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To see more of Mark's boyish charm and dazzling good looks, go to my Star Wars pages by clicking here.
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One of the silliest and most sinister characters Mark has played is in The Flash II: Revenge of the Trickster. Mark plays James Jesse, aka 'The Trickster '. He's crazy and deadly and out to get The Flash who he thinks stole the woman he loves...she's a bounty hunter (?), trying to capture him! The movie is funny in places but contains adult situations: J.Jesse is wanted for murder in 6 states. He's not a very nice guy....
but he sure is cute in his tights!
Mark looks likes he's enjoying this way too much!
Mark plays a villain very well!  The Flash is only one of several movies where Mark plays a very bad character. Check out The City (below) and Midnight Ride to see Mark at his baddest!
Mark is Eugene Banks in The City. He plays a young man obsessed with doing harm to an aging but somewhat famous country and western singer, played by Jimmy Dean,who he thinks is his father and who abandoned him and his mother.
I don't have many pics from this movie. (But I'm always looking for more pics of Mark!)  I believe The City may have been made for TV. Jimmy Dean co-stars with Don Johnson.
Body Bags is actually 3 short movies in one. Mark is in the third part called  "The Eye" He plays Brent Matthews, a baseball pitcher, I think. He's involved in a car accident which results in him losing an eye. He agrees to undergo an experimental operation to transplant a donor eye. From there, things go from bad to worse! This is one instance where the cure was far worse than the injury!
Body Bags: The Eye
The City
The Flash II: Revenge of the Trickster
I would like to thank Jedi Mistress for allowing me to post these pics from Body Bags. Without her hard work and patience, I wouldn't have them! Thank you, JM!
Check out her site here!
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