Malicious Saint
Sango and Miroku are running down a tunnel towards a bright light. They run on to discover a weird place in the heart of the mountain. It's a mountain temple. They keep running and stop in front of a mummy. Miroku recognizes them as the remains of Hakushin Shounin. Suddenly, a pair of yellow, bloodshot eyes appear in the once empty eye sockets and the mummy takes on an angry look. Miroku and Sango are shocked. The mummy confirms Miroku's beliefs that he is Hakushin Shounin. Miroku asks Hakushin Shounin why he's working for Naraku now, since he was such a revered monk before. The monk is aware of what Naraku is, but he doesn't care whether he's an evil demon or not since he's doing what he wants to do. Kagome, Kouga, Hakkaku, and Ginta are still waiting for Inuyasha to return with Miroku and Sango. Shippo is barely able to walk a few steps before he collapses. Kagome hopes that Inuyasha gives up and heads back if it becomes to hard for him to continue. Hakkaku and Ginta wonder aloud whether or not Inuyasha is dead, both receiving punches from Kouga. Shippo assures Kagome that Inuyasha is just fine. akotsu's snake sword comes after Inuyasha, who barely dodges it. He runs and the sword comes after him. Then he takes the sheathed Tetsusaiga and knocks the sword aside but it comes right back at him. Jakotsu keeps hitting on Inuyasha even as he's trying to kill him. The sword slashes at Inuyasha's arm, injuring him (his fire rat cloth has lost its demonic powers as well so it doesn't work as armor anymore). Jakotsu attacks again and again, making Inuyasha run. Inuyasha gets another injury on his leg. Miroku asks Hakushin Shounin how it's possible that he's put up a holy barrier to protect the evil Naraku. *Flashback* Before he died, Hakushin Shounin saved people without a shred of hesistation. We see him give food to starving, crying children. The year he died, the countryside was devastated by famine and plague. There were corpses lying everywhere. No matter who it was though, he saved them because he believed that in the heart of every evil man lies some shred of good. Everyone came to him for help. But, while he was tending to the sick, he became sick as well. The villagers didn't know what to do. Who would deliver them if he were to die? Hakushin Shounin told them that he would become a living Buddha and protect them for all eternity. He let himself be entombed within the earth. *End Flashback* Sango asks him if that's how he became a mummy. The priest continues. His only connection to the outside world was a slender ventilation pipe made of bamboo. *Flashback* There's a small pipe of bamboo sticking up out of the ground and a bell is heard. When he was inside, he rang a small bell over and over. When it ceased to ring, the people outside would know that he had died. The people outside were praying for him to enter Nirvana peacefully. They were praying for him to die. What is good is evil, and what is evil is good When he began to die, he felt pangs of regret. He wanted to live and the darkness was terrifying. To live is to die and to die is to live He had devoted his entire life, body, and soul to helping people so why did he have to die? The Sacred One lies in the earth. Salvation is at hand... *End Flashback* And then, he died. His remains were enshrined as a Living Buddha. *Flashback* However, his soul was consumed by a great darkness...A long time passed. And then, he heard a man's voice. "Resent them" it said. "Resent them! It's okay to hate them." Naraku appears by the priest, his hand on the priest's back. The priest looks up at him, shocked. Naraku said the things that he could not. Naraku tells him to follow him, to LIVE with him. *End Flashback* Miroku tells the priest that he doesn't claim to be a saint and he's not intending to pass judgement on him, but he can't leave the barrier be while it protects Naraku. Miroku comes at the priest with his staff, but the priest put a powerful barrier up, protecting himself. Mrioku gets thrown back. Kagome is still waiting for Inuyasha. Kouga stands up. He's decided to go see what Inuyasha is up to since he's taking so long. Kagome asks him not to. They should wait for Inuyasha a little longer. Inuyasha and Jakotsu are facing each other. Jakotsu attacks and Inuyasha tries to knock the sword aside with the Tetsusaiga but it's no use and he gets another injury. Renkotsu is secretly watching, willing Inuyasha to take a chunk out of Jakotsu before he gets killed. Jakotsu walks towards Inuyasha and Inuyasha backs away. His vision is beginning to fade. When Jakotsu gets close enough, Inuyasha sees his chance and tries to slash Jakotsu's neck with the Tetsusaiga to get the shikon shard out, but he misses. Jakotsu hits Inuyasha in the stomach and Inuyasha falls to the ground. Jakotsu picks Inuyasha up by his hair and lifts his sword. Sango tries to hit the priest with her Hiraikotsu, but it doesn't get past the barrier. She asks Miroku to put some charm on her Hiraikotsu. He does so and Sango throws it again. It gets a little bit inside the barrier, but then the charms disappear and it flies out. *commercials* Sango and Miroku have to jump to the sides to avoid Hiraikotsu. Hakushin Shounin tells them that their weak holy powers cannot hope to break the barrier. "My apologies, but you'll have to disappear!" Miroku says and unleashes his Kazaana. The priest begins to clow and the barrier crackles around him. The barrier is getting pulled closer and closer to Miroku. The priest begins to growl. Then the priest sacred beads break up and shoot out in all different directions. The barrier begins to disappear inside Miroku's Kazaana. Inuyasha tells Jakotsu that if he's going to kill him, he should just do it. Inuyasha hears a howling, wind-like noise. "Miroku...Sango..." Kagome notices that Mount Hakurei is howling. She wonders what's going on. The barrier surrounding the priest falls. The rest of the priest's temple breaks up and gets sucked in to Miroku's Kazaana. The great priest himself gets lifted into the air. Then he begins to glow and strange turquoise light. Saimyoushou suddenly appear and fly towards Miroku. He is forced to close his Kazaana. Turquoise light swirls around Mount Hakurei. Kikyo looks up. She notices that the sacred energy around Mount Hakurei is disappearing. She gets up and sees a glowing orb flee Mount Hakurei. Jakotsu is about to deliver the final blow. Behind Renkotsu, demons appear. They're coming closer and closer. Jakotsu also sees the demons appear behind Inuyasha. He's surprised since they shouldn't be able to leave with the holy barrier up. He kills some demons with his snake sword but not enough. There are a hundred demons to take the place of one dead one. He sees that the battle is pointless and throws Inuyasha at the demons. The demons take no notice of Inuyasha and keep coming. Jakotsu runs. He dodges behind a wall and the demons leave the mountain. Jakotsu feels the barrier fading. He returns to Inuyasha who is lying face down in the cave. Suddenly, Inuyasha's entire body begins to pulse. Claws appear on his hand. His hair turns white, his ears appear and his eyes go amber. He thanks Miroku and Sango for breaking the barrier. He was going to save them but instead, they saved HIM. He transforms the Tetsusaiga and points it at Jakotsu. Jakotsu hits on Inuyasha some more. Demons appear behind Jakotsu as he's saying that it's gotten a little crazy in there so their fun will have to stop. He attacks and his sword surrounds Inuyasha. If he moves, he dies.
Episode 120- Good-Bye! Jakotsu's Requiem
Jakotsu moves his sword in order to deliver Inuyasha the final death blow - but Inuyasha is not as weak as he was before. He uses the Kaze no Kizu on Jakotsu, breaking his sword to pieces and leaving Jakotsu no way to escape. After the smoke clears, pieces of Jakotsu's sword are lying everywhere and Jakotsu cannot be seen under the rubble. "It's over" Inuyasha says and turns around to walk away, when coughing is heard. He looks back and is not surprised to see Jakotsu still alive. Jakotsu asks him to finish him off, because if somebody's gotta kill him, he wants it to be Inuyasha. Jakotsu looks like he hasn't got much time left as he coughs. "Feh!" Inuyasha sheathes the Tetsusaiga and begins to walk away. Jakotsu warns him that if he doesn't kill him, he might come back to haunt him. "I'm too persistent for my own damn good" Inuyasha tells him that if he comes back, he'll just have to kill him again. He runs off, leaving Jakotsu behind. As Inuyasha runs, he smells Naraku. Demons are flying overhead. Naraku must be at the heart of the mountain. Jakotsu lies there, thinking about Inuyasha. He knows he's not going to survive. He remembers his first fight with Inuyasha, when the Shichinintai attacked the castle that betrayed them, drinking sake with Bankotsu, fighting Sesshoumaru and nearly getting killed, having a heart-warming moment with Bankotsu after he gave him Suikotsu's shard, and his last fight with Inuyasha. "At least I had a lot of fun." HE closes his eyes. Renkotsu walks out of the shadows towards him. He stands next to him, looking down. Jakotsu opens his eyes weakly. Renkotsu apologizes and Jakotsu smiles. That's when Renkotsu removes Jakotsu's shard. Jakotsu immediately begins to turn into dust, leaving only his bones behind. Renkotsu is determined to survive, no matter what it takes. Then he walks away. After he leaves, a Saimyoushou flies to Jakotsu's remains, picks up his hair pin, and flies away. Kikyo is looking for the thing that escaped Mount Hakurei. Then she sees Hakushin Shounin, inside of a small barrier he put up. Kikyo recognizes the barrier as the same purifying barrier that encased Mount Hakurei. She looks up at Mount Hakurei and sees electricity around it. The barrier has been ruptured and evil energy is escaping. The evil energy of Naraku. Kikyo walks over to Hakushin Shounin and begins to speak to him about Naraku. The priest remembers Naraku's words, allowing him to hate humans and the world because they left him to rot in the darkness. He talks to Kikyo how he was plagued by doubts and had to ask Naraku to save his soul. Kikyo asks him if he was really saved. If he really saved you, why can I feel such intense sorrow emanating from that barrier? Hakushin Shounin tells her that he was no sait and as he died, he realized that. Naraku came and since then Hakushin Shounin bore a grudge...but was it really what he wanted. Kikyo wonders whether there isn't a person on earth who doesn't have doubts. They go on to discuss the similarities between themselves. Kikyo of course tried to live as if she had no doubts or regrets, but now that she is dead she is full of hate, like Hakushin Shounin. She understands some of his pain. Hakushin's desire for life doomed his soul. Kikyo asks him to remove the barrier so that she will be able to touch his soul directly and put his spirit to rest. Inuyasha is running and feeling tremors much like a heartbeat. With ever pulse, Naraku's scent surges forward. Inuyasha grabs the Tetsusaiga and unsheathes it. Renkotsu feels the tremors as well and assumes that they mean that Naraku is on the move. He takes Jakotsu's shard and inserts it into his neck. "I will definitely survive this!" Kagome has noticed that Mount Hakurei's barrier isn't stable as she stands next to Kouga and looks at the electricity surround the mountain. She hopes that nothing has happened to Inuyasha, Miroku, and Sango. Kouga turns to Kagome and asks her if she's ok. Hakkaku and Ginta encourage Kouga from behind a rock to make his move. They watch with wide eyes what looks to be a tender moment between Kouga and Kagome, when suddenly Kagome asks Kouga to watch Shippo and Kirara. She's going to check out the barrier. Then she runs towards the mountain leaving Kouga yelling after her. Inuyasha is fighting off demons that keep coming out of the mountain. He runs forward. Renkotsu exits the mountain - to see Bankotsu sitting on a boulder. Bankotsu turns around to look at seems that he has been waiting for Renkotsu. He's slightly surprised that Renkotsu made it out of the mountain. As Renkotsu walks towards Bankotsu he thinks about the number of shards Bankotsu has - 4, plus the shards in his Banryuu. Renkotsu has 3 without Banryuu, it should be a pretty even match. He stands next to Bankotsu, who is looking down somewhat sadly. Renkotsu decides that if he's going to move against Bankotsu. now's his only chance. When suddenly, without looking up, Bankotsu darts his hand out and plunges two fingers into Renkotsu's neck, extracting his shikon shards. He seems two know that Renkotsu still has one more. He stands up and moves towards Renkotsu. "Now really...sad that the samrt one turned out to be an idiot" Bankotsu says as Renkotsu holds his neck. He tells Renkotsu that he's beyond redemption because he just couldn't give up the plotting. Bankotsu holds Jakotsu's hair pin in his hand and wonders what he should do with Renkotsu. A Saimyoushou hovers next to him. Bankotsu knows (by means of Saimyoushou) that Renkotsu killed Jakotsu because he wanted his shikon shard. Renkotsu accuses Bankotsu of doing the same thing. He was strong enough to begin with so he didn't need all those shikon shards. Bankotsu laughs as Renkotsu continues accusing him. "You were just using us!" he finishes. "In that case, do you want to try your luck?" Bankotsu asks him, holding up the shikon shards. He throws them back to Renkotsu and tells him not to be so shy. Renkotsu's eyes travel to Banryuu but Bankotsu tells him to relax, he won't use Banryuu. Renkotsu puts the shikon shards in his neck. "I'll show you where we differ" Bankotsu says. He encourages Renkotsu to attack, because if Renkotsu doesn't then he will. He runs at Renkotsu who panics and aims his cannon at Bankotsu. He fires but Bankotsu lands easily right in front of him. Renkotsu yells out in fear and surprise. He fires again but Bannkotsu dodges easily. Four more times he fires and four more times Bankotsu easily dodges. He lands right in front of Renkotsu, puts his hand on top of the cannon and pushes it down. "What's wrong, Renkotsu? Hit me." Renkotsu falls backwards and Bankotsu tells him to