Updated: 23 July 1998
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A Conscience in the Infinite.
Images running around a mind.

Strange time...
Vampires, and others...
Aggression, murders...

A movement, imperceptible in the darkness. Eyelids shivering in the search of...
''...My daughters?''

Los Angeles, USA.
July raised her eyes to the heavens...
The Calling...
Tears of joy, tears of blood...
And then, she felt something burning in her ecstatic soul...
The dark flame of power...

A smile in the darkness.

Pretoria, South Africa.
Henriette looked him right in the eyes. One of the Pretoria's white Prince's ghoul. He loved to kill blacks. And better if they were caitiff blacks. He smiled as looked forward putting the gun on her eye, all the while caressing her smooth black skin in a false father-like way...
Lover-like way...
He saw, too late, and with an almost comical look on his face, the thousand spiders climbing on his clothes...
And then, he knew he would die...

A sigh in the darkness
"Awaken, my daughters..."

East Berlin, Germany.
They wouldn't let her go. She would be a good example for the Anarchs. Karl loved the hunts, and even more caitiff hunts. Soon he would add 'Joan' to his list. He arrived in the balcony. She was finished.
Where was she?
Karl turned around. Nothing. More than one hundred meters lower, he could see with his heightened senses the boots of Joan. But nothing else...
Less than one meter above his head, Joan emerged from the darkness, crawling on the roof, web tensed between her two hands as a unescappable net, and fangs dripping of deadly poison, threatening Karl...

A shake of the head in the darkness. François Villon, of the Bloodline of Arikel...
Laughing in the darkness.

Paris, France.
François Villon and Alexis were talking about the future of the Veilleurs, when, at the arm of the Brujah Ron, arrived one of the most beautiful women they had ever seen.
She walked to the Prince, with a feline grace, wearing the most perfect gown ever created by Arnaud, his creative mind inspired by the one who wore it. She was gorgeous, a deadly temptress. Alexis and Villon looked at each other, amazed: The Bâtarde visibly came changed from an unknown event. Vicissitude couldn't explain all... All looked to her as she walked among her betters and still, her beauty rivaling with insolence that of the most beautiful Toreador. Catherine smiled, her hand slowly moved toward Villon, who tooks hers with his own.
"My Prince..."
Her eyes of lapis-lazuli burning with purple speckles met Villon's, perplexed and charmed. She smiled, showing the pearly white of her delicate teeth between her blood red lips.
A caitiff among the other Clans.
A Black Widow among her victims...

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