attack already. If he doesn't then he'll attack again. Bankotsu is perfectly calm. In fact, he looks almost kind as he speaks. Renkotsu jumps backwards, yelling a curse. He drinks from his weird bottle thingy and spits fire out at Bankotsu. He wonders if he got him and then Bankotsu's words reach him. "Of course you didn't!" Now they sound angry. Bankotsu throws Jakotsu's hair pin which hits Renkotsu right in the chest, knocking his shikon shard out and making Renkotsu fall. Bankotsu walks through the fire toward him and looks down at Renkotsu sadly as Renkotsu and aska Bankotsu what the difference was between what he did and what Bankotsu did. With lightning speed, Bankotsu plunges two fingers into Renkotsu's neck again. He takes out Renkotsu's remaining two shards and Renkotsu turns to dust, leaving only bones behind. "The difference is...I don't betray my comrades." Bankotsu closes his eyes and breathes in as Renkotsu's fire dies down. "All of a sudden I'm all alone. Kinda lonely." A Saimyoushou picks up the shard from Renkotsu's neck. "Yeah, yeah, I know. Besides, I can't leave without collecting my prize." Bankotsu says, looking at the Saimyoushou. The Saimyoushou drops the shard into Bankotsu's hand and flies away. As Bankotsu walks away, his body pulses with three new shards. He easily picks up his Banryuu with one hand. The faces of Kyoukotsu, Suikotsu, Ginkotsu, Mukotsu, Jakotsu, and Renkotsu flash by. Bankotsu looks up at Mount Hakurei "Shichinintai, this is our last stand!" He walks towards the mountain. *commercials* Hakushin Shounin takes his barrier down. He asks her (somewhat sarcastically) if she wants him to erase the rest of Mount Hakurei's barrier and slip quietly into the afterlife. His whole life was consumed by hatred after being buried alive. There is no way he can be saved. Kikyo knows that she can't save a soul like her own. She just wants to know what sorrow befell him. She moves forward and puts her arms around the priest. She doesn't sense resentment or hatred when she touches his soul directly. Naraku's words ring in Hakushin Shounin's mind. He didn't hate anyone. He truly wanted to reach Nirvana, but he was weak and wanted to live. He broke down in tears when he discovered his weakness. It was painful. He had devoted himself to others. Kikyo asks him to let go. He asks he if it's alright...and she tells him it is. He closes his eyes. His body begins to glow and then disappears as his soul floats away. Kikyo takes the hair of the bandit out. She stands up. The hair glows and then disappears as the bandit's soul floats away. "They've achieved peace." But, Mount Hakurei is changing. The barrier is disappearing and the smoothness of Mount Hakurei turns into dark sharp ridges. It looks like a mountain of spikes. Then it begins to glow with an evil aura as thousands of demons escape the mountain. Kagome stops when she sees demons pouring out of the mountain. Jaken yells to Sesshoumaru to look at the mountain. Sesshoumaru sees it. His faces shows definite signs of alarm. Demons come at Kagome. She grabs an arrow but drops it and is forced to dodge. But now she's lying on the ground with demons coming at her. Just when she thinks she's a gonner, Kouga kills the demons, saying that if he let anything happen to her, Dog-Crap would give him hell. Inuyasha is still running, yelling to Naraku to "get your ass out here!" Suddenly, something slashes his path, knocking him back. As the smoke clears we see Bankotsu. He tells Inuyasha that he's not going to see Naraku. "You had the bad luck to run into ME first."
Episode 121- Decisive Battle! The Last and Strongest Shichinintai
At the grave of the Shichinintai the children of the village and the villagers stare at the mountain from near the grave. It's glowing an eerie purple and it looks like something is coming out of it. At Hijiri Island people are also looking at Mount Hakurei. At Mount Hakurei itself, demons are coming out by the thousands. Kikyo recognizes Naraku's evil aura. Rin asks Sesshoumaru what's happening. "It's as I thought" is all he says. Kouga kills a demon and Kagome shoots one with her arrow of purity. She shoots two more. Kouga kills another one. Hakkaku and Ginta run over to them. Hakkaku is holding Kirara and Shippo in his arms. They gasp for breath and Hakkaku hands shippo and Kirara to Kagome. Kirara jumps to the ground and transforms. Shippo wakes up. "I feel better all of a sudden." Kouga notices that the barrier around Mount Hakurei has finally collapsed. The mountain reeks of Naraku and the stench is stronger than ever. A bunch of demons come at them and Kouga begins to fight them off. Demons come at Sesshoumaru but he doesn't move to fight them off. "M-master?" Jaken says, sweating profusely. Sesshoumaru draws out Toukijin and with an annoyed look on his face, kills all the demons with just sword pressure...i think that's what it's called...correct me if i'm wrong. Jaken stands in front of Rin and with his staff of heads fries a bunch of demons. He laughs triumphantly. He twirls the staff over his head as Rin cheers him on. Kikyo shoots a demon with her arrow of purity. She kills four more. Kouga is still slashing at the demons. He yells at Hakkaku, Ginta, and Kagome, "Let's go!" "Go WHERE?!" Hakkaku asks. "To find Naraku, of course!" comes the reply. Kagome asks Kirara to give her a lift. Kirara runs over to Kagome and they fly off behind Kouga, leaving Hakkaku and Ginta behind. They run after them yelling for them to wait. Inuyasha stands across from Bankotsu who intends to stand in Inuyasha's way. He wants a revenge match with Inuyasha for the lives of the dead Shichinintai. Inuyasha agrees since he knows he can't get to Naraku until he passes Bankotsu. "KAZE NO KIZU!" With a smile on his face, Bankotsu swings his Banryuu at the oncoming Kaze no Kizu. A blast comes from it. The two attacks meet and explode. It's an even match. Inuyasha remembers that the last time he and Bankotsu met on Hijiri Island, Inuyasha was able to make Bankotsu fall with a single Kaze no Kizu. He's tougher now! He realizes that Bankotsu took the shikon shards from the dead Shichinintai. Bankotsu confirms Inuyasha's suspicions. He has seven shards within him. He swings his Banryuu and Inuyasha uses the Kaze no Kizu to counter the attack. He runs at Bankotsu and swings the Tetsusaiga but Bankotsu swings the Banryuu and knocks Inuyasha into the wall. Inuyasha falls to the ground and Bankotsu comes at him. He puts the point of Banryuu in the ground and uses it to turn around in midair and land next to Inuyasha. He stabs at Inuyasha but Inuyasha somersaults away. Bankotsu wonders if Inuyasha was always this week of if he just got too strong. Inuyasha tells him that the only reason he's still alive is because he's using seven shikon shards. Bankotsu tells him to beat him before he talks like that. They attack and exchange a few more threats. As they're next to each other with swords locked, Bankotsu lets Inuyasha know that Naraku has told him all about him and Kikyo and their past. He also insults Inuyasha's hanyou-ness. This makes Inuyasha very angry. He pushes Bankotsu back who does a flip in midair and lands a few feet away. Bankotsu tells Inuyasha that this is actually the second time he's met Naraku. The first time was before he started the Shichinintai. He wasn't in league with him, just looking for strong guys to fight. *Flashback* Bankotsu is fighting a rather large and formidable looking guy. He pushes him back and kills him with a single swing of Banryuu. In another shot, a large bird demon is coming at Bankotsu who is tiwrling Banryuu over his head. He slices the demon in half with a single swing. One day he had gone to the forest to look for a powerful demons he'd heard about. When he got there he saw the demon, dead and a man in a babboon fur standing next to it. Bankotsu asked him if it was his handiwork but the man in the babboon fur asked him if he was a demon hunter or a monk. Bankotsu's not there to exterminate demons but if the man is strong then he'll fight him. Bankotsu runs at him with Banryuu but the man dodges and the Banryuu goes deep into the dead demon. The man lands a few feet away and laughs. He tells Bankotsu that he's been trying to gain demonic powers. He's looking for the shikon no tama. They stand there, looking at each other, when Jakotsu's voice distracts Bankotsu. When he looks back to where the man was standing, he's gone. He turns to Jakotsu and tells him that they're going to go find a war. Jakotsu thought he didn't want to take orders from samurai. He's not going to take orders. "If we hire ourselves out as mercenaries we can do things our way. They aren't gonna question the leader of a kick-ass band of mercenaries" Jakotsu is surprised that it's just going to be him and Bankotsu. "Oh yeah...guess we gotta find some more guys first." He walks away with Banryuu on his shoulder. Jakotsu catches up to him, asking him if he's serious. Bankotsu wonders how many guys they should find. *End of Flashback* Bankotsu laughs. And now, recently, he met Naraku again, but he told him more this time. Inuyasha tells him that Naraku didn't revive him to catch up on old times. "What are you, stupid?" Bankotsu asks. He tells Inuyasha that Naraku isn't just after the jewel. Inuyasha tells him that he's the stupid one. He's being used as a shield by Naraku. "That doesn't matter! Now that I'm alive, there all kinds of stuff I can do. Like kicking your ass!" He comes at Inuyasha and swing the Banryuu. Sparks fly as Banryuu hits Tetsusaiga and vice versa. Finally Bankotsu stabs at Inuyasha with the Banryuu and now it's Inuyasha's turn to do a flip in the air to dodge the attack. "KAZE NO KIZU!" Bankotsu counters *Flashback* Naraku's voice is telling Bankotsu to wake up. The glow of the shikon jewel is at Bankotsu's neck. Bankotsu opens his eyes and sees Naraku standing over him. Bankotsu asks him who he is but all he gets in reply is "To think that YOU turned out to be the infamous Bankotsu of the Shichinintai" Bankotsu sits up and recognizes Naraku as the demon in the babboon fur. Naraku stands up and finally tells Bankotsu his name. That's when Bankotsu realizes that something weird is going on since they all had their heads chopped off. Naraku informs him that their inside his tomb. Bankotsu looks behind him and sees the skeletons of the rest of the Shichinintai. Naraku tells him that he's placed a shard inside his body. "Work for me and this life will be your forever" He opens his hand to reveal six more shards. He drops them to the ground in front of Bankotsu. Bankotsu picks them up. (Did I mention that he's completely naked throughout this entire flashback?) Naraku has disappeared but his voice says, "Go and destroy my enemies" *End of Flashback* Bankotsu pulls himself out of the rubble saying that it's got nothing to do with orders. His eyes open wide to see Inuyasha still alive. They threaten each other and attack. The whole mountain is shaking as Miroku and Sango run through the corridors of Mount Hakurei. Miroku notices that the barrier has completely collapsed and the whole place is flooded with evil energy. Sango asks if it's Naraku's. Miroku tells her that it is and that it's increasing rapidly. His demonic powers are intesifying. They come across the same cavern they were in before. They look down into the precipice before them. there's something down there. Naraku's face appears in the darkness (extremely creepy if you ask me). He seems to be smiling slightly. *commercials* Naraku's face disappears. Suddenly, Kagura's wind blades come at them. Across from the precipice stand Kanna and Kagura. Miroku asks Kagura if Naraku is still incomplete. Kagura doesn't know anything since Naraku doesn't trust her. If he wants to know about Naraku then he should ask Kanna, but she probably won't say much. If he wants to know something the he should check down there for himself - she'll even help him. She takes out her fan and sends the air blades at them. The ground beneath their feet gets broken up and they fall, but they use a piece of wood to send themselves back up to solid ground. But Kagura sends more air blades at them and they fall into the precipice where Naraku disappeared. Inuyasha runs at Bankotsu with the Tetsusaiga drawn. Banryuu and Tetsusaiga hit each other. Both men get pushed back by the force of the resulting explosion. Inuyasha knows that if Bankotsu were a demon he could destroy him using the Bakuryuuha but he's human. "He may be an evil zombie, but there's no demonic energy in him." Some more threats are exchanged. Kagome, Kouga, Ginta, and Hakkaku are running towards Mount Hakurei. Kagome says that she senses shikon shards at the base of the mountain and halfway up the mountainside. The biggest cluster is towards the center of the mountain. It must be Naraku. "Okay! Lead the way, Kagome!" Kouga yells and then runs ahead of her...Kagome urges Kirara to go faster. Hakkaku and Ginta are left behind again. A demon comes at them. After some time they fight it off, very proud of themselves. Only then do they realize that they've completely lost Kagome and Kouga. Bankotsu attacks Inuyasha with the Banryuu's Kaze no Kizu-like attack and Inuyasha dodges. But immediately afterwards Bankotsu hits him with another one which slams Inuyasha into the wall of the cave. Inuyasha stands up, knowing that Naraku is JUST around the bend. Bankotsu asks Inuyasha what's wrong with a smile on his face. He doesn't know what to do. Bankotsu attacks with Banryuu's special Kaze no Kizu-like attack but Inuyasha breaks past it and throws the Tetsusaiga at Bankotsu. Bankotsu hits it aside with the Banryuu and Tetsusaiga goes into the wall of the cave. But Inuyasha turns around and attacks with his claws. We see a spray of blood and hear Bankotsu yell out in pain and along with the blood come two shikon shards. Inuyasha's suspicion was right, Bankotsu was hiding shikon shards in his arm. Inuyasha slashes but Bankotsu dodges. He slashes again but no luck. Bankotsu does however crab walk backwards. Inuyasha keeps slashing but Bankotsu dodges easily, and with a smile on his face. Then he punches Inuyasha, throwing him backwards. Inuyasha falls to the ground.
Episode 122- Powerful Banryuu! Duel to the Death in Mt Hakurei
Down in the precipice, Sango is holding on to a rope. On the end of the rope hangs Miroku. Miroku looks down at the bottom of the hole and sees bodies of dead youkai. He wonders if it's Naraku's doing. Inuyasha slashes at Bankotuse who, still smiling, just punches Inuyasha away. Inuyasha hits the wall of the cave. One of his eyes is closed. Bankotsu tells him that he was the leader of the Shichinintai for a reason. He punches at Inuyasha but Inuyasha dodges and a new hole is created in the wall of the cave. But Inuyasha doesn't get a way for long. Bankotsu punches Inuyasha two more times. The third time Inuyasha ducks but not the fourth. He falls to the ground. Inuyasha realizes that Bankotsu put a shikon shard in his left arm, too. He gets up painfully but still manages to insult Bankotsu. Bankotsu threatens Inuyasha and then attacks. Sesshoumaru kills a lot more demons with Toukijin. Jaken goes crazy with his staff. Rin draws his attention to all the demons escaping from the mountain. Jaken tells Sesshoumaru that the demons are on the run. Sesshoumaru looks up at the mountain while sheathing Toukijin. "These aren't just random minions," Sesshoumaru says. Kikyo keeps shooting demons with her arrows. She wonders if Naraku sent them out on purpose or if he's through with them. She decides to check it out. Kagome and Kouga have made it to the mountain. Kouga asks Kagome if she's sure that Naraku is inside. She can sense his shards inside. Shippo is reluctant to go inside but they go in anyway. Kagome knows that they have to hurry since the shard's aura is getting more tainted by the minute. Sango and Miroku have made it to the bottom of the hole. They look around at all the bodies of the demons. Naraku must have been rearranging his body there. Suddenly, thousands of weird white things start coming out from between the demons. I know what they are but I don't want to spoil it but it's difficult to describe them without spoiling it. OH! I KNOW! They look like the pillsbury dough boy minus the hat or thousands of tiny snowmen. There. That's the best I can do. Sango describes them as lumps of flesh. Miroku says that it looks like he was trying to make something. Sango wonders what. Then Miroku wonders where Naraku went. Bankotsu comes at Inuyasha. Inuyasha slashes but Bankotsu punches his hand down. He smirks, whirls around and punches Inuyasha's cheek, again knocking Inuyasha into the wall. Inuyasha slides down and Bankotsu grabs him by the neck. Then he punches Inuyasha in the stomach. Inuyasha falls to the ground. Bankotsu picks him up by his shirt front. "Don't worry, Inuyasha. It's not my hobby to pick on weaklings. I have no interest in them. Die." He thrusts his hand towards Inuyasha when suddenly, he stops. "You little..." Inuyasha has plunged two claws into Bankotsu's neck. "I'm not like the poor saps you're used to killing..." he says. "I can take a punch or two!" He takes out three shards from Bankotsu's neck. Bankotsu drops him and Inuyasha kicks him backwards. He slams into the wall and stays down. Now Bankotsu only has two shards left. Bankotsu tells him that he can just kill him and take his shards back. Inuyasha reminds him that he can just run away, but there's no way Naraku will let Bankotsu live with the shikon shards. Bankotsu tells him that Naraku wants Inuyasha dead. Inuyasha diverts Bankotsu's direction to all the tunnels leading out of the cave. There are demons in each one. "They're waiting to see who loses and they'll go after whoever's left" "Naraku, you two-faced little..." Bankotsu's angry. Bankotsu remembers when Naraku brought him back to life. "Work for me, and this life shall be yours forever," Naraku had said. Inuyasha tells Bankotsu that Naraku had used them only as a shield while he went undercover. "Your point?" Bankotsu tells him the the daimyou had used them to do their dirty work all the time. But when they got too strong, the chopped off their heads. He never trusted Naraku to begin with but he's alive now and that's all that matters. Bankotsu stands up. "I will kill anyone who gets in my way, even Naraku!" "You dead people should just stay dead" Inuyasha says. But Bankotsu has a different take on the whole thing. Inuyasha was revived too when his seal was broken. "It's not the same." "Oh yeah? It's called a 'desire to live' Inuyasha. A lot of people have it." The priest that escaped death, Kikyo, and Inuyasha was reanimated as well. They all clung to life even though they should have died. "Don't tell me I have any less of a right to live!" Inuyasha reminds him that he's been going around killing people. Bankotsu confirms that but adds that he's killed plenty of demons too. Then Bankotsu rushes to the side and grabs his Banryuu. Inuyasha forgot that there was a shikon shard in Banryuu. He goes and pulls his Tetsusaiga out of the cave wall. He runs at Bankotsu but Bankotsu runs right past Inuyasha without even looking at him. Inuyasha is shocked. Bankotsu kills a demon. "991!" He kills another one. "992! 993!" Inuyasha asks him what he's doing. "Bring it on!" Bankotsu yells at the oncoming demons. "994! 995! 996!" Inuyasha swings the Tetsusaiga and kills a lot of demons with one swing. "997! 998! 999!" He comes upon a particularly nasty-looking demon. "1000!" He slices the demon in half. Banryuu begins to pulse. Then it glows and eerie red light. He jumps up and twirls the Banryuu over his head. He then sends an attack at Inuyasha but Inuyasha blocks it with the Tetsusaiga. While the attack didn't kill Inuyasha, it killed all the demons in the cave. He tells Bankotsu that if he wants to get out of there, he won't stop him. Bankotsu refuses. He wants to kill Inuyasha for revenge over his men. Bankotsu says that he originally wanted to end things by cutting off Inuyasha's head but since he's a half demon he'll have to go a different route. He brings Banryuu down on Inuyasha who blocks it with the Tetsusaiga. Then he takes Tetsusaiga back as he himself moves back. He recognizes Banryuu's aura to be the same aura as Sesshoumaru's Toukijin. As Bankotsu attacks him, he talks to Inuyasha. Back when he first met Naraku, he told him all about the shikon no tama. It grants powers to demon.s But since Bankotsu was a human with no demonic powers, and since he wasn't one for the priesthood it wouldn't do him any good. He slams Inuyasha into the wall of the cave (how many times has this happened now?) Bankotsu didn't think there was any way to become stronger without making yourself stronger, but he was wrong. You can give your weapons power. So he asked his Banryuu to help him and he beheaded 1000 humans as a sacrifice to it. "Kaze no Kizu!" Inuyasha yells. "And now I've killed a thousand demons!!" Bankotsu yells as he brings Banryuu back and then swings it, countering the Kaze no Kizu attack. And Banryuu still has shikon shards. 1000 men and 1000 demons. The blade absorbed all their hatred and bloodlust. He attacks. Inuyasha tells Bankotsu that he may have been ressurrected but he's still human so he should ditch that evil sword as soon as possible. The reply? "Bull!" He slashes, slamming Inuyasha into the wall. "Is it that demons don't get it?" Bankotsu asks. "Maybe you can understand HALF breed" At this point Bankotsu is raged. His faced is contorted with anger. He slashes at Inuyasha, hitting the Tetsusaiga. "Only the strongest survive!" He knocks Inuyasha back, this time destroying part of the wall. He points Banryuu at Inuyasha and then lifts it above his head and begins to spin it. A red ball begins to appear above Banryuu. It gets bigger and bigger. Inuyasha is shocked to see that it's a ball of demonic energy. Bankotsu sends the giant ball of demonic energy at Inuyasha. Bankotsu doesn't have demonic energy but Banryuu does so he can hit it with the Bakuryuuha! He sends the Bakuryuuha at the ball and it sends it back at Bankotsu. Bankotsu looks horrified as the ball comes at him. He tries to block it with his Banryuu but it breaks. He yells out in fear (and probably pain) as the ball hits him. *commercials* As the smoke clears we see the handle of Banryuu broken in the ground and a skeletal hand next to it. Inuyasha breathes heavily as he looks at Bankotsu in the rubble. "How...?" Bankotsu asks weakly. Inuyasha steps forward and Bankotsu shifts his gaze to look at him, unable to really move his head. "You were too greedy, Bankotsu" He tells him that he had plenty of power with his bare hands. Bankotsu turns his gaze away and laughs weakly. Then his head falls to the side. Suddenly, the ground begins to shake. The rubble shifts, sucking Bankotsu's body up. Inuyasha begins to sink into the ground. Miroku and Sango are surrounded by the thousands of snowball-like lumps of flesh. The mountain begins to move under them. They run. As Kouga and Kagome run, the ground under their feet beats. With every beat it glows green. Kikyo notices that Naraku's demonic powers are growing rapidly. Sesshoumaru tells Rin to take Ah-Un and get off the mountain. "What about you, Sesshoumaru-sama?" "Naraku has revealed himself" Sesshoumaru says. Jaken asks Sesshoumaru if he might voice a concern. "What?" Jaken tells Sesshoumaru that Naraku has hidden himself to regain his strength and build himself up. "And...?" Sesshoumaru asks as he glares down at Jaken. Jaken bows down in front of Sesshoumaru, begging for forgiveness. Sesshoumaru walks towards the mountain. "Sesshoumaru-sama!" Rin calls after him desperately. Sesshoumaru turns around to look at her. "Please take care," she says. He pauses a second and then continues towards the mountain. Inuyasha is trying to jump around as the ground continues to suck him up. It's like the whole cave is made of flesh. Tentacle-like things lift up out of the floor and wrap themselves around Inuyasha. Bankotsu's body completely disappears. Inuyasha can't move as the tentacles take him somewhere. Kouga stops running. He tells Kagome that they should hurry when suddenly, something pulls him down. The ground is sucking him up like Inuyasha. Kagome runs over to him and holds her hand out for him to take it. She grabs his hand and tries to pull him out. Kouga asks Kagome to let him go. He gets completely sucked up by the...floor. Kagome realizes that the whole tunnel is made of the stuff that sucked Kouga up. It's like they're inside something living. Shippo asks Kagome if they're going to get eaten up too but Kagome thinks that if it wanted to it would have already done so. Kagome runs down the tunnel, determined to find Kouga. Kirara follows with Shippo on her back. Kagome can sense the shikon shards in Kouga's legs. They're headed straight towards Naraku's tainted shards. Inuyasha still can't get free as the tentacles pull them somewhere. Kagome keeps running. They make it out of the tunnel but can't seem to be able to go any further. Shippo draws Kagome's attention to a giant ... glob ... of the snowball things. Shippo wonders if they're youkai. Suddenly, Miroku's voice is heard. He recognized the voices of Kagome and Shippo. Hiraikotsu cuts the glob of snowballs and Kagome sees Miroku and Sango. Kagome asks them where Inuyasha is but they haven't seen him - they thought he was with her. Kagome tells them that he came looking for them a while ago. Kagome gets worried. Then, the flesh of the cave pulses. Everything begins to shake. The snowball things fall but Kirara catches Miroku and Sango before they fall too. Kagome and Shippo fall but Shippo transforms into the pink ball thing and catches Kagome. Tentacles come from below them. They fly past them but Kagome sees Inuyasha wrapped up in them. She calls out to him but he doesn't hear her. He looks unconscious. "INUYASHA!!!!"
Episode 123- Naraku Reborn, Beyond the Darkness
Kagome calls out to Inuyasha and finally his ears prick up and he opens his eyes. Kagome is very glad to see him alive but he chews her out for coming to Mount Hakurei. He told her to wait outside the barrier. Kagome climbs over to him and tries to free him from the...tentacle-things. But it's no use. She came because she was worried about him. Inuyasha begins his customary "wimpy wolf" spiel - only to see that Kouga is nowhere to be seen. Shippo tells Inuyasha that Kouga got sucked into the wall of flesh. Inuyasha is shocked. Both Kagome and Inuyasha now try to free him from the tentacles (which are no longer moving, by the way) but it's no use. They don't move. Suddenly, Inuyasha seems to sense something. He yells at Kagome to leave. She looks up as evil laughter sounds through the cavern - mountain - whatever you want to call it. Naraku! The laughter gets louder. Miroku is shocked. If Naraku is the one releasing such an evil aura...Kagome and Shippo try even harder to free Inuyasha. The tentacles only tighten. Naraku continues to laugh and then tells Inuyasha that he doubts that Inuyasha will be able to move. They look up again and Naraku's face appears from the darkness. Just his face. Inuyasha begins to growl. He congratulates them on surviving this far but...It's all over now. They are all imprisoned within him. This is the end. Inuyasha yells back at Naraku that it's not over. It'll be over when he rips Naraku's throat out. Kagome takes out her bow and arrows. She aims and lets the arrow fly. Sango throws her Hiraikotsu. Naraku just smiles. Kagome's arrow flies past him and Hiraikotsu cuts through several tentacles, releasing a sort of yellow liquid. It sprays everywhere. When it touches the gang they find out it's acid. One of the tentacles hits Kirara, Miroku, and Sango, and pins them to a wall of the inside of the mountain. Another one wraps around the transformed Shippo. He isn't able to maintain the transformation and returns to regular Shippo. The tentacle wraps around both him and Kagome. Inuyasha calls out but is unable to do anything. Naraku tells them that all of Mount Hakurei has become his body. They are all inside of him. Shippo asks Kagome if Naraku's going to eat them like he did Kouga. Naraku laughs at this. "I have no intention of eating garbage" They would only weaken him he says as one of the tentacles lifts up Bankotsu's body. The pieces of Banryuu are there too. Naraku says that Bankotsu should have taken the seven shikon shards and run, not have tried to avenge his men. But he chose to remain. Inuyasha growls. The tentacles wrap around Bankotsu's hand as another one comes in and takes out the shikon shards. Immediately, Bankotsu turns to bone. The bones scatter and fall to the bottom of the mountain leaving only the empty shell of Bankotsu's clothes and armor. Then, even that falls. Inuyasha is now severely pissed. He says that Bankotsu may have been a low-life but he still had more honor than Naraku ever will. *Bankotsu's last fight with Inuyasha is recapped at this point* Naraku reminds Inuyasha that he was the one that killed Bankotsu. The tentacles remove the shikon shards from Banryuu and then come around and take them from Inuyasha. Naraku is now surrounded by nine shards. They come together to form a clump. Kikyo's sacred arrows keep destroying demons. She can feel the shikon shards fuse together.Sesshoumaru is walking along the mountain. He looks up and recognizes the demonic aura as Naraku's. Jaken comes up behind him and asks him if he had said anything. No answer as Sesshoumaru walks away. You've shown yourself then, Naraku Jaken looks up at the mountain, clearly not looking forward to whatever will come. He notices that besides Sesshoumaru's this is the most powerful demonic presence he's ever been around. He could very well die. "Sesshoumaru-sama!" Sesshoumaru stops walking and turns around to look at Jaken. Silence. Jaken's eyes get huge and tears stream down his face. "Please take care--" he says, just like Rin. We have a nice view of the mountain as we hear the sound of a pounding. Jaken is sporting a huge lump as Sesshoumaru walks away. "Come," he says. "Yessir." Kanna looks up. "It has begun" she says in that creepy voice of hers. Kohaku looks at her. "It has?" "But it shall soon be over" she says as she walks away. Kohaku asks her if they shouldn't wait but Kanna tells him that Kagura has already left. Kohaku nods. He remembers Sango's face. "Farewell." Then he follows Kanna. Sango notices that the shikon shards are coming together. There's a blinding flash of light (as ominous music plays in the background) We see Naraku's body come into shape, part by part. But now, he has some additions. There are spikes on his shoulders and forearms, tentacles coming out of his back, and a giant red eye in the middle of his chest. Naraku has a new body. Inside of his pink ball (don't ask) Naraku floats down to Inuyasha. He laughs at the irony of the situation. Inuyasha has been chasing him for so long, and now that he's finally caught up, he can't do a thing. Inuyasha tells him that Naraku had to hide behind a barrier and become a giant monster before he got the guts to face him. That's not it. Naraku has... Miroku yells to Inuyasha that Naraku's demonic aura is so strong now that his former self was nothing compared to it. "All that means is that his twisted personality got even worse!" Inuyasha yells out as Naraku smirks. Inuyasha breaks free of the tentacles despite the acid. He tries to use his claws on Naraku but can't break through his barrier with them. Naraku laughs at Inuyasha's attempts to oppose him without even a sword. Inuyasha takes out Tetsusaiga's sheath. "Come, Tetsusaiga!" Tetsusaiga flies out of the mountain and into Inuyasha's waiting hand. Inuyasha uses the Kaze no Kizu. Naraku smirks. "Baka" (For those of you not familiar with the word "baka" it means "fool" or "idiot" something along those lines. I think you get the picture. Anyway, because "baka" sounds better - I'm just going to be using that) Her raises his hand and we see a red eye like the one on his chest on the back of his hand (eeeeeeew) A spike grows outwardly from his wrist reaching outside the barrier. He moves his hand to the side and the kaze no kizu attack flies to the sides. But instead of just flying to the side and destroying the wall or something, it bounces from the walls, not dispersing. It nearly kills Kagome, Sango, Miroku, and Shippo. Inuyasha catches Kagome as she falls while Sango lifts the Hiraikotsu in order to protect Miroku, Kirara, and herself. Naraku laughs in his pink bubble. He tells them that the kaze no kizu will keep circulating until they are all killed. "Inuyasha, you are about to see your own attack take your own comrades' lives" *commercials* Kikyo stands outside the mountain. She feels a funnel of demonic energy inside the mountain. She looks to the side and sees something escaping Mount Hakurei. It's Kagura, and she's carrying something. It's something wrapped in a white fur. Kikyo reaches for an arrow. She aims at Kagura and lets the arrow fly. Kagura narrowly avoids the arrow. She opens her fan to attack when the thing wrapped in white tells her to hold it. Kikyo is not hers to deal with. This thing can talk? Kagura decides to leave Kikyo alone. She disappears, leaving Kikyo standing there. Naraku...was that the thing you were trying to save? Naraku senses Kikyo. The kaze no kizu is still circulating. Kagome knows that they have to do something about the kaze no kizu. Naraku thinks about how Inuyasha and his friends will die there and he's obtained a new body. There is only one thing left He has a vision of Kikyo. Kagome has a face that says that she's thought of something. She sees shikon shards at the bottom of Naraku's pink bubble. She tells Inuyasha to go after Naraku. "Hunt Naraku down!" She's coming with him. She might be able to dispel Naraku's evil energy that's creating the winds fueling the kaze no kizu. Besides, she can see two shikon shards at Naraku's feet. Kouga. Since Kouga's a full demon, Naraku might be planning to add him to his body. They have to save him. (Heroic determined music plays) Kagome gets on Inuyasha's back with the fire rat cloth on her. They head towards Naraku, Kagome with her bow in hand. Naraku notices. He thinks Inuyasha's lost his mind to be jumping around in the middle of the kaze no kizu. Then he sees Kagome aim her bow and looks surprised. She lets the arrow fly. It cuts through the kaze no kizu and directly into Naraku's pink bubble of safety. From the bottom of the pink bubble comes a gray bubble. Inside is Kouga. Naraku laughs. "You're still worrying about your little friends? I am simply dumbfounded by the extent of your stupidity." The kaze no kizu is no longer circling and attacking. In fact, it's gone. "If your companions are really that important to you..." he moves his hand as if to signal the start of something. The walls begin to shake and crumble. Kouga's gray bubble falls. Inuyasha tries to go after it as shouki escapes from the walls. "I shall take pity on you. I will let you all rot together in the same grave." Naraku smirks. Kouga's bubble drops further. Inuyasha is still going after it. Naraku and his bubble rise. He looks up, smiling. Kikyo stands outside the mountain, hair blowing back in the wind. A very determined look on her face. Evil laughter is heard. "Kikyo. I will be with you soon."
Episode 124- Farewell, My Beloved Kikyou
Kouga's bubble plummets downward as Inuyasha goes after it with Kagome still on his back. But, the collapsing mountain hinders him as pieces of Naraku's flesh block his path. Kouga spirals downward and Inuyasha lands on a ledge with Kagome. Miroku and Sango come down towards them on Kirara, warning them that they have to get out since there's miasma at the bottom. Shippo tells Kagome that there's nothing they can do. They have to let Kouga go. Kagome has a flashback to when Kouga told her to let him go when he was sinking into Naraku's flesh. Inuyasha asks Shippo if he could fly Kagome out of there. "Take care of her, great youkai Shippo" Kagome gets off Inuyasha's back with Inuyasha's fire rat jacket still on her. Shippo transforms into the big pink ball. Miroku and Sango urge her to move faster. Inuyasha assures her that he'll bring Kouga, or rather, "the flea bag" back safe and sound. He places Kagome onto Shippo and jumps down after Kouga. As he disappears, Kagome yells for him to be careful and makes him promise to come back. "I promise!" he yells out as he disappears into the crumbling mountain. Kikyo stands outside, wondering if the evil aura she feels is Naraku since it feels a little bit off. She narrows her eyes suddenly. The mountain is crumbling to pieces. Out of the crumbling mountain comes a dark smoke-like shape. It spins and then like a tornado, races towards Kikyo. She doesn't move as it gets closer. The ground around her cracks open. The spinning thing of smoke (with a purple light in the center) stops in front of Kikyo. As the smoke clears, Naraku stands in front of Kikyo, smiling. "Kikyo. Long time no see." Inuyasha tries to get down to the bottom of the mountain where Kouga fell. The air is getting extremely noxious. At the bottom of the mountain is something that I can only describe as a pool of shouki. Anything that falls into it melts. Inuyasha looks around and finds Kouga in the bubble lying on a little island in the shouki. He slashes at it with his claws, grabs Kouga and when he puts his hand on Kouga's skin, he realizes that Kouga had begun to melt. He jumps up right as the island collapses and melts in the shouki. Inuyasha realizes that Naraku didn't just want Kouga's shikon shards, he wanted Kouga's demon power as well. He jumps up using the falling pieces of flesh to propel himself higher. Kouga coughs and opens his eyes. After calling Inuyasha "Dog crap" he immediately asks about Naraku. Inuyasha tells him that he'll explain later but first they have to get out of here. Sango, Miroku, Kagome, Shippo, and Kirara are still trying to get out. But there's no way out. The top of the mountain has caved in, blocking all exits. Miroku decides that if there's no way out, they'll have to make one. He opens his air void and sucks up all the falling rubble. Finally, light shines down on them from an opening at the top of the mountain. They move up to get out, finally making it out. They fly around the mountain, wondering if Inuyasha has come out yet. Kagome assures them that he'll make it since it'll take more than that to kill him. Inuyasha is still moving upwards with Kouga. He wonders how to get out and Kouga yells at him for being an idiot and not remembering the way out. Inuyasha informs him that it caved in. Inuyasha slashes at some fallen rubble and then sees the exit that Miroku had made with his Kazaana. He looks up into the light and sees a vision of Kikyo. He's absolutely shocked and wonders why he's seeing visions of her now. Kikyo and Naraku are standing across from each other. Kikyo asks him what he is now and he tells her that he's made a new body (as if THAT wasn't blatantly obvious) She tells him she's not stupid. The new body is flashy and impressive but what was he REALLY doing inside of Mount Hakurei? He seems impressed that she noticed. Kikyo mentions Kagura escaping with something from the mountain right before it started to collapse. She fits an arrow into her bow and aims at Naraku. "Speak! What is your true objective here?" Naraku says nothing. *commercials* Kagome watches the mountain crumble as she waits for Inuyasha. Suddenly, she senses two shikon shards. They look at the mountain and see Inuyasha emerge. Kagome is extremely relieved. Inuyasha sees another vision of Kikyo, standing on the cliff. When he focuses he sees that it's Kagome. A huge boulder begins to fall on them when Kouga pushes off it with his legs, using it to propel himself and Inuyasha to safety. The mountain completely crumbles. Kagome runs over to Inuyasha and Kouga grabs her hand. Inuyasha hits him in the head and reminds him exactly how he got out of the mountain. Shippo tells Kouga that he COULD thank Inuyasha. Kouga is surprised, especially when Kagome tells him that Inuyasha saved him of his own will without her having to tell him to. Inuyasha tells hem that he just didn't want Naraku getting Kouga's shikon shards. They end up growling at each other. Kikyo's arrow is still pointed at Naraku. She lets it fly but misses. She aims another. "Naraku. What is your real objective?" Naraku does his trademark chuckle and asks her if she really came over here just to ask him that. Then he informs her that it wasn't a conincidence that she met the old bandit (See Kikyo's Solitary Voyage or Journey or something like that) Kikyo is shocked. Naraku narrows his eyes. "I had it all planned out from the start" He suggested a proper burial place for the bandit. He told him about Mount Hakurei and then planted him on a road that Kikyo was traveling. "You didn't choose to come here...I called you to me!" "'Fate' is only a delusion of the weak. For those with true power, there is no such thing. We CONTROL fate!" He'll be happy to show her his true objective. He lifts up his right arm and one of the spikes grows. "There is one thing that I absolutely must accomplish." The spike shoots out at Kikyo, breaking her bow in half. It also wounds Kikyo in the shoulder. The wound emits a glowy purple light as Naraku laughs. Kikyo can't bleed since her body is made of clay and bones. Kikyo falls to one knee and narrows here eyes. Kikyo came up to the mountain feeling perfectly safe since she knew Naraku couldn't hurt her because he still had Onigumo's heart within him that loved Kikyo. But now he can crush her and not feel a thing. He got rid of his human half. The thing Kagura was fleeing with was his human half. Naraku informs Kikyo that the crevice below is filled with his toxins. Not even Kikyo's clay body can withstand them. His hand grows to be rather large and clawed. "Kikyo. That hole is your grave!" he says with a smile on his face. His hand-claw lashes out. Kikyo remembers the past. Inuyasha and her in the boat when they kissed. Naraku's claw goes completely through her. She gasps out in pain and then falls backwards into the crevice as Naraku's hand returns to him. As she falls she remembers more of the past. When she pinned Inuyasha to a tree by his clothing. When she sat with Inuyasha while he glared at her. As Inuyasha watched her while it was snowing. Inuyasha watching her play with the children. Inuyasha watching her from a tree (is there a trend developing here?) Inuyasha hanging off the cliff by one arm as she fell (episode 15) Inuyasha and Kikyo as they kissed in episode...22? (Kagome's Voice and Kikyo's Kiss) Inuyasha hugging her. Inuyasha... Inuyasha turns around. Why do I feel like something horrible is happening? He runs off, leaving Kagome yelling after him. Naraku's hand returns to normal as he looks down into the shouki. Sesshoumaru steps forward. "How pathetic, Naraku. You dispose of one puny woman and you think you're something special?" Naraku turns around to see Jaken and Sesshoumaru (looking particularly good I must say). Jaken is furious when Naraku refers to Sesshoumaru without a title. Sesshoumaru tells Jaken to stand back. Jaken scoots away backwards. Naraku asks Sesshoumaru if the reason he kept chasing after him was because he was so intrigued by him. Jaken runs back and starts yelling at Naraku that he was the one who meddled in "my master's" affairs and-- "That was an order, Jaken!" Sesshoumaru says rather firmly. Jaken moves back without a word. Sesshoumaru says that since Naraku feels confident enough to leave his barrier, he must have gained a bit of power. "Would you like to find out?" Sesshoumaru puts his hand on Toukijin. He narrows his eyes with a "hmph" and then with lightning speed draws Toukijin. Blue energy rushes at Naraku. It hits him. "Nailed him!" Jaken yells out but Sesshoumaru narrows his eyes. Naraku's body looks destroyed but Naraku laughs. He encased himself along with his pieces of flesh in another pink bubble. Out of the bubble comes a blue ball of energy - Sesshoumaru's power back at him. (Do we see a resemblance to the Bakuryuuha?) Sesshoumaru lifts Toukijin up, blocking the attack, but to Jaken's shock he gets pushed back by the sheer force of the attack. Suddenly he jumps up and slashes at Naraku, seemingly cutting him in half. But Naraku just laughs. He tells Sesshoumaru that he won't die and then disappears in his little tornado of smoke, laughing. Sesshoumaru realizes that Naraku was just using him to test the power of his new body. Sesshoumaru sheathes Toukijin when Inuyasha arrives. "Oh, Inuyasha. You're still alive?" Sesshoumaru says. Inuyasha asks him what happened. "Seems like Naraku hated that woman more than he hated you." Sesshoumaru says. Inuyasha looks shocked. He looks to the side and sees Kikyo's bow, broken on the ground. "Kikyo's bow? Kikyo!" He runs past Sesshoumaru to the bow. Inuyasha picks up a piece of the bow. The wind begins to blow. Inuyasha remembers how Kikyo told him that Naraku couldn't kill her, so it's impossible that he did. He looks into the crevice and sees a piece of white cloth with a soul snatcher flying around it. The cloth gets picked up by the wind and falls into the shouki, immediately burning up. The soul snatcher follows it and also burns up. (Sotsugyou by Tackey and Tsubasa begins to play in the background) "I lost you again. You died again, and I still couldn't..." Jaken looks into the crevice and says that there's no hope for the girl now since there's too much poison. Sesshoumaru begins to walk away and Jaken follows. "Dammit, Sesshoumaru, get back here!!!!" Inuyasha yells out. Sesshoumaru stops walking and turns around. Inuyasha's holding Kikyo's bow, his entire body shaking. "What did you do, just stand by and watch?! Did you just sit there and watch her die?!" He asks, facing Sesshoumaru. Sesshoumaru turns around and begins to walks away again. "I told you to WAIT!" Inuyasha practically screams and grabs Tetsusaiga's handle. "I don't know or care exactly what ties you had to that woman..." Sesshoumaru stops walking and turns around to face Inuyasha. "But I didn't kill your 'Kikyo.' Naraku did. And you were the one who failed to save her, Inuyasha." Inuyasha straightens up. Sesshoumaru turns around and begins walking away again. "If I were you, I'd save my grief for later and go after Naraku instead." "He's right," Jaken says and follows his master. They both disappear into the smoke as the background song gets louder. Inuyasha is left behind, holding Tetsusaiga's handle as the light breeze gently moves his hair. He falls to the ground. "Kikyo...I..." The rest of the gang are running towards him. "Inuyasha!" Miroku calls out. Kagome jumps off Kirara and runs towards Inuyasha as he straightens up, fists clenched. She looks down at the ground and sees the broken bow. She asks if something happened to Kikyo. Miroku, Sango, and Shippo look at her, shocked. "Naraku...What Naraku really wanted...was Kikyo's life" Inuyasha says, his back to the gang. Everyone is shocked as the wind picks up. Kagura sits in a tree. She can't believe that Naraku wants her to "look after this stupid thing" The thing tells her that Kikyo has died. Then we see "it." It's a baby with very light - almost white purple hair and lavender eyes. However, it has an evil look to it. "Naraku killed her."
Episode 125- The Darkness in Kagome's Heart
Night. Inuyasha is jumping in the canyon full of shouki where Kikyou fell. He calls out to her. Kouga is shocked to find out that Naraku created such a barrier and re-did his body just so he could kill one woman. Miroku assures him that Kikyou was no ordinary woman and that Naraku feared her holy powers. Kagome adds that he wanted to get rid of his human heart that longed for Kikyou. Sango remembers when Naraku tried to cut his human heart out. The result was Musou: a man with the heart and memories of the thief, Onigumo. *flashback to Onigumo getting eaten by the demons* *then flashback to Naraku releasing Onigumo* Miroku goes on to say that it was too early for Onigumo to be released, and Naraku had to re-absorb him. *flashback to when Naraku absorbed Musou* The lumps of flesh that they saw inside of Mount Hakurei were Naraku's attempts to create something to seal his human heart into. *flashback to Kikyou dying* Kouga notices that now that Naraku has finished off Kikyou, he can basically do whatever he wants. Well, he won't let something like that happen. Hakkaku's and Ginta's strained voices are heard from far away, calling out to Kouga. They've finally found him. Kouga says "goodbye" to Kagome and then wonders why Inuyasha isn't interfering. Then he wonders where Inuyasha went since he looked so gloomy. Kagome looks down sadly. Miroku knows that Inuyasha is unable to accept the reality of Kikyou's death. Sango understands but... Kagome is watching Hakkaku and Ginta run off after Kouga. Inuyasha is still in the canyon, looking for Kikyou, wondering why she decided to fight Naraku by herself. She should have waited until he had gotten there. He jumps from boulder to boulder finally stopping at one and calling out to Kikyou. We see a skeleton, but it isn't Kikyou's. Even though Naraku's shouki is flowing into the river, it isn't dispersing. He calls out to Kikyou again. The skeleton sinks into the shouki. Inuyasha keeps moving. *flashback to Sesshoumaru as he was walking away in Episode 124, and the things Sesshoumaru said* *flashback to Episode 47(?) when Kikyou pulled a knife on Inuyasha* Inuyasha stops running and begins to walk slowly. He then stops completely and stares at the ground. Kikyouu didn't believe in me. That's why... He clenches his fist and punches the ground angrily. "Dammit!" he punches again. "Dammit! Dammit! Dammit! Dammit!" he yells out, punching the ground with every "dammit" His hand reddens with blood. Kikyouu...did you really die all alone out here? Kouga's running with Hakkaku and Ginta panting behind him. He yells at them not to be so slow since they're chasing after Naraku. He turns himself into a tornado and runs away. Hakkaku and Ginta talk. Apparently, Naraku's jaki went south. First they went north and now they're going back south, so wouldn't it have been easier to just stay where they were and wait for Naraku to come to them? But now that Inuyasha's gone it's the perfect opportunity for Kouga to try to steal Kagome's heart. Kouga is thinking that he'll get rid of Naraku. Wait for me, Kagome Everyone in the gang is asleep except for Kagome, who's sitting on a boulder as dawn approaches. She wonders how far Inuyasha went in search of Kikyou. She sees Inuyasha's figure approach and stands up. "Inuyasha?" The others wake up. Inuyasha and Kagome stand far apart, staring at each other. "Kagome?" He's a little surprised to see that she stayed up and waited for him. Kagome realizes that Inuyasha couldn't find Kikyou. She wants to ask him about it but... "I the very least I'd find her remains..." Inuyasha says, his hair covering his eyes. "Inuyash--" Kagome is unable to finish as Inuyasha clenches his fist. She wonders what she should say since she can't stand to see him in such agony. "I'm sorry. It's all right." Inuyasha says and then walks forward. He walks right by Kagome without looking at her. Kagome whirls around to look at him don't look "all right" at all! The gang (minus Inuyasha) are standing on a hill looking over at the landscape that has been affected by the collapse of Mount Hakurei. Suddenly Kirara leaps to the ground out of Sango's arms and runs forward. Sango follows her. Shintarou is passing out bowls of food when he hears something from the ground. He looks down and sees Kirara. Then Kagome calls out to him and he runs forward, greeting the gang with his sisters. The gang is happy to see that even after Mount Hakurei's collapse, they're all right. Kagome looks behind her to see Inuyasha looking out over the water. She walks over to him and asks him if he isn't glad that Shintarou and everyone is ok. "Hmm? Yeah." He looks behind him to see Shippo struggling to take out some firewood out of a giant pile. He heads over to help him, leaving Kagome behind. Kagome silently reflects over what's happened and about how pained Inuyasha looks. She wonders if following Naraku after Mount Hakurei's collapse was the best thing for Inuyasha since he might want to go look for Kikyou. Villagers are farming and wondering if the rumors about Mount Hakurei collapsing are true. "I hope nothing bad comes out of it." One of them says. A giant cloud of purple jaki comes towards them. The villagers run but the demons (in the cloud) catch up to them and begin killing the villagers. They leave the village completely destroyed. The gang senses jaki. "!" Inuyasha yells out and then bounds in the direction of the evil energy. When the gang arrives at the village, all they see is death and destruction. Inuyasha can only smell weak youkai. Inuyasha had thought that he had cornered Naraku, but now things are turning out for the worst. *flashback to when Mount Hakurei's barrier collapsed and all the demons came pouring out* Shippo and Kirara come towards Miroku with a bunch of flowers in Shippo's arms as Miroku digs graves for the villagers. They hear the voice of a monk who tells them that he heard about a tragedy that happened and would like to help. Apparently he comes from the direction of Mount Hakurei. He heard that the mountain had collapsed and that jaki was headed south. It's just as the miko said. Miko?! Inuyasha looks very interested now. "It was two days ago. An injured miko washed up on a riverbed in a village on the other side of the mountain; she said she was injured by a person named Naraku; she said she had to go after Naraku." There's no doubt that it's Kikyouu. She's alive! "However since she had such horrible wounds, she may have already died." Inuyasha looks shocked. Kagome tells him to go. "This isn't the time to be hesitating. Hurry. Kikyouu should be waiting." "Forgive me," Inuyasha says and then runs off. Shippo asks Kagome if it's ok. Kagome looks down sadly and replies "It can't be helped" Forgive me, Kagome. If I don't find out whether Kikyouu is dead or alive, I won't be able to move forward! Inuyasha thinks as he runs through the forest and disappears into the darkness. The gang is going on ahead since Inuyasha will be able to catch up by following Kagome's scent. From behind them, soldiers approach, yelling at them to wait because they look suspicious. Sango wonders if they're talking about Kagome's clothing. The man tells them that there have been many strange occurences lately and they've been ordered to take all suspicious persons to the castle. The gang knows that it would be easy to beat the men up and run away but since they look like simple human officials, they can escape whenever they want. The main soldier guy gets impatient and orders the gang to get tied up. Shippo and Kirara watch from far away. Shippo knows that they have to call back Inuyasha. He goes to get Inuyasha with Kirara. At the castle, a man is begging to be let go since he's not suspicious and has the proper documentation in his pocket. "Behead him!" comes the order. The gang realizes that this isn't reasonable. "She came," says a voice that belongs to the person who ordered the man to be beheaded. She points to Kagome. The soldiers take Kagome as the woman orders everyone else to be killed. Soldiers surround the tied up Sango and Miroku as they drag Kagome towards the castle. Shippo is flying on Kirara, calling out to Inuyasha. A great purple cloud of demons flies towards them and they fly right into it. Kagome is thrown onto the floor in a room of the castle. She sits up to see a woman glowing purple in the back. She is holding a child with light lavender hair in her arms. "Now that Kikyouu is dead, you are the only one who can see shikon shards." Kagome looks behind her and sees the monk from before. He falls forward to the ground and begins to bubble. Kagome gasps as Kagura emerges from the shadows. She was controlling the monk with her "Shikabane Mai" or "Corpse Dance" Kagome realizes that the story about Kikyouu was a lie. She turns to the woman who says that no help will come since the monk and the exterminator will be killed by the people of the castle. Kagome realizes that the one talking isn't the woman. Then we see that the person who is really talking is the baby she was holding in her arms. He says that Inuyasha won't come for her. He looks at Kagome. "He's utterly absorbed in his search for Kikyouu" Akago (the baby) says. "This an offspring of Naraku!" *commercials* The baby was born at Mount Hakurei and is an offspring of Naraku. Kagome asks Akago what he intends to do with her. "Haven't I already said? You're the only one who can see shikon shards." He narrows his eyes. "I want your eyes." Kagome looks surprised as the woman stands up with Akago in her arms and walks towards Kagome. Outside, the soldiers draw their swords and hold up their large sticks (are they called staves? I'm really not sure so why don't I stick with "large sticks" I hope no one minds) They attack. Sango runs out in front. Her hidden (I like to call it a switchblade) pops open and cuts the ropes binding her. She blocks the attacker's sword and pushes him back. He attacks and she backflips out of his reach. More men attack. She knocks a sword out of one man's hand and cuts Miroku's ropes. Now it's Miroku's turn to fight some. He dodges one attack-by-large-stick and then another. The attacker turns around and tries a vertical attack but Miroku catches the stick - staff - whatever and pulls it out of the man's hands, then hitting him in the stomach. Sango runs forward and with her blade, cuts a bunch of large sticks in half. She grabs her Hiraikostu and Miroku's staff (which were against a gate of the castle) and faces the men ready to attack. Miroku hits a man in the stomach and another one in the head. The other people who were captured along with the gang try to run away but are boxed in. Miroku turns around and hits a man in the stomach as Sango knocks men to the side with her Hiraikotsu. She runs to Miroku's side and hands him his staff. They know they can't kill the men since they're just humans who are following higher orders. Therefore, it might take a while since their out-numbered as well. But they know they have to hurry since Kagome is in the castle. The men attack. Inside the castle Akago is laughing. "Kagome, I'm going to use your eyes." He tells Kagura to remove the ropes that bind Kagome. Kagura does so and Kagome's ropes fall away. The woman holding Akago kneels in front of Kagome, who moves back. But Kagura puts her hands on Kagome's shoulders and pushes her forward. Akago reaches forward with his small hands towards Kagome's eyes. "No!!" she yells out and moves backwards against Kagura. "What are you afraid of?" Akago asks, a smirk on his small face. "Did you think I would take out your eyes then eat you?" Kagura nearly throws Kagome forward and Akago presses himself against Kagome's chest, giving her a child-like hug. They start to glow purple. He closes his eyes and listens to Kagome's heartbeat. What is it about this girl's soul? He opens his eyes. I can find no darkness. That should not be. No matter the human, the heart always has darkness. Anger, hatred, and also... "This terrible feeling..." Kagome says. It's as if he's groping inside my heart she finishes the unspoken sentence. Her entire body begins to glow purple. Then she closes her eyes and rests her chin on Akago's head. She sees Inuyasha's back, running away from her as she yells for him to save her. "Inuyasha isn't...Inuyasha isn't coming." *brief flashback to the earlier part of the episode when Inuyasha says "It's all right" and walks past her* "Inuyasha is...Inuyasha is searching for Kikyouu's whereabouts." *another brief flashback to when Inuyasha went in search of Kikyouu earlier in the episdoe* She hugs Akago. Inuyasha won't come and save me. Akago opens his eyes wide. Found it. Kagome's entire body pulses as the purple glow spreads outward (this looks mysteriously likes Naraku's purple aura) Akago's grip on Kagome tightens. "I've grasped it, the darkness of your heart. There is no escape." The woman who previously held Akago falls to the ground, forgotten. "Now, hold me tightly. Our souls will become one, and you will become my eyes." Kagome tightens her arms around Akago, holding him close to her. Inuyasha... She closes her eyes and then opens them again as she continues to hold Akago close.
Episode 126- Using Heartache for Courage
The castle guards attack Miroku who spins around and hits him in the stomach with his staff. The man falls but others come to take his place in the attack. Sango blocks with Hiraikotsu and then slashes with her hidden switchblade thingy. Spears fly. Sango and Miroku, along with the rest of the villagers, are surrounded by the castle guards. Miroku admits that fighting and trying not to kill the people is rather difficult. Sango agrees that fighting youkai is easier. A man attacks and Sango blocks with her Hiraikotsu. Miroku hits the man in the neck with his staff. They know that at this rate, it's taking too much time. Another man attacks and Miroku hits him in the stomach. From the castle, Kagura watches, amused by the fact that they're still alive and that they're avoiding killing the castle soldiers. She walks back into the room with Akago and Kagome inside. Akago laughs that soon, they will want to kill the guards since they're trying to kill them after all. The malice of the soldiers will transfer to them and they will kill each other. Miroku turns around and twirls his staff, hitting a man in the neck as Sango pushes a man back with her hidden blade. The hearts of people are fragile things sounds Akago's voice in the back. Hatred is borne easily in them. This girl is no exception. He is referring to Kagome, whose eyes have gone solid brown, like Kohaku's. Inuyasha is standing by a lake, calling out to Kikyo. He doesn't understand. He followed the river like the monk told him to but he couldn't find a trace of Kikyo. He kneels down by the edge of the lake and looks at his reflection. It turns into Kikyo. None of the villagers have seen her either. The reflection of Kikyo turns back into him as he wonders what's going on. Suddenly he smells something. He looks up and sees a dark cloud of youkai. A baby monk statue is lying on the ground in the grass. It opens its eyes and seems relieved that the youkai have gone away. A fluffy tail appears. A puff of smoke and Shippou is sitting in the grass. He couldn't find Inuyasha and he got separated from Kirara. He takes an acorn out of his pocket and refers to it as his "last trick" Then someone picks him up from behind by his tail. Crying acorns fall out of his pocket as Inuyasha holds him at eye-level. "What are you doing, Shippou?" Shippou yells at Inuyasha for surprising him like that. Something rustles in the grass, scaring the crap out of Shippou. A demon head appears as Shippou screams. It turns out to be full-sized Kirara, carrying the severed head of a demon in her mouth. *it's obvious that time passes* Inuyasha is surprised to hear that Kagome and the others were taken to a castle while he was searching for Kikyou. He then realizes that it could have been a trick. Then he runs off, following the scent of Kagome and the others. Shippou jumps on Kirara, urging her to hurry as well. Inuyasha keeps running, hoping he's not too late. Sango blocks arrows the castle guards have fired with the Hiraikotsu. Miroku lashes out with his staff as the men prepare another set of arrows. Miroku apologizes to Sango for his inability to use his Kazaana. Sango tells him that she doesn't want to kill people either. The men fire. Sango cuts some arrows in half with her blade and blocks the rest with Hiraikotsu. "We have to save Kagome-chan!" "'s not like us to give up!" They both have smiles on their faces. Miroku stops arrows with his staff as more are fired. Inuyasha jumps from rooftop to rooftop of the castle. He sees Miroku and Sango as the leader orders more arrows fired. Inuyasha cuts them with the Tetsusaiga. Miroku and Sango seem surprised to see him. Inuyasha punches several men and then approaches the leader who falls to the ground before Inuyasha. He shakes in fear as Inuyasha punches him on the head. Sango frees the captives and tells them to run. Inuyasha seems surprised that the men he just knocked out are merely human. Then he smells something. Miroku tells him that Kagome is inside the castle and Inuyasha immediately runs inside. He smells Kagura's scent. Miroku and Sango run in after him. Inuyasha runs into a room and stops. He sees the woman Akago was controlling lying dead on the ground, a tickle of blood coming from her mouth. There's also the monk who told Inuyasha about Kikyo, foam surrounding him. It's just as he feared: a trap. On Kagura's feather are Kagura and Kagome holding Akago, flying away. Kagome's eyes are still solid brown. They fly into some sort of house on a mountainside. Inside is Kanna. Kagura and Kagome approach her and Kanna holds out something that's glowing black. It's a tainted shikon shard. Akago tells Kagura to place that shard inside of Kagome. She will then be completely under their control. Kagura picks up the shard and walks over to Kagome. She takes hold of Kagome's chin and tilts her face up. "She will share the same fate as Kohaku." Kohaku-kun? Kagome thinks weakly as her eyes widen. She sees Kagura and the corrupt light of the shikon shard and wonders if Kagura is going to put that shard into her. She tries to call out but her lips won't move. She realizes that Akago is holding her soul and that she has to let go of him, but she can't. Akago tells Kagura to wait since Kagome has regained consciousness. Inuyasha, save me! "Even you understand that Inuyasha will not come for you. Inuyasha has chosen Kikyou, not you." Kagome narrows her eyes. Inuyasha is running through the forest. Dammit! I'm a total idiot! *Flashback to when Kagome told him to go in search of Kikyou* I made the same mistake again... *Flashback to when Kagura pushed Kagome towards Akago and made her take him in her arms* *Flashback to when Naraku killed Kikyou and she falls into the shouki. As she's falling she transforms into Kagome.* I lost Kikyou...Convinced that I was the only one suffering, I went off on my own...Am I now going to lose someone else who is dear to me? Dammit... He yells out for Kagome to wait for him. "Don't you die on me!" Akago is telling Kagome that when she learned of Kikyou's death, in her heart she was quite happy. But, when she heard that Kikyou was still alive Inuyasha still went to her, thus proving that his heart belongs to Kikyou. Now Kagome bears a grudge against Inuyasha. Kagome loathes Kikyou. "It is okay for you to hate them. It is within your right to hate them." (Is this in any way similar to what Naraku did to Hakushin Shounin-sama? HMMMMMMMM) As Akago talks, Kagome closes her eyes. Kagura approaches Kagome with the shikon shard, and brings it to her forehead. *commercials* The shard begins to glow as it is brought closer to Kagome. I bear a grudge against Inuyasha. I hate Kikyou. That's right, but... The shard stops glowing and gets pushed away. Akago seems surprised. "You're wrong..." Kagome manages to get out. Akago narrows his eyes. "Inuyasha can't forget about Kikyou." *Flashback to Inuyasha jumping from boulder to boulder in the shouki, yelling for Kikyou* "Even if I can bring myself to accept that, in my mind, the pain is still there. However, bearing a grudge against Inuyasha and being envious of Kikyou are feelings any human would have! But, these feelings aren't to curse them, as you said they are." *Flashback to when Kagome saw Inuyasha hugging Kikyou* "Even before all of this, Inuyasha tried to run away from me when he found out how bad I felt." *Flashback to episode 48 when Kagome came back and asked Inuyasha if she could stay with him* "'If Kikyou didn't exist' ... I have found myself wishing that, and worrying...But...all that that...I love Inuyasha!" The last words Kagome yells out. Akago almost shakes with anger and Inuyasha bursts through the door. Kagome turns around "Inuyasha..." You came...? she throws Akago away and falls backwards, fainting. Inuyasha catches her before she hits the ground. Akago...I guess floats into Kagura's arms. (I say "floats" because I didn't see her reach out to catch him) "So that's why Naraku can't stand her" Kagura says, referring to Kagome. Inuyasha is, in a word, pissed. Sango, Miroku, and Shippou arrive on Kirara. Shippou runs over to Kagome. Kagura is surprised to see that they survived. Akago asks them how many of the castle's soldiers they killed. (duh! NONE) Then Miroku's eyes go wide as he realizes that Akago's skin color resembles the color of all the lumps of flesh at Mount Hakurei. He wonders if Akago is the identity of all of the little snowball creatures Naraku left behind. "Are you the human heart of Naraku?" he asks straight out. (Do I have to say that Akago's kick-ass creepy music plays in the background?) Akago chuckles much like Naraku. He says that there is a possibility that he is the human heart that resided within Naraku. He can see into people's hearts with ease. He can see their weakness and their frailty. He knows how to cause humans suffering, sorrow, and hate. If there was one feeling that he did not inherit from Naraku it would be the pain of longing for Kikyou. The thousands of lumps of flesh that were at Mount Hakurei is where that feeling is. The lumps of flesh (snowball men!) were the heart Naraku cast away. Akago feels neither pain nor sorrow. Inuuyasha whips out the Tetsusaiga and Kaze no Kizu's the $#&% out of the place. Akago smirks as the Kaze no Kizu hits the barrier he has just put up. Kagura seems surprised that Akago can erect a barrier. Jeez, he possesses absolutely no childlike innocence whatsoever. Akago looks extremely calm - almost bored. The Kaze no Kizu is being sucked into the barrier. Miroku yells for everyone to run for it. All hell breaks loose. Inuyasha grabs Kagome and the gang runs out of the building which explodes behind them. Out of the building float Kagura, Kanna, and Akago, encased in the barrier. Akago chuckles and tells them that it's not over. Now that Kikyou is gone, she is the only one who can see shikon shards. In just a little while, Kagome's eyes will become theirs and they will complete the shikon no tama. A shikon no tama tainted with hatred. As long as Inuyasha cannot forget about Kikyou, there are plenty of ways to corrupt Kagome. Then they disappear. Kagome, I'm sorry I left you alone. I'll never let you fall into the hands of Naraku again. Never again...shall I let you suffer like Kikyou. Kanna, Kagura, and Akago are flying in Kagura's feather as Kagura holds Akago in her arms. He seems to be asleep. Kagura looks down and tells him he doesn't look well. "Be quiet. I will sleep for a while." He used up too much energy because Kagome's soul was resistant. Even though he's Akago's kid, he's not omnipotent. They fly off. *End credits* Kaede's village. Kaede and Inuyasha are standing at Kikyou's grave. Inuyasha is asking her to forgive him. Kaede looks sad but tells Inuyasha that Kikyou was forced to live in this world. While she was here all her soul did was suffer. Inuyasha looks down sadly, saying how he couldn't save Kikyou's soul. She was killed yet again by Naraku. Kaede tells him that Kikyou's soul has disappeared so she won't suffer anymore. She tells Inuyasha not to suffer anymore. Kikyou is gone now. Kaede would have liked to return her bones to her grave... Miroku is getting water at the stream as Shippou wonders if Kagome is ok. She's been asleep ever since they returned to the village. Sango and Miroku assure him that Inuyasha is with her so it'll be ok. In Kaede's hut, Inuyasha kneels next to Kagome's bed. She wakes up and smiles realizing that Inuyasha came to save her. She sits up and Inuyasha helps her. In the woods, Inuyasha apologizes to Kagome for what happened. Kagome assures him that it's fine. "It's not!" He let her fall into danger. Just a little longer and I would've lost Kagome too Kagome looks at him and almost cheerfully tells him that if he ever hears another word of Kikyou being alive he'll go after her again. "I won't go! I won't leave you ever again!" "Liar." "I am not!" "You're the type who would go. How long do you think I've been with you? You absolutely would go. But when you do, I'll be annoyed. You can expect that from me, right?" Then Kagome leans against him and closes her eyes. "Hey, you really are mad." "I am, but..." Inuyasha will never forget about Kikyou. Still, I love him, so there's nothing I can do. She snuggles against him with a smile on her face. Inuyasha rests his cheek against the top of her head and smiles. Thank you, Kagome
Episode 127- Don't Boil! The Horror of the Dried Demon
Kagome and Inuyasha are at the well and Kagome asks Inuyasha if it's really ok for her to go back. He tells her it is because even if she stayed, there's nothing for her to do. She smiles, turns, around, and disappears into the well. Inuyasha looks into the well after her, then stretches and yawns. Kagome slides open the door of the shrine that houses the secret well, gets out, and then slides it closed behind her to be greeted by a shout of surprise from Souta. She's finally home. Kagome's mother seems surprised and happy to see her and her grandfather comments that she was gone for quite some time. It was hard for him to come up with excuses for school. Kagome brought back a gift - an unusual himono. Grandpa is looking forward to trying them. Kagome goes up to her room to rest for a bit. She flops onto her bed. *Flashback to the last episode when Inuyasha was telling her he wouldn't go* Maybe I'm a bit tired of this... Souta and Grandpa looked absolutely shocked. As does Kagome's mother. Kagome is wolfing down dinner. Food is disappearing at an amazing rate. Souta asks her if she isn't eating too much. Between bites, Kagome manages to tell him that tomorrow will be the first time she has gone to school in a while so she needs to replenish her energy. Since she's going to be staying for a while, she needs to study real hard because she needs to catch up in her classes. She asks for seconds and then asks grandpa and Souta what's wrong as they look at her funny. "Nothing," Souta replies innocently. While taking a bath, Kagome decides to get a good night's sleep and forget all about the Sengoku Jidai. She lies down in bed and goes to sleep. The next day when she arrives at school, she sees that it's all dressed up. Her friends, Ayumi, Eri, and Yuka greet her. They inform her that there's a culture festival which is why the school is all dressed up. Kagome asks about classes and her friends tell her that they've been pushed back for preparations. Kagome is horrified at the thought that she came back just when classes didn't even matter. "I'm going home," she says and begins to leave. Her friends stop her and decide that Kagome should participate in the festival as well. As Kagome sits at her desk her friends tell her that she's going to be like the reserve person in case anything happens. Kagome agrees. She needs to sing in the choir, announce dishes when they're cooked, and be on stage. Play the heroine's friend, Brilliant! She asks which of the three she should do and is answered by "all of them." She agrees. Kagome is singing in the choir. Suddenly, her friend looks at Kagome and tells her to sing louder. To sing from the heart. Kagome is peeling potatoes as everyone around her cooks. Her friend is saying how she wants an exotic dish. Kagome tells her that she's good at outdooes cooking. "As in barbecue?" "Grilling fish over a wood fire" Kagome responds. "Or grilled sansai over a wood fire" Her friend tells her to be quiet and keep working. Kagome is in the play. Her friend tells her to recite her lines, so Kagome does (ironically enough she recites them to Houjo) In the middle of her line, her friend interrupts her and tells her she's doing it wrong. "You have to sort of spread your arms out like this and present yourself better" Kagome becomes a drama queen. Grandpa is eating some of the himono Kagome brought. He tells Souta that it's pretty good so Souta wants some too. Suddenly, Kagome comes home, sounding thoroughly drained. She drags herself into the room so Souta asks her what happened to all the energy she supposedly had. She used it all up. Grandpa tells her that the himono she brought are pretty good and that they go well with sake. Kagome offers a weak smile. Sunset in the sengoku jidai. Kaede is surprised that Naraku tried to use Kagome's eyes. *Flashback to Kagome holding Akago* Kaede says that this must mean that Naraku knows the whereabouts of the remaining shards. Miroku confirms this and adds that since he went to the trouble of kidnapping Kagome, he must have trouble finding some of the remaining shards. Inuyasha is comforted by the fact that Naraku is also having a difficult time. Night at some swamp. Suddenly the waters begin to bubble and an old man with grossly huge ears comes out of the water. "So you came, Naraku," he says. "Oh? That will save me the time of explaining myself, then." Naraku's voice comes from a cloud of jaki surrounded by Saimyousho that lands near the large-eared man. Naraku pieces himself together (since that's how he does it now, pieces of him come together to form a's kind of cool, actually) and says, "Mimisenri, I heard that you possess ears that are capable of hearing many things in this world." Mimisenri confirms what Naraku said and adds that he's heard rumors about him, too. Then he asks him if Naraku intends to absorb his ears into his body as well. "Do not worry so," Naraku assures him. "I have no interest in your filthy little body." How nice of Naraku. In that case, why did he come? Naraku needs one more shard but its whereabouts have escaped Naralu's knowledge. Mimisenri will listen well, then. Inuyasha is sitting on a fence while Sango leans against it and Shippo and Kirara play at the base (it's still night). Miroku stands at the side and talks about how their shards have fallen into the hands of Naraku. There are still two on Kouga's legs and one in Kohaku. If Naraku completes the shikon no tama, then Kohaku dies. Inuyasha assures her that that won't happen since they will be the ones to find the remaining shards first. Miroku asks Inuyasha to be more careful of Kagome and make sure she never falls into the hands of Naraku again. "Feh! I know that!" he seems slightly embarassed. Then munching is heard from Shippo and Inuyasha asks about it. Shippo tells him that they're the himono from the villagers and the yamabushi. Sango grabs them from Shippo and when Kirara begins to paw at one, Sango tells her to stop. She tells them that the himono are actually a type of fungal youkai called Shironyuudou. Miroku asks if it's safe to eat them and Sango assures him that it is but if you boil it then a new Shironyuudou is born. It's something she prefers people toss out. Shippo looks sad because it was so good. Inuyasha says that he doesn't care about himono. They need to go look for shikon shards. Miroku agrees. The shards started everything after all. "No matter where Naraku may be, he will definitely appear at the remaining shards." Inuyasha says, looking up at the dark sky. Kagome's school. Kagome's friend (Ayumi) is leading the choir. Suddenly the door slides open to reveal a girl with a mask over her face. She apologizes to Ayumi for catching a cold. Ayumi assures her that it's not her fault and then looks at Kagome. "Please sing her solo alto part." "WHAT?! What solor?!" Ayumi smiles sweetly as Kagome looks at her horrified. Kagome walks down the hall, looking like a truck just hit her. She walks onto the stage to see a girl holding her ankle. The girl sprained her ankle and won't be able to play the lead part of Escargot Pudding. It's up to Kagome now - she is no longer "Brilliant" but is now "Escargot Pudding" As Kagome is baking some sort of cake, she's venting to her friend about how unfair the other two are being in making her sing the solo and play the lead role. Her friend closes her cookbook and announces that she can't find any good recipes. She asks if Kagome knows any recipes that "pack a whallop" When Kagome replies "no" then her friend asks her to go find one. "I'm counting on you." Kagome is standing outside on the roof of the school building. "DON'T TELL ME 'I'M COUNTING ON YOU'!!!" she screams out at the top of her lungs as the "camera" zooms out finally settling on a view of Japan from space as Kagome's scream is still heard (and echoing). Kagome is holding the barrier around the roof, breathing heavily. "Wow, so you really did get better, Higurashi" a voice sounds behind her. It's Houjou-kun! They talk a little bit about the festival and then Houjou starts talking about how now that they're playing the lead roles together, they'll be able to interact more and maybe have a few practices outside...he looks to his right to find that he's alone. Kagome opens the door to her home and walks in. Then she opens the cupboard and takes out some of the himono she had given to her granfather. Choir practice. "This Escargot Pudding will neither run nor hide" Kagome sets the himono down on the counter and tells her friend that it's something that packs a wallop and makes a big impression yet is not known to anyone. Inuyasha is standing with one foot in the well talking to Shippo. He's going to get Kagome because they need to start looking for the shikon shards. As Inuyasha disappears into the well, Shippo yells after him to tell Kagome to bring back some ninja food. But Inuyasha is already gone. Grandpa is eating more of the himono and Buyo begs for some, too. Grandpa is talking to himself that the himono is really good but it's a little tough so maybe if he boils it... He turns on the gas and drops the himono into a pot of water. As he's sitting at the table reading a magazine of some sorts (with "Sun" on the cover) the himono begins to boil. Huge bubbles form and then pop. The bubbles have a REALLY creepy face on them with red eyes and spiky teeth. Grandpa looks at the pot but doesn't seen anything so he goes back to reading the magazine. Behind him a huge bubble forms. But it's not a bubble. It's a new himono with red eyes and spiky teeth. *commercials* The himono opens its mouth to eat grandpa (who still doesn't know it's behind him) when Inuyasha casually strolls by. He goes into the kitchen and "WAAH!" Grandpa greets Inuyasha as the himono hovers overhead and blinks, its mouth still wide open. "What the hell are you doing!" yells Inuyasha and rushes forward. "Sankontessou!" He destroys the himono. Grandpa is confused. Inuyasha recognizes it as the Shironyuudou Sango was talking about and asks grandpa where the rest is. "The rest?" "I'm asking you where the rest of the himono is!" Grandpa tells him that the one in the pot is the last. Inuyasha relaxes. "The never mind." Kagome's mother and Souta welcome Inuyasha. Souta asks him if he came to have fun. "No way!" Kagome's mother assumes Inuyasha will be having dinner with them. Kagome comes home. Inuyasha is playing with Buyo. She's surprised to see Inuyasha who informs her that after dinner they're going back to the Sengoku Jidai. He reminds her that they can't find any shikon shards without her. "Is that all?" Kagome replies. She then glares at Inuyasha. "I wanted to see you..." Inuyasha says, arms crossed and back hunched. "Is there a problem with that?" Kagome apologizes that she can't go back right now because she has a culture festival she has to be at. Grandpa rushes in and asks if family members can attend the festival as well. Kagome's mother says that they should all go. "Oh, I can go, too--" "NO!" Kagome cuts Inuyasha off. "Why not?!" Because if people found out he was a demon... "Feh!" Kagome leaves for school the following morning as Inuyasha lounges on the roof. Everyone inside is getting ready for the occassion. Shippo and Kirara are sitting at the edge of the well, waiting for Kagome and Inuyasha to come back. Shippo takes a himono out of his vest and eats it. It's tough so he takes his fox fire and tries to soften it. Suddenly, the himono explodes and turns into the huge mushroom thing. Sango comes in and flings her Hirakotsu at it, killing it. Miroku is surprised to see a youkai in these populated parts and Sango informs him that it was a youkai born from a himono. She extends her hand towards Shippo, asking for the rest of the himono. Shippo takes a bunch out of his pockets and tells Sango that Kagome took the rest. The gang decides that it should be fine as long as Inuyasha is over there. At the culture festival, everyone is running around in costumes, preparing for the big day. In the home ec room, the himono are lying by pots of boiling water. Some of the water splashes onto the himono. The room is filled with purple smoke and himono are everywhere. They leave the room leaving a huge mess behind.

Episode 128- The Dried Demon and the Fighting Festival
Naraku has vanished with most of the Shikon Jewel but the whereabouts of the last missing shard eludes him and everyone else. Taking advantage of the lull, Kagome returns home with a gift for the family: a package of 'hoshimono' (dried food) gathered back in the feudal era. Kagome settles back quickly into the comforts of home but she’s preoccupied with thoughts of Inu-Yasha. When she left him, he was acting too nice and it worries her. Her troubled thoughts evaporate when Kagome arrives at school the next morning. The school is in a turmoil preparing for a cultural festival. Kagome's three friends, Eri, Yuka & Ayumi, browbeat Kagome into joining their festival committees: chorus, refreshments and the class play. Kagome is quickly over-whelmed by her new commitments. On the other side of the well, Inu-Yasha and the others wonder why Naraku kidnapped Kagome, and conclude that he can't find the last missing shard without her help. In a dank swamp, Naraku visits Mimiseri, a demon with powerful hearing. Naraku orders Mimiseri to listen for information about the jewel shard and keep him advised. While Naraku enlists another ally, Inu-Yasha, Miroku and Sango dolefully ponder their own options. It's a depressing scenario: Naraku has most of the jewel, Koga has two shards, and then there is the jewel shard that keeps Kohaku alive. Sango is troubled by Kohaku's fate if Naraku gets the last shard, but Inu-Yasha reassures her they'll succeed. Inu-Yasha then notices Shippo munching on something strange. It also draws Sango's attention. Disgusted, Sango snatches the snack away from Shippo, telling him it's bad for him and eating it may make him sick. Back in Tokyo, festival preparations are in full swing when tragedy strikes: the soloist for the chorus gets sick and Kagome is recruited to take her part. The school play's leading lady injures herself and Kagome must take on her role. Last, but not least, Kagome's kitchen chores become challenging. Pushed to the brink by stress, Kagome hides out on school's roof where she bumps into Hojo. As they chat Hojo confesses his crush on Kagome, but his declaration falls on non-existent ears -- Kagome left, abandoning Hojo as usual. After her break, Kagome resumes her festival duties with new enthusiasm, even sharing her special hoshimono with the refreshment committee. Meanwhile, Inu-Yasha runs out of patience and goes to pick up Kagome. At the Higurashi house, Grandpa is finding the hoshimono tough to chew and decides to boil it to make it tender. As the hoshimono bubbles away a hideous steam demon is released. Grandpa continues to read his paper, blissfully unaware of the threat. Inu-Yasha arrives in the kitchen just as the creature is about to pounce, clobbering the vaporous ghoul. Peace is restored to the Higurashi home until Kagome arrives from school and finds Inu-Yasha waiting for her. They pick up the threads of their usual argument and Kagome is relieved, happy Inu-Yasha is back to normal. Waiting back at the well, Shippo prepares to snack on hoshimono he's hidden from Sango. He heats it when the hoshimono explodes into a demon. Sango rescues Shippo from being eaten by his own snack, and confiscates the remainder of the hoshimono. Shippo confesses he got the stuff from Kagome: it was part of the dried food she took home with her. Sango, Miroku and Shippo peer down the well, wondering if Inu-Yasha will encounter hoshimono-related problems. In Tokyo, the school festival begins. The food is cooked, rehearsals are finished and kids are in costume. In the Home Economics room, a lone pot boils over, splattering hot water on Kagome's package of hoshimono. As the festival events heat up, so do the demon sealed within the hoshimono!

Episode 129- Super Kyukai and a Plundered Bride
Village women are being abducted by a boar youkai called Chokyuukai, who was released by the youkai who escaped Mount Hakurei. A man named Kisuke comes to Kaede for help, and Miroku jumps at the chance to rescue women in peril. However, Chokyuukai uses enchanted headbands to make women fall in love with him, and ends up ensnaring Kagome. In order to get her back, Shippou disguises himself as a prospective bride to gain access to Chokyuukai's fortress. Inuyasha removes Kagome's headband and has her shoot Chokyuukai with a sealing arrow, returning him to imprisonment.

Episode 130- Roar, Shippo! Arcanum 'Wound of the Heart'
We see 5 foxes being attack by this huge youkai.Then a kaze no kizu came and destroy it.Shippo appear and check around then left.The 5 foxes thought shippo did the kaze no kizu so they set a journey to find him to attack one of their enemy. Then we see shippo with a girl named,Mazuki(something like that).She gave shippo a flower lei and he blushed.After we see miroku talking to this other person about something perverted and got hit by sango boomerang.Inuyasha was also saying something stupid and since he was sitting on a well,kagome sits him after fall after fall.he bangs down to the water,climbs back out,bangs back down,climbs back out,bangs back down.^_^. Then we see miroku,sango,kagome leaving inuyasha at the temple with the person miroku was talking to earlier. Shippo was sitting alone in the grass making another flower shape heart lei for Mazuki.Then all of a sudden the 5 foxes appear again and tackle him down.They talk and they ask shippo to do the kaze no kizu.Shippo of couse was freak out about what to do so he tells them to stay there while he went back to the temple to find InuYasha. We see inuyasha sleeping on the floor snoring (SO KAWAII!)He woke up when shippo started to call him (GRR!) Shippo takes the tetsusaiga and trys to use the kaze no kizu but no use.Inuyasha then takes tetsusaiga ans shows him the kaze no kizu and tears up the floor of the temple.Inuyasha was shock at what he done and looks around for shippo and found he was gone and got very mad. Shippo then walks along the trail.Mazuki then runs up to him and shippo gives her the lei he made and she thank him.SHippo then tells her that its dangerest outside and tells her to go back to the village.She nods and starts to run back.The 5 foxes who were pretending to be the rock in the background came out and they started to talk again.Then a lizard youkai appears and the 5 foxes tells the youkai that their "leader" (reffering to shippo) can beat him.Shippo got all scared and he uses his crying mushrooms and runs away.The 5 foxes runs away as fast as they could too. Shippo is back by the river again breathing for air.the 5 foxes are behind him.They then see Mazuki and tells shippo to attack her.Shipo delines and then somehow accept somehow in another talk.Shippo turns into the pink blob thing with the 5 foxes on top of him.He floats over to Mazuki and the fozes starts to attack her with their mushrooms/rocks.Mazuki falls over and rolls down to the river,body facing down.Shippo transform back and went down to see if Mazuki was alright.Mazuki then gets up water all over her body,it was all shiny and beautiful.Mazuki looks over and shippo and felt betrayed and starts to run back to the village.Shippo was all sad and the 5 foxes was saying good job,you did it. The youkai lizard appear again wanting another fight.Shippo back was turn agaist him and then he got fire around him and trys to throw a punch at him but got punch back from him.He then gets up still.His bangs are covering his eyes,looking down.He then looks back up all of a sudden with fire bursting all around him.He jumps on the liazard and bites him down hard.He tells the foxes to help him so they also jump on the liazard and bite him down. The lizard is now on the ground looking dead.The foxes ahnks shippo and bows then leaves.In the background we see the lizard going back into the river. The lizard starts to walk and ends up by the side of miroku.Miroku uses one of his charm on him and he turns back into a small lizard.Sango and kagome just blinks. Everone is back at the temple again,its night.5 ladies comes to serve sango,miroku,shippo,inuyasha,kagome's dinner.Mazuki serves shippo's dinner.Shippo trys to talk to her but she says hmph and sticks touge at him.InuYasha realize what happen and says shippo got dump!Shippo got all mad and jumps on inuyasha and bites him!Inu jumps all over the place screaming.(cute!)

